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Società di Danza - Trieste

Home > Trieste

19th century school
Cultural association directed by Fabio Mòllica
National Federation Società di Danza

Corsi di Danze Ottocentesche
Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish country dance

For the activities of Circolo della Società di Danza di Trieste from 2013,
courses, tea dance, grand balls and events
consultare la PAGINA FACEBOOK Società di Danza Trieste    
see the PAGINA FACEBOOK Società di Danza Trieste    
and Instagram    

Year 2024-2025

Course of 19th century dance
Quadrille - Waltz - Mazurka - March
Scottish country dance

from October 2024

every week on Friday
Oratorio dei Salesiani
Via dell'Istria 53, Sala RUA (internal parking)

Free dancing evening - h. 19.45

Friday 27 September 2024

Ma. Carla C. 349 6714566
Giacomo V. 346 5012279
Come and a dance with us to realize
tea dances, grand balls and cultural events, to discover the magic of of the mitteleuropean society
Couples are preferred
Reduction for students

To understand who we are, what we do and why, please visit the pages

FACEBOOK                Instagram

Year 2023-2024

Course of 19th century dance
Quadrille - Waltz - Mazurka - March
Scottish country dance

from October 2023

every week on Friday
Oratorio dei Salesiani
Via dell'Istria 53 (internal parking)

Two open free dancing evening - h. 20.30

Friday 29 September and 6 October 2023

Ma. Carla C. 349 6714566
Giacomo V. 346 5012279
Came and a dance with us to realize
tea dances, grand balls and cultural events, to discover the magic of of the mitteleuropean society
Couples are preferred
Reduction for students

To understand who we are, what we do and why, please visit the pages

FACEBOOK                Instagram

Società di Danza - Trieste

Grand Ball "dello Scettro"

Sunday 16 June 2024
Cortile d'Onore
Via Castello di Miramare, Trieste

Information - 349 6714566

Società di Danza - Trieste

Grand Ball "del Trionfo"

Sunday 17 December 2023 - h. 15
Sala Teatro Piccola Fenice
Via S. Francesco d'Assisi 5, Trieste

Program: Spanish Waltz, March "delle Camelie", Waltz Amélie, Quadrille Stradella (1,2,3,5), Contraddanza del Trionfo (music by Josef Strauss) and The Triumph (Scottish), Waltz La farfalla, March "Su Monti e valli", Quadrille Orfeus (1,2), Waltz à la Paganini, Mazurka Tesoro mio, Contraddanza Le Beau Monde, Waltz "La figlia del Reggimento", Galop Guglielmo Tell
Information - 349 6714566

Year 2022-2023

Trieste Gradisca d'Isonzo

Course of 19th Cnetury Dance
Quadrille - Waltz - Mazurka - March
Scottish COuntry Dance

Two open dancing evenings - h. 20.30
in Trieste
Friday 30 September and 7 October 2022
in Gradisca d'Isonzo
Thursday 29 September and 6 October 2022

Ma Carla C 349 6714566
Giacomo V 3465012279

Teacher: Carla Collina
Came and a dance with us to realize
tea dances, grand balls and cultural events, to discover the magic of of the mitteleuropean society
Couples are preferred
Reduction for students

Trieste: Oratorio dei Salesiani, Via dell'Istria 53 (internal parking)
Gradisca d'Isonzo: Ricreatorio Parrocchiale Coassini, Via Campiello Giovanni Emo 4
To understand who we are, what we do and why, please visit the pages
FACEBOOK                Instagram

Leaflet - 1 - 2

Since January 2014 the new site of the group Società di Danza - Trieste has been active,
with information about courses and activities, at the following link: www.societadidanzatrieste.it


Year 2013-2014

Christmas Party

Saturday 21 December 2013 - h. 20.00
Salone delle feste, Chiesa di Santa Caterina
Via dei Mille, 18, Trieste

Info: Carla 349 6714566


Course of 19th century dance

Classes every two weeks
on Friday
from 4 October 2013
h. 20.00-23.00
Sala della chiesa S. Caterina da Siena
Via dei Mille, 18, Trieste
October 2013: Friday 4, 11 e 25
November 2013: Salurday 9, Friday 22
December 2013: Friday 6 e 20 January 2014: Friday 10, 24 e 31

Teacher: Carla Collina

Information: Carla 349 6714566

Società di Danza

19th century Ball

Saturday 21 September 2013 - h. 11.00 and h. 16
Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, Trieste
in 'Trieste Asburgia' organized by Caffè degli Specchi (1839) - Poster
Information - 349 6714566

Società di Danza