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Società di Danza - Mantova

National Federation Società di Danza

Home > Mantova
19th Century Social Dance

Quadrille, waltz, polka, mazurka, Scottish dance to introduce and
explore the world of 19th Century dance in Italy and Europe

Year 2024-2025

Course of 19th century dance - Mantova
Starting from October 2024 periodic classes
every two weeks on Saturday
h. 15.00 - 17.00
Palestra 'Pump'
Via A. De Giovanni 11, Sant'Antonio di Porto Mantovano (Mn)

Calendar 2024/2025

2023 - October: 5 and 19, November: 9 and 23, December: 7 and 14
2024 - January: 11 and 25, February: 8 and 22, March: 8 and 22
April: 5 and 12, May: 3, 10 and 24, June: 7

Teacher: Gianluca Storchi

For information: 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza Mantova

Scottish Party
live music: Lion Head
Sunday 18 May 2025, h. 15
S. Benedetto Poi (Mn)
Sala Polivalente, Via Montale 6/a

Info: Gianluca 347 1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball

Sunday 8 june 2025, h. 16
Villa Cavriani
Strada Provinciale Ostigliese 160
Garolda di Roncoferraro (Mantova)

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238

Società di Danza Mantova

Winter Dancing Party

Sunday 26 January 2025, h. 15

Oratorio della Parrocchia di Montanara
Via Roma 63
Montanara di Curtatone (Mantova)

Gianluca 347 1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it
Program: Spanish Waltz, Centenary Circle, Quadrille Bruckner***, Waltz Flammen, Mazurka 'dell'Ammiragliato'**, Quadrille Touristen, The Silver Grey**, March 'Auguri di buon anno', Quadrille Il mago della danza**, Waltz Repubblica Ligure, None so Pretty***, Waltz N. 2** and more

Year 2023-2024

Classes of 19th century dance were held in Mantova from Ocotber to June, periodically, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2023: 7-21/10, 11-25/11, 9-16/12 - 2024: 13-27/1, 10-24/2, 10-24/3, 9-23/4, 6-20-27/5, 11-25/6

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball

Sunday 30 June 2024, h. 16
Villa Cavriani
Strada Provinciale Ostigliese 160
Garolda di Roncoferraro (Mantova)

with buffet dinner

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238

Società di Danza Mantova

Scottish Party
live music: Lion Head
Sunday 5 May 2024, h. 15
Palasanvito, Via don Dante Cafarra
Bagnolo San Vito (Mn)

Welcome Reel, A Trip to Drakensberg***, A Jig for Mrs.Dunn, The Reivers**, Jane's Jig, Blackwater Reel***, Uncle Bill's Jig**, Miss Falconer's Fancy, Luckenbooth Brooch***, The Thornhill Strathspey**, Festival Interceltique
and more...

Info: Gianluca 347 1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza Mantova

Dancing Party

Sunday 28 January 2024, h. 15
Centro Polivalente Masec
Piazza Falcone e Borsellino, Guidizzolo (Mantova)

Information: Gianluca 347 1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it
Program: Spanish Waltz, We Willie's Jig, Quadrille Orpheus**, March su monti e valli, Polka Boema**, Coats Land***, Waltz Amelie, Chased Lovers**, Quadrille Stradella, Walts 'Segreti dal mondo della danza viennese'**, The Scotch Tangle, Quadrille Fest***, Waltz Simpatia, Mazurka Tesoro mio** and more ...

