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Società di Danza - Firenze

Home > Firenze

  School of 19th Century Dance
Cultural association directed by Fabio Mòllica
National Federation Società di Danza
Waltz, Quadrille, Contry Dances, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country Dances
Tea dances and Balls - Promotion of historical research in the dance field.

Società di Danza - Firenze
Cultural Association
Directed by S. Balsamo

Course of 19th century dance in Florence
Courses are active from October to May
Contact us for information and to participate

  Information: firenze@societadidanza.it
tel. 360.233650

Year 2024-2025

Società di Danza organizes courses of 19th century dance
with periodic classes from October to May, for the year 2024-2025 from October 2024 to May 2025, on Saturday every two weeks
and some weekly classes on Wednesday evening - contact us for the calendar

Preparation for 19th century Grand Balls and Grand Ball Risorgimentale
Stage and seminars - Tea dances and parties - Scottish Country Dance - Events

Contact us for information and to participate!

Course of 19th Century Dance - Firenze
Course with periodic classes of Società di Danza di 19th century dance
Next class on 19 October 2024
Contact us for information!

Course of 19th Century Dance from October 2024 to May 2025 on Saturday afternoon
at Sala Scuola Florence Dance Academy, Via de' Vespucci 7, Firenze
News: weekly classes on Wednesday evening - contact us for further information

  Informazioni: tel. 360.233650 - firenze@societadidanza.it
on Saturady afternoon every two weeks

Calendar 1st course (October 2024 - January 2025)
2024: 5/10 - 19/10 - 26/10 - 9/11 - 23/11 - 7/12 - 21/12
2025: 11/1 - 25/1
Calendar 2nd course (February - May 2025)
2025: 8/2 - 22/2 - 8/3 - 22/3 - 5/4 - 26/4 - 10/5 - 24/5

Classes for three levels - Saturday from 15.00
beginners - intermediate - advanced
Teacher: S. Balsamo
You can try a class
Contact us
we are happy to give more information

  Information: tel. 360.233650 - firenze@societadidanza.it

  Società di Danza - Firenze

Gran Ballo Lorenese

Saturday 30 November 2024, h. 19.00
Villa medicea La Petraia, Firenze

'Gran Ballo Lorenese' in the historic and marvellous Salone of
Villa medicea La Petraia
on the occasion of
Festa della Toscana,
presented by Società di Danza Firenze

The Gran Ballo Lorenese pays a tribute to the culture and history of a fundamental moment in Florentine and Italian life: the Florence of the Lorraine in the first half of the nineteenth century.

Dance was a central element of city life, at Court as in the palaces and aristocratic villas, as in bourgeois families and the working classes.
For this complex social universe, the dance masters of the time built, to enhance dance as a place and means of meeting, a system of dance technique and "European" repertoire, of which the grand ducal court and the city of Florence were a faithful mirror.

On the occasion of the Festa della Toscana the dancers of the Società di Danza Firenze in period dress reproduce the style and dances of this period.
Information: Reservation required - information at this link - Program of the project Komorebi
Grand Ball Lorenese is presented by Società di Danza Firenze - www.societadidanza.it - in collaboration and in the project Komorebi di Stazione Utopia in Autunno Fiorentino 2024, Comune di Firenze, and Direzione Generale Spettacolo, Direzione regionale Musei nazionali Toscana, Ville e residenze monumentali fiorentine

  Società di Danza - Firenze
Grand Ball at Villa medicea La Petraia
Saturday 28 September 2024, h. 20.00
Villa medicea La Petraia, Firenze

On the occasion of European Heritage Days 2024, the 19th century Grand Ball
at Villa medicea La Petraia
by Società di Danza Firenze

Reconstruction of social dances of European tradition
Quadrille, waltz, Mazurke, Polka, Contradanze, with dancers in period dance dresses

In the prestigious frescoed courtyard of the villa relives the atmosphere of the social dances of European tradition. The noble 16th-century courtyard, transformed at the behest of the first king of Italy into a reception hall for the holidays, comes alive; with dancers in vintage dress that recreate a 19th -century dance party with romantic waltz, quadrils, mazurke, Polke, Gallops and country dance, according to the style of the time dance masters and on music taken from the opera tradition and the best European repertoire for dance.