Società di Danza Mantova

19th Century Ball

Sunday 1 October 2023
h. 18

Forte Magnaguti
Borgoforte (Mantova)

in "I segreti del Forte"
with FAI Delegazione Mantova

Information: Gianluca 347 1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza Mantova

Serata danzante

Animation of 19th century dance and Scottish dance

Saturday 16 September 2023
h. 20.30

Centro Sociale Valletta Valsecchi
Via Ariosto 2, Mantova

Informarion: Gianluca 347 1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Year 2022-2023

Classes of 19th century dance were held in Mantova from Ocotber to June, periodically, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2022: 15-29/10, 12-26/11, 10-17/12 - 2023: 7-21/1, 4-18/2, 4-8/3, 1-15-29/4, 6-20/5, 3/6

Società di Danza Mantova

Grand Ball

Saturday 17 June 2023, h. 16.00
Villa Canaro Nerli
Via Pedroni 9, Gonzaga (Mn)

Program: Spanish Waltz, Welcome Reel, Pas de Trois, Quadrille Le Beau Monde***, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Waltz Titania**, Quadrille Etruria, Caldercruix***, Quadrille Araldi**, Waltz Artist's Life, Mazurka Don Chisciotte**, Contraddanza Cinderella, Waltz Acquerelli, MarchCaroussel

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Dancing Party

Sunday 15 January 2023
h. 15.00
Centro Polivalente Masec
Piazza Falcone e Borsellino, Guidizzolo (Mantova)

Program: Spanish Waltz, The Hospitality Circle,
Quadrille 'alla Moda', March 'Sguardo sul Danubio', Waltz Parisienne, The Australian Ladies, Quadrille 'Parigina', EH37AF,
Long Live the Queen, Quadrille Volksgarten,
Waltz 'Vino, Donne e Canto', Mazurka 'Al Ballo dell'Opera',
Waltz Il Trovatore, Polka Irene, and more ...

Information: Gianluca 347 1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

Dancing afternoon
Dancing afternoon with animation with 19th century and Scottish dance
Sunday April, 23, 2023, h. 15
Rodigo (Mn)
R.S.A. Villa Carpaneda, Via Cantarana 25

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Year 2021-2022

Classes of 19th century dance were held in Mantova from Ocotber to June, periodically, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2021: 9-23/10, 13-27/11, 4-18/12 - 2022: 8-22/1, 12-26/2, 12-26/3, 9-23/4, 7-21/5, 4-11/6

Società di Danza Mantova

Grand Ball

Saturday 18 June 2022, h. 16.00
Villa Brà
Via Dante 97
Bonferraro (Vr)

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

19th Century dance and Scottish dance

Sunday 12 June 2022, h. 16
R.S.A. "Isabella d'Este"
P.le Michelangelo 2, Mantova

19th Century Dance and Scotttish Dance

Sunday 24 April 2022, h. 11.30 and h. 14.00
Castellaro Lagusello (Mn)
Piazza Generale Orlandi 2
in 'Festa dei Fiori'

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238

Year 2019-2020

Classes of 19th century dance were held in Mantova from Ocotber to February, periodically ,
then uspended for the sanitary constraints, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2019: 12-26/10, 9-23/11, 7-14/12 - 2020: 11-25/1, 8-22/2, planned: 14-28/3, 4-18/4, 9-23-30/5, 6/6

Società di Danza Mantova

Grand Ball

Note: postponed - date to be defined
Saturday 6 June 2020, h. 21.00
Piazzale del Santuario
Grazie di Curtatone (Mn)

Presentation of 19th Century dance and animation
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza Mantova

Grand Ball

Note: postponed - date to be defined
Saturday 19 September 2020, h. 21.00
Piazzale Garibaldi
Suzzara (Mn)

Presentation of 19th Century dance and animation
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Scottish Party

Saturday 4 January 2020, h. 15
Via Lombardi 16
Levata di Curtatone (Mn)
Scottish Dance

The Hospitality Circle, The Highland Rambler, The Kingston Jig,
Glasgow Country Dance, Catch as Catch Can, St.Martin s Strathspey,
Border Meeting, The Aviator, The Pipe Opener, The Scotch Circle,
James Gray, The New Caledonia Jig, Pint O Ale is Fine,
Trip to Timber Ridge e altre danze a sorpresa

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

19th Century dance
among the Christmas markets

Sunday 8 December 2019, h. 15
Castellaro Lagusello (Mn)
Piazzale della Chiesa
Via Castello
Spanish Waltz, The Hospitality Circle, Pas de Trois, French Quadrille (I and IV), Waltz Flammen, March avantgarde, Galop and animation

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza Mantova

19th Century Ball

Sunday 15 September 2019, h. 16.30
Suzzara (Mn)
Piazza Garibaldi

Presentation of 19th Century dance
and animation
Spanish Waltz, The Easiest Dance, Pas de Trois,
Quadrille 'Lo Zingaro Barone' (1,2,5), Flammen Waltz, Mazurka 'Il Cavaliere Pasman', Galop Guglielmo Tell and animation dance

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Year 2018-2019

Classes of 19th century dance were held from October to June every two weeks, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2018: 6-20/10, 3-17/11, 1-15/12 - 2019: 12-26/1, 9-23/2, 9-23/3, 6-13/4, 11-25/5, 1-8/6

Scottish Party

Sunday 9 June 2019, h. 15
Palestra Scuola Sacchi
Via Giulio Romano 58
Scottish dances and self organized buffet

The Easiest Dance*, The College Hornpipe**, The Saint John s Rant*, The Ambassador s Reel**,
The Bon Viveur***, Collie Law*, The Reel of the 51th Division**, Caerlaverock Castle***,
The Campbells are coming*, The Gilly Flower**, The Silver Thistle***,
The Piper and the Penguin*, Hello Good-Bye Strathspey**, Lord MacLay s Reel*** and more dances...
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

19th century dances

Saturday 11 May 2019, h. 17.30
Teatro di Marmirolo
Via Roma 4
Marmirolo (Mn)

19th century dances in 'Galà delle arti'


Information: mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

Scottish Dances

Friday 10 May 2019, h. 17
Istituto Comprensivo di Curtatone
Via Maggiolini 6
Buscoldo (Mn)

animation of Scottish dances
in 'Energiadi' 2019

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

Scottish Dances

Saturday 4 May 2019, h. 16
Istituto Comprensivo 'C. Monteverdi'
Via Monteverdi 145
Porto Mantovano (Mn)

animation of Scottish dances in 'Energiadi' 2019

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

19th Century dance

16 December 2018, h. 15
Monzambano (Mn)
Piazzale della Chiesa di San Michele

19th Century dance and animation

Dance program:
Spanish Waltz, Gibson s Gallopp, March Wien,
Quadrille Bortolotti (I, III and V parts), Waltz 'I danzatori', Pas de Trois,
Waltz 'Vino donne e canto', Galop and animation

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball

Saturday 5 January 2019, h. 16.00
Villa Cavriani
Strada Provinciale Ostigliese 160
Garolda di Roncoferraro (Mantova)

After the dances, dinner in the villa
Program: Spanish Waltz, A Ring of Friendship, Quadrille Boccaccio (1,2,3), March Vienna, Inchmickery, Waltz 'I danzatori', Quadrille 'Strofe Viennesi' (1,2,3), Schonbrunner Waltz, Quadrille Bortolotti, Waltz Wine, Women and song, The Flight of the Falcon, Waltz Don Carlo, Mazurka 'Il Cavaliere Pasman', Pas de Trois, Galop Guglielmo Tell
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

19th Century Dances
at Museo Civico 'G. Bellini'

Thursday 1 November 2018, h. 15.30
Museo Civico 'G. Bellini'
Via Garibaldi 7
Asola (Mn)

Spanish Waltz, Gibson s Gallop, Quadrille The Lancers, Caroussel March, Waltz à la Paganini, Festival Interceltique, Galop
and dances for all

Information - 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Year 2017-2018

Classes of 19th century dance were held from October to June every two weeks, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2017: 7-21/10, 4-18/11, 2-16/12 - 2018: 13-27/1, 10-24/2, 11-24/3, 7-21/4, 5-21/5, 2-8/6

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball 'in Manto'