In the program, some songs of the concert held at Petraia will be re -proposed on September 1, 1872 on the occasion of the engagement party of the son of Vittorio Emanuele II with Blanche de Larderel: some famous waltz of Johann Strauss and opera airs.
The public will enter the Il pubblico entrerà in the festive atmosphere of the Grand Ball, accompanied by the description of aspects and values of dance and culture of time.
Whoever wishes at the end will be invited to the dance of the Grand Ball.

Informazioni - Required reservation at link - sold out, waiting list - organized by associaizone Culter in the program 'I Giardini della Bizzaria' Stazione Utopia, collaboration with Unicoop Firenze, in 'Estate Fiorentina' 2024
Villa medicea La Petraia - drm-tos.villapetraia@cultura.gov.it - www.polomusealetoscana.beniculturali.it
Società di Danza Firenze - firenze@societadidanza.it - www.societadidanza.it

Year 2023-2024
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza Firenze during the year 2023-2024 organized coursesof 19th century dance and scottish coutrny dance
from September 2023 to May 2024 in Firenze with teacher S. Balsamo.
Società di Danza Firenze belongs to Federation Società di Danza and shares the goals, projects and the idea of dance.
Stage from September 2023: 7/10, 21/10, 28/10, 11/11, 18/11, 2/12, 16/12, 2024: 13/1 e 27/1, 10/2, 24/2, 9/3, 23/3, 6/4, 20/4, 4/5, 18/5, 25/5

We organized 19th century Grand Balls, and in particular
Grand Ball at Villa La Petraia
19th Century Dance, Biblioteca delle Oblate
il Christmas Ball Villa Viviani
Ball 'del Ninfeo' Villa Gerini di Colonnata
seminar "The Ball dress in the Romantic 19th century"
parties and events of 19th century dance and Scottish dance.

Some recent activities

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An invitation to the dancing Summer

Grand Ball
Ball of Nymphaeum

2 June 2024, h. 16
Villa Gerini di Colonnata, Firenze

Via XX Settembre 259
Sesto Fiorentino (Fi)

Reconstruction of a 19th Century Ball in historical Villa
19th century dance, waltz, contredance, march,
quadrille, polka, mazurka
social dance of European tradition
Promenade nel parco della villa

Dance program: Spanish Waltz, Harlequin March, Contraddanza Orfeus, Opera Mazurka, Quadrille "I Corsari", Waltz La Gazza Ladra, Tzar March, Waltz Don Chisciotte,
Pas de Trois, Quadrille Bluebeard, Cotillon, Waltz Blue Night, Contraddanza Bonvivant, Quadrille Annika, Waltz Tanzlust, Galop Guglielmo Tell, cotillons and more

History of Villa Gerini di Colonnata in the locality of Colonnata, Sesto Fiorentino, property in the 14th century of the Florentine Cappelli family. 'Colonnata' would have originated from the remains of the Roman aqueduct for Florence with a route partly underground, but near the villa partly above ground with arches, hence the toponym 'Colonnata'. Cappelli was an important Florentine family, Filippo Cappelli was standard bearer and ambassador to the king of France. The villa was enlarged in the 17th century and frescoed in the gallery and with fountains in the park. He passed to the Del Benino family and from 1860 to the Marquis Carlo Gerini. It is said that the gardener Francesco Zoppi delivered to the Marquis Ferdinando del Benino of the gold coins found in the park of the villa, an event that inspired the famous episode of the Field of Miracles in Collodi's Pinocchio, Carlo Lorenzini.
The villa and its park were reworked over the centuries and its current appearance and dimensions are largely due to the Gerini family. In the park we find a grove of holm oaks cut by paths, a lawn parterre with ornaments and stone basins, and an artificial lake in the middle of which two islets emerge which house a pavilion intended as a tea room. In the past the park was enriched by a series of rare plants, of which centuries-old plants and which include centuries-old plants.