Saturday 15 September 2018, h. 21.30
Palazzo Ducale, Sala di Manto

in collaboration with
Complesso Museale of Mantova Palazzo Ducale

Spanish Waltz, Gibson's Gallop, Quadrille The Lancers, Waltz à la Paganini, Caroussel March, Mazurka Magiara, Flowers' Waltz, Galop
and dances for all

Information - 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

19th Century Dance Evening

14 July 2018, h. 21
Suzzara (Mn)
Giardini Aronne Verona
in collaboration with Auser Insieme di Suzzara
Spanish Waltz, Gibson s Gallop, Quadrille The Lancers, Waltz della Repubblica Ligure, March Caroussel, Waltz Country Dance, Galop
and animation

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball

Saturday 16 June 2018, h. 18.00
Villa Guerrieri Maraini (Villa Alessia)
Piazza Sordello 8
Palidano di Gonzaga (Mantova)
Program: Spanish Waltz, Gibson s Gallop, Quadrille Sofia, Caroussel March, Shiftin Bobbins, Waltz Repubblica Ligure, Mazurka Magiara, Quadrille The Lancers, Waltz Le Onde del Danubio, The Scotch Circle, Pas de Trois, Quadrille Duca d'Aosta, Mazurka Saluti dall'Austria, Waltz Country Dance, Hunter s Moon, Galop
After the dances, buffet dinner in the villa
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball of the Flowers

Sunday 6 May 2018 h. 17
San Benedetto Po (Mantova)
Piazza Matilde
In 'Festa dei Fiori'

Program: Spanish Waltz, Gibson s Gallop, Quadrille The Lancers (halved), Waltz Repubblica Ligure, March Caroussel, Mazurka Greetings from Austria,
Flowers Waltz, Galop and open dances with the public
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Scottish Party

Saturday 28 April 2017, h. 16
Centro Sportivo Boschetto, Via Ferruccio Parri 1
Curtatone (Mantova)

Program: The Scotch Circle, Dunnet Head, A Reel for Alice,The Abbotsford Lassies, Gaelforce Wind, Strip the Willow, Hunter s Moon, The Soldier s Joy, Shiftin Bobbins, Waltz Country Dance, The Trysting Place, Gibson s Gallop, Gloria s Wee, Border Meeting and extra...
After the dances, dinner together (book within 22.4)
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball in Villa Schiarino

Saturday 6 January 2018, h. 16.00
Villa Schiarino Lena
Via Santa Maddalena 7/9
Porto Mantovano (Mn)
Program: Spanish Waltz, Tomalena, Russian March, Waltz N. 2, Artists Quadrille (1,2,3),
Mazurka Fata Morgana, Cindarella, Quadrille Venere (1,2,3), Waltz Ricordi, Pas de Trois,
Flora Quadrille (1,2,3), Post Chaise, Waltz à la Paganini, Galop
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball 'in Manto'

Saturday 16 September 2017, h. 21.30
Palazzo Ducale
Sala di Manto

organized by
Complesso Museale of Mantova Palazzo Ducale

Spanish Waltz, The Loch Ness Monster,
Mazurka Fata Morgana, Waltz Artist s Life,
Quadrille "Les Varietés Parisiennes" (2a, 4a e 5a figure),
Marcch Vienna, Valtz à la Paganini, Galop
and ...dances for all

Information - 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball

Sunday 27 August 2017, h. 17
Ostiglia (Mn)
Giardino storico Bonazzi, Via Gnocchi Viani 16
by Società di Danza Mantova and Modena-Mirandola
in collaboration with ANT

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Year 2016-2017

Classes of 19th century dance were held from October 2016 to June 2017 every two weeks, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2016: 8-22/10, 5-19/11, 3-10/12 - 2017: 14-28/1, 11-25/2, 11-25/3, 8-22/4, 13-27/5, 3-10/6

Grand Ball

Friday 23 June 2017
h. 21.30
Solferino (Mn)
Piazza Torelli

In the historical re-enactments of the Risorgimento
in the 'giugno solferinese'

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238


Dances and dinner
Saturday 8 July 2017, h. 21
Trattoria "La Pesa"
Piazza Generale Orlandi 8-10
Castellaro Lagusello (Mantova)

Società di Danza - Mantova

19th Century dance

Sunday 19 February 2017
h. 18
Teatro Sociale

19th Century dances in the event
'Tra le note di un sogno' organized by
FAI Delegazione di Mantova FAI giovani


Information: mantova@societadidanza.it

New Year Party

Saturday 7 January 2017
h. 17.30
Sala del chiostro della Chiesa di San Barnaba
Piazza Bazzani 1, Mantova

Information: mantova@societadidanza.it

19th Century Dance

Sunday 11 December 2016
h. 14.30
Solferino (Mn)
Piazza Ossario

19th century dance in the Square
in the event
'Natale 1859' (Christmas 1859)


Information: Gianluca 347-1490238

Year 2015-2016

Classes of 19th century dance were held from October 2015 to June 2016 every two weeks, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2015: 10-24/10, 7-21/11, 5-19/12 - 2016: 9-23/1, 6-20/2, 5-19/3, 9-23/4, 7-21/5, 4-11/6

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball

Saturday 11 June 2016 h. 21.15
Grazie di Curtatone (Mantova)
Piazzale del Santuario

Program: Spanish Waltz, Pas de Trois, Waltz Acquerelli, Mazurka Fata Morgana, French Quadrille, Cenerentola, Flowers Waltz and animation dance
Information: 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it


Dances and dinner
Saturday 25 June 2016, h. 17
Agriturismo Al Laghet
Strada Soana 13
Soave di Porto Mantovano (Mantova)

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball

Sunday 8 May 2016 h. 17
Castiglione delle Stiviere (Mantova)
Piazza San Luigi
in collaboration with Museo Internazionale della Croce Rossa

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball 'in Manto'

Saturday 2 January 2016
h. 21.30
Palazzo Ducale
Sala di Manto

organized by Complesso Museale Mantova Palazzo Ducale



Christmas Party

Saturday 20 December 2015 - h. 17
Teatro della Parrocchia di San Vito
Via Cavour, 14, Bagnolo San Vito (Mantova)
Self organized buffet
Program: Spanish Waltz, RAMC Rant, Quadriglia Cagliostro, Nice to See You, Waltz à la Paganini, Quadrille I Corsari, A Trip to the Drakenberg, Waltz Acquerelli, The Rutland Reel, Hungarian March, Quadrille Le Beau Monde, Dunnet Head, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Flower s Waltz, It Should Be Fun, Galop
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Year 2014-2015

Classes of 19th century dance were held from October 2014 to June 2015 every two weeks, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2014: 11-25/10, 15-29/11, 6-13/12 - 2015: 10-24/1, 7-21/2, 7-21/3, 14-28/4, 11-18/5, 6-13/6r>

Grand Ball of the Magic Nigth

Saturday 13 June 2015 h. 21.15
Grazie di Curtatone
Piazzale del Santuario (Mantova)
Program: Spanish Waltz, Pas de Trois, A Ring of Friendship
Mazurka Fata Morgana, Quadrille Una notte a Venezia, Waltz Acquerelli
The Dhoon, March Caroussel, Flowers' Waltz, Gibson's Gallop, Galop
...and some dance with together with the everyone
Information: 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Grand Balls of the Flowers

Sunday 3 May 2015 h. 17.30
San Benedetto Po (Mantova), Piazza Matilde
In 'Festa dei Fiori'

Program: Spanish Waltz, Pas de Trois , Flowers of Edinburgh, Waltz Principe Rodolfo, Polka Arabella, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Cindarella, Quadrille Una notte a Venezia, Flowers Waltz, March Caroussel, The Dhoon, Waltz Rinka, Mazurka Flowers of May, Galop
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it


Party of the end of the course with dinner
Saturday 20 June 2015, h. 17.30
Agriturismo Al Fugulér
Strada Roverbella, Bancole 78
Marmirolo (Mantova)
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it


Dancing afternoon fo all!
Charity event for Uildm Verona Onlus Sunday, 17 May 2015, h. 15.30
Istituto Salesiano don Bosco
Via Antonio Provolo 16
Informazioni: mantova@libero.it

Christmas Party

Saturday 20 December 2014 - h. 18
Teatro della Parrocchia di San Vito
Via Cavour, 14
Bagnolo San Vito (Mantova)
Many worderful dances and self organized buffet!
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Scottish Party

Sunday 30 November 2014, h. 15
Teatro della Parrocchia di San Vito
Via Cavour, 14
Bagnolo San Vito (Mn)

Program: A Highland Welcome, The Moray Reel, Vintage Simon, Time to Meet,
The Whistling Wind, A Scottish Jig, Linnea's Strathspey, The Loon Mountain Reel, Eightsome Reel, Miss Falconer's Fancy, The Dancing Master, The Duke of Perth,
Long Live the Queen, Diamond Jubilee and more...
Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball

Saturday 4 October 2014 h. 21.00
San Benedetto Po (Mantova)
Piazza Teofilo Folengo

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238; mantova@societadidanza.it

19th Century dances and Scottish dances

in "Festa dell'Anziano"
Sunday 7 September 2014 h. 14.30
Giardino della Fondazione Mazzali
Via Trento, 10 (Mantova)

Year 2013-2014

Classes of 19th century dance were held from October 2013 to June 2014 every two weeks, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2013: 12-26/10, 9-23/11, 7-14/12 - 2014: 11-25/1, 8-22/2, 8-22/3, 5-26/4, 10-24/5, 7-14/6

Società di Danza - Mantova

Grand Ball in the Gonzaga Palace

Saturday 28 December 2013, h. 21.30
Palazzo Ducale - Sala degli Arcieri
in the event "Una notte al museo" (A night at the Museum)

Information: Gianluca 347-1490238 - mantova@societadidanza.it


Party in the country in with dinner
Saturday 5 July 2014 h. 17.30
Agriturismo Fenilnovo
Strada Campagnolo, 3
46047 Porto Mantovano (MN)

Christmas Party

Sunday 22 December 2013 - h. 18
Teatro della Parrocchia di San Vito
Via Cavour, 14
Bagnolo San Vito (Mantova)

19th century dance

Saturday 14 September 2013 - h. 20.30

Arena estiva del Cinema Mignon
Chiesa di Sant'Apollonia
Via Benzoni, 14 (Mantova)

Year 2012-2013

Since September 2012 it has been founded the cultura association 'Società di Danza - Mantova',
Circolo affiliated to national Federation Società di Danza .

Classes of 19th century dance were held from October 2012 to June 2013 every two weeks, with teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2012: 6-20/10, 10-24/11, 1-15/12 - 2013: 12-26/1, 9-23/2, 9-23/3, 13-27/4, 11-26/5, 1-8/6

19th century dance in the Square

Saturday 8 June 2013 - h. 20.30

Piazza Garibaldi
Campitello (MN)

Dances on the barnyard

Sunday 16 June 2013 - h. 11.00
Corte Dondo
Riva di Suzzara (MN)

Spring Dance
Spring dances and dinner

Saturday 11 May 2013 - h. 16
Agriturismo Corte Settefrati
Str. Settefrati 38, Loc.Rivalta sul Mincio, Rodigo (Mn)

Information: Gianluca 347.1490238 mantova@societadidanza.it

19th century dance
with Santa Claus and the elfs

Saturday 8 December 2012, h. 15.00
Piazza Garibaldi
Campitello (MN)

Christmas Party

Saturday 22 December 2012 - h. 21
Teatro della Parrocchia di San Vito
Via Cavour, 14
Bagnolo San Vito (Mantova)

Year 2011-2012

19th century dances started in Mantova and held periodically from October 2011 to June 2012 with the teacher Gianluca Storchi.
2011: 15-29/10, 12-26/11, 3-10/12 - 2012: 14-28/1, 11-25/2, 10-24/3, 10-24/4, 14-28-5, 9-16/6

19th century dance

in "Levata in festa"

Saturday 16 June 2012 - h. 19.30

Via Levata, 67
Levata (MN)

Dances on the barnyard
in "Festa del Volontariato"

Sunday 6 May 2012 - h. 15.00
Corte Strale
Roverbella (MN)

Sunday stages

The Circoli of Bergamo, Mantova, Milano and Trento jointly organize a cycle of Sundays to study practice and theory of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Stage to exploit together the idea of the Società di Danza

23 October 2011
Palestra S. Sacchi, V. Giulio Romano 58

22 January 2012, Stezzano (Bg)

h. 11.00-18.00 - Break h. 13.30

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

For information: 339.8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball Risorgimentale

Saturday 8 October 2011 - h. 21

Palazzo della Ragione, Piazza delle Erbe
March, Spanish Waltz, Country dance Cumberland Reel,
March Caroussel, Quadrille Francese, Waltz Acquerelli, March Roma, Country dance Cindarella , Mazurka Fata Morgana, Pas deTrois,
Waltz Gaudente, Galop

Year 2010-2011

19th century dances started in Mantova and held periodically from October 2010 to June 2011 with the teacher Gianluca Storchi.

Grand Ball Risorgimentale

Saturday 23 July 2011
h. 20.00: first part - h. 22.30: second part

Governolo (Mantova)
Conca del Bertazzolo

Poster (in italian)

Gran Ballo Risorgimentale

2 June 2011 - h. 19

Bancole di Porto Mantovano (Mn)
Piazza della Resistenza

Entrance march, Spanish Waltz, Cumberland Reel , Quadrille Francese, March Roma,
Waltz Acquarelli, Cindarella, Pas de Trois, Mazurka Fata Morgana,
Quadrille del M.o Dun, March Caroussel, Waltz Gaudente, Galop

19th century dance

Performance of 19th century dance
in the "Golden Disc 2011"

Auditorium cultural center of San Giorgio (Mantova)
Sunday 15 May 2011
h. 22

Sunday stages

The Circoli of Bergamo, Mantova, Milano and Trento jointly organize a cycle of Sundays to study practice and theory of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Stage to exploit together the idea of the Società di Danza

October, 17th, 2010, Mantova
January, 23th, 2011, Bergamo Stezzano
h. 11.00-18.00 - Break h. 13.30

Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

For information: 339.8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

19th century Grand Ball

20 November 2010
Palazzo Ducale di Mantova
Sala degli Specchi

in the day 'Musei in Musica'

Year 2009-2010

19th century dances started in Mantova and held periodically from October 2009 to June 2010 with the teacher Gianluca Storchi.

Gran Ball
with the dancers of "Società di Danza"
19th century dance
Waltz, polka, mazurka, quadrille and country dance
Sunday 14 February 2010 - h. 18

Circolo Unificato dell'Esercito
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 35, Mantova

Sunday stages

The Circoli of Bergamo, Mantova, Milano and Trento jointly organize a cycle of Sundays to study practice and theory of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Stage to exploit together the idea of the Società di Danza

November, 15th, 2009 Bergamo - January, 24th, 2010, Mantova, Palestra Alpi - Via Ilaria Alpi, 6
h. 11.00-18.00 - Break h. 13.30

Festa di inizio corso

Saturday 3 October 2009 - h. 19.30
Parrocchia di Sant'Antonio
Porto Mantovano

open dancing eventing and buffet

Year 2008-2009
19th century dances started in Mantova and held periodically from October to June with the teacher Gianluca Storchi.
Società di Danza