Participation by invitation - Contact us for further information

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it - tel. 360.233650

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XIX Century Dance

Saturday 18 May 2024
h. 20.30

Biblioteca delle Oblate
Via dell'Oriuolo 24

Presentation of 19th Century social dance
in collaboration with association
Corporazioni delle Arti
in the event
Verità, miti e leggende sul filo e le due arti
at Biblioteca delle Oblate
Free entrance



  Società di Danza - Firenze

Biblioteca F. Buonarroti

Scottish Dances

Friday 21 June 2024, h. 17.30

Biblioteca Comunale F. Buonarroti, Chiostro
Via A. Guidoni 118, Quartiere Q5 Firenze

Presentation and animation of Scottish dances
in Festa della Musica 2024
Reel, Jig and strahspey lead the various types of the lively traditional Scottish country dances
The public will then be invited to try some simple country dances
Società di Danza is an affiliated group of the
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

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The Ball dress
in 19th Century Romantic period

Saturday 13 April 2024
h. 15
Biblioteca F. Buonarroti, Sala Archi
Via A. Guidoni 118
Quartiere Q5 Firenze

Seminar-presentation on ball dress
in the romantic period of the 19th Century
by Ariane Leiches, Atelier sartoriale
"La Stanza di Ofelia" di Faenza
Women's and men's clothing, history and evolution, models and fabrics, accessories and crinolines, hairstyles and details
Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

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Carnival Party

Saturday 17 February 2024
h. 15.30

Dancing masked party
Sala Florence Dance, Via de' Vespucci 7

Carnival Dancing Party
with 19-th century dance and Scottish country dance,
dance of society and dances for all
quadrilles, waltz, mazurka, polka, Scottish dance
anc cotillons
Spanish wlatz, Cameile March, Pudsey Bear, Quadrille Stradella, Mazurka Rose of the Forset, Waltz Am&eaceute;lie, We Willie’s Jig, Quadrille Orpheus, Waltz Simpatia, Ciamar a Tha, Pas de Trois, Waltz La Farfalla, The De'il Among the Tailors, Waltz country Dance, Galop Guglielmo Tell, Cotillons and more extra and surprise...

Info: firenze@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza Firenze

Participation with 19th Century Dance to the
'Concerto di Natale 2023'

Saturday 16 December 2023, h. 11
Villa Medicea La Petraia, Firenze

by Orchestra Sinfonica Florentia and with Accademia del Diletto, Firenze Vocal Ensable, and Società di Danza Firenze
organized by Villa Medicea la Petraia and Quartiere Q5 Città di Firenze,
in collaboration with 'Amici delle Ville e dei Giardini Medicei',
'Angeli del Bello' and 'Amici dei Musei e dei Monumenti Fiorentini'

Poster - Images

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Christmas Ball

8 December 2023, h. 15.30
Villa Viviani
Via Gabriele D'Annunzio 230

Entrance by invitation
19th Century Ball with social 19th century dance
Quadrille, waltz, mazurka, polka, country dance ...and cotillons!
Dress code: 19th Century ball dress of romantic period or evening dress

Spanish Waltz, Marcia "sui Monti e Valli", Waltz Louis XV, Quadrille Stradella (I-II-III), Mazurka Annina, Waltz Amélie, Quadrille Orpheus (I-II-III), Contraddanza Le Beau Monde, Waltz à la Paganini, La Têmpete, Quadrille Fest (I-II-III), Waltz "Segreti dal mondo della danza viennese", Mazurka Fiore Rosso, Waltz country dance, Galop Guglielmo Tell Cotillons e altre danze a sorpresa
The Christmas Ball will take place in the historic Villa Viviani salon. The villa originally dates back to 1200, then belonged to the Cerretani family since 1600, and since the 1800 passed to the Viviani della Robbia, when the internal courtyard was transformed into the current High Hall of Festivals. The villa was called Belvedere for the location with a splendid Italian style garden and an enchanting view of city of Florence. In 1892 it hosted the famous writer Mark Twain for a period, which described the villa and its 'friendly and welcoming' appearance.

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

Some recent activities

con il patrocinio del

  Società di Danza - Firenze
Grand Ball at Villa medicea La Petraia
Saturday 23 and Saturday 30 September 2023, h. 20..0 (entrance h. 19.30)
Villa medicea La Petraia, Firenze

On the occasion of European Heritage Days 2023, the 'Grand Ball' at Villa medicea La Petraia
by Società di Danza Firenze
Reconstruction of social dances of European tradition
Quadriglie, waltz, Mazurke, Polka, Contradanze, with dancers in period dance dresses
with patronage of Comune di Firenze
In the prestigious frescoed courtyard of the villa relives the atmosphere of the social dances of European tradition.
The noble 16th-century courtyard, transformed at the behest of the first king of Italy into a reception hall for the holidays, comes alive; with dancers in vintage dress that recreate a 19th -century dance party with romantic waltz, quadrils, mazurke, Polke, Gallops and country dance, according to the style of the time dance masters and on music taken from the opera tradition and the best European repertoire for dance
In the program, some songs of the concert held at Petraia will be re -proposed on September 1, 1872 on the occasion of the engagement party of the son of Vittorio Emanuele II with Blanche de Larderel: some famous waltz of Johann Strauss and opera airs.
The public will enter the Il pubblico entrerà in the festive atmosphere of the Grand Ball, accompanied by the description of aspects and values of dance and culture of time.
Whoever wishes at the end will be invited to the dance of the Grand Ball.

Information - Reservation is necessary: www.stazioneutopia.com/giardinidellabizzarria
in the program 'I Giardini della Bizzaria' in collaboration with Unicoop Firenze and Stazione Utopia

Villa medicea La Petraia - drm-tos.villapetraia@cultura.gov.it - 055 452691 - www.polomusealetoscana.beniculturali.it
Società di Danza Firenze - firenze@societadidanza.it - 360.233650 - www.societadidanza.it

The dancers of Società di Danza Firenze during the year 2023-2024 besides the events in Florence, participated to several other Grand Balls, stage, events of Società di Danza in various towns, including:

Year 2022-2023
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza Firenze during the year 2022-2023 organized coursesof 19th century dance and scottish coutrny dance
from September 2022 to May 2023 in Firenze with teacher S. Balsamo.
Società di Danza Firenze belongs to Federation Società di Danza and shares the goals, projects and the idea of dance.
Stage from September 2022: 1/10, 15/10, 29/10, 12/11, 26/22, 3/12, 17/12, 2023: 14/1 e 28/1, 11/2 - 25/2 - 11/3 - 25/3 - 1/4 - 15/4 - 22/4 - 6/5 - 20/5

We organized 19th century Grand Balls, and in particular
Grand Ball at Villa La Petraia
the "Ball with Caruso" at Museo Villa Caruso
the Carnival Ball at Villa Viviani
the Ball 'del Ninfeo' at Villa Gerini di Colonnata, parties and events of 19th century dance and Scottish dance.

Some recent activities

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Ball of Nymphaeum
2 June 2023, h. 16
Villa Gerini di Colonnata, Firenze

Via XX Settembre 259
Sesto Fiorentino (Fi)
Partecipation by invitation
Contact us for further information

19th Century Ball - dance of societ
quadrille, waltz, mazurka, polka, country dance, figured dances, Scottish dances
Promenade in the park of the Villa

Dance program
Spanish Waltz, March Caroussel, Quadrille Etruria, Waltz n. 2,
Contraddanza Guglielmo Tell, Mazurka 'del Volga', Waltz by Maestro Luigini, Quadrile Beau Monde,
Pas de Trois, Waltz Rinka, Quadrille Araldi, Mazurka Alpenrose, Waltz Artist's Life, Galop
cotillons and more

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it
History of Villa Gerini di Colonnata
The villa, which is surrounded by a large park, is recorded as an out-of-town residence from as early as the 14th century, when the Florentine Cappelli family were the owners. In the mid-17th century it passed into the hands of the Capponi family, who bequeathed it to the Del Benino family. In the second half of the 19th century it was owned by the marquis Carlo Gerini, who gave the villa the appearance it retains to this day, and its present name.
The building was much remodelled down the centuries: the austere appearance and monumental dimensions seen today are largely the result of alterations made by the Gerini family.
It is handed down that the gardener Francesco Zoppi gave to the Marquis Ferdinando del Benino of the gold coins found in the park of the villa, which inspired the famous episode of the "field of miracles' in Pinocchio by Collodi, namely Carlo Lorenzini.
The park, which was laid out in the 19th century when the surrounding vegetable gardens and other parcels of land were joined together, takes the form of a wood of holm-oaks, crossed by pathways, with a parterre in the form of a lawn adorned with stone basins, and an artificial lake with two islets in the middle, on which a pavilion used as a tea-house stands.

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Carnival Grand Ball

Sunday 19 February 2023, h. 16
Via Via Gabriele D'Annunzio 230
Entrance by invitation
19th Century Ball with dance of society
quadrille, waltz, mazurka, polka,
Scottish country dance and cotillons!
Dress code: 19the century ball of romantic period
or evening dress and mask
In the hall of Villa Viviani

Spanish Waltz, March Arciduca Carlo, Contraddanza 'La Festa delle Mele', Waltz Morining Star, Quadrille Parisienne, Mazurka 'Fiori di Ghiaccio', Waltz Ricordi, Quadrille Volskgarten, March 'Giubileo', Waltz Cenerentola, A Jig for Mrs Dunn, Waltz Parisienne, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Waltz Don Sebastiano, Galop

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza Firenze

Participation with 19th Century Dance to the
'Concerto di Natale 2022'

Saturday 17 December 2022, h. 11
Villa Medicea La Petraia, Firenze
by Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina and
with Società di Danza Firenze
organized by Villa Medicea la Petraia and Comune di Firenze Q5,
in collaboration with 'Amici delle Ville e dei Giardini Medicei',
'Angeli del Bello' and 'Amici dei Musei e dei Monumenti Fiorentini'

Poster - Program - Images

Società di Danza Firenze
Società di Danza Prato

'A Ball with Caruso'
Sunday 4 December 2022
h. 16 and h. 17.30
Museo Enrico Caruso
Villa Caruso Bellosguardo, Lastra a Signa, Firenze

A tribute to the tenor Enrico Caruso
through 19-th century dance with music by famous operas

In the marvellous scenario of the historical Villa Bellosguardo, that has been house of Enrico Caruso for a long time, un tribute through social dance of 19th century on period music, presented by dancers in 19th century ball dress, by
Società di Danza Firenze e Società di Danza Prato

in collaboration with Museo Enrico Caruso
- Poster
Free entrance
16.00: First entrance
17.30: Second entrance

Information: tel. 360.233650 - firenze@societadidanza.it

patrocinio del

  Società di Danza - Firenze
Grand Ball at Villa medicea La Petraia

Saturday 24 September 2022, h. 19.30
Villa medicea La Petraia

On the occasion of the European Heritage Days 2022, the 'Grand Ball' at Villa medicea La Petraia
by Società di Danza Firenze
Reconstruction of social dances of European tradition
Quadriglie, waltz, Mazurke, Polka, Contradanze, with dancers in period dance dresses
with patronage of Comune di Firenze
In the prestigious frescoed courtyard of the villa relives the atmosphere of the social dances of European tradition.
The noble 16th-century courtyard, transformed at the behest of the first king of Italy into a reception hall for the holidays, comes alive; with dancers in vintage dress that recreate a 19th -century dance party with romantic waltz, quadrils, mazurke, Polke, Gallops and country dance, according to the style of the time dance masters and on music taken from the opera tradition and the best European repertoire for dance
In the program, some songs of the concert held at Petraia will be re -proposed on September 1, 1872 on the occasion of the engagement party of the son of Vittorio Emanuele II with Blanche de Larderel: some famous waltz of Johann Strauss, the stories of the Viennese forest, the Blue Danube, Idyll and Telegrams, and Tritsch-Trasch Polka.
Moreover, contredanses, marches and waltzes on famous opera airs: La Gazza Ladra by Rossini, il Rigoletto by Verdi, Paganini's waltz, Fatinitza March by von Suppé and the romantic Flowers' Waltz by P. Cajkovskij.
Information - Free admission while seats available
Villa medicea La Petraia - drm-tos.villapetraia@cultura.gov.it -
055 452691 - www.polomusealetoscana.beniculturali.it
Società di Danza Firenze - firenze@societadidanza.it - 360.233650 - www.societadidanza.it

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Christmas Party

Sunday 18 December 2022, h. 15.30
Sala Dance Florence, Via de' Vespucci 7

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

The dancers of Società di Danza Firenze during the year 2022-2023 besides the events in Florence, participated to several other Grand Balls, stage, events of Società di Danza in various towns, including:

Year 2021-2022
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza Firenze during the year 2021-2022 held regular courses of 19th Century dance and Scottish country dance from October 2021 to May 2022 in Firenze, with teacher S. Balsamo.
Stage held from September 2021: 25/9 - 2/10 - 16/10 - 30/10 - 13/11 - 27/11 - 11/12, 2022: 15/1 - 29/1 -- 12/2 - 26/2 - 12/3 - 26/3 - 9/4 - 23/4 - 7/5 - 21/5
We organized Grand Balls, in particular
the Spring Grand Ball at Palazzo Pucci, the Carnival Grand Ball at Villa Viviani tea dance and event of Scottish country dance.

Some activities

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Grand Ball at Palazzo Pucci
19th Century Grand Ball
Sunday 24 April 2022

h. 16
Palazzo Pucci
Via de' Pucci 2, Firenze

Entrance by invitation
Limited number of participant

Reconstruction of a 19th Century Grand Ball
with social dance
Quadrille, waltz, mazurka, polka, country dance
Dress code: 19th Century romantic period ball dress

In the marvellous historical Palazzo Pucci recently restored,
in the heart of Florence

Salone di Apollo and Sala di Paride

Dance program: Spanish Waltz (Fesche Geister, E. Strauss), March Fatinitza (Franz von Suppè), Contraddanza Questa o Quella (da Il Rigoletto, G. Verdi),
Waltz 'della Repubblica Ligure' (N. Paganini), Quadrille Flora (J. Strauss), Mazurka Colombina (C. Lumbye), The Old Man of Storr (Reel),
Flowers' Waltz (P. Cajkovskij), Cotillon, Quadrille Colosseum (Josef Strauss), Waltz La Gazza Ladra (G. Rossini), Happy Returns (Reel),
Mazurka 'In der heimat' (Josef Strauss), Waltz 'Petrin's Roses' (Die Zeiserin, Josef Strauss), Contraddanza Romantica (J. Strauss),
Quadrille all'Improvviso (Stegreif-Quadrille, Josef Strauss), Flammen Waltz (Josef Strauss), March 'Roma' (Weyprecht-Payer-Marsch, Ed. Strauss)
And more: free waltzes, mazurkas, polkas and cotillons - Dances could be recapped

The historic Palazzo Pucci is an important historic residence in Florence. Through the monumental staircase you can reach the first floor where there are the splendid decorated rooms, with frescoes, paintings, valuable sculptures, the Hall of Apollo and the Hall of Paris with frescoes by important artists of the 1500s.
The first nucleus of the Palace dates back to 1480, built and belonged to the family of Antonio Pucci, then expanded with architectural interventions by famous architects and artists including Giovanni da San Giovanni, Jacopo Chiavistelli and Giovanni Domenico Ferretti. In 1901 it was declared a national artistic heritage by the General Direction of Antiquities and Fine Arts. It is located in the street of the same name, a few steps from the Duomo of Florence and can be easily reached on foot from the S. Maria Novella station
Information- firenze@societadidanza.it - 360.233650 - 348 6955431

Course of Nineteenth Century Dance - Firenze
Course of Società di Danza of 19th Century dance

II course from February to May 2022, h. 15
on Saturday afternoon
at Sala Florence Dance Academy, Via de' Vespucci 7, Firenze - Map

Information: tel. 360.233650 - firenze@societadidanza.it

Calendar first course (October 2021 - January 2022)
2021: 25/9 - 2/10 - 16/10 - 30/10 - 13/11 - 27/11 - 11/12 - 2022: 15/1 - 29/1
Calendar II course (February - May 2022)
2022: 12/2 - 26/2 - 12/3 - 26/3 - 9/4 - 23/4 - 7/5 - 21/5

Classes for three levels
beginners - 15.00-17.00 - intermediate and advanced 17.00-19.00
Teacher: S. Balsamo
It is possible to join a free class to try

Contact us for further information on the overall course organization

Information: tel. 360.233650 - firenze@societadidanza.it

Note: courses of historical dance are orgnaized in safe modality, according to the prescribed rules for dance activity

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Carnival Ball

Sunday 20 February 2022, h. 16
Via Via Gabriele D'Annunzio 230

Entrance by invitation

19th Century Ball with dance of society
quadrille, waltz, mazurka, polka,
Scottish country dance and cotillons!
Dress code: 19the century ball of romantic period
or evening dress and mask
In the hall of Villa Viviani

Spanish Waltz, March Avantgarde, Quadrille 'Una Notte a Venezia', Waltz La Rinka,
Come under my Plaidie, Mazurka Promenade, Contraddanza I Vespri Siciliani, Waltz I Lombardi, Quadrille Prince Imperial, March Arlecchino, Waltz Country Dance, Off to Speyside,
Flowers' Waltz, March Roma - extra: Quadrille Carmen, Cotillons and more

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

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Christmas Tea Dance

Sunday 19 December 2021, h. 15
Via F. Baracca 1, Firenze

Entrance by invitation
Program: Spanish Waltz, March Arlecchino, The Waratah Weaver, Quadrille 'Una Notte a Venezia', Mazurka La Flora, Waltz Louis XV, Nice to see you, Quadrille Prince Imperial, Waltz Country Dance, Mazurka Alpenrose, Waltz á la Paganini, The Highland Fair, Waltz Acquarelli, March 'del Postiglione' extra: Quadrille Carmen and more
Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

Scottish Dance Evening
                Invitation to the dance

Monday 20 June 2022, h. 21,15
Parco di Villa Vogel, Firenze
Free entrance
Invitation to Scottish Country Dance:
demonstration and animation
reel, jig, strathspey...

Società di Danza is affiliated to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

in the Summer Events organized by Quartiere 4 of Comune di Firenze

Year 2019-2020
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza in the year 2019-2020 held regular courses of 19th Century dance and Scottish country dance
from October 2019 to February 2020 in Firenze, with teacher S. Balsamo.
Moreover, reserved to course members, additional classes were held with teacher G. Bartoli.
Calendar 2019: 5-12-26/10, 9/11, 7-14/12 and 2020: 11-18/1, 8-15-26/2

Some recent activities

logo.gif   Società di Danza - Firenze

Christmas Ball
Ball and 19th Century Party

Sunday 8 December 2019, h. 16.30
Villa Viviani
Via Gabriele D'Annunzio 230, Firenze

Entrance by invitation
19th Century Ball with social 19th century dance
Quadrille, waltz, mazurka, polka, country dance
...e cotillons!
Dress code: 19th Century ball dress of romantic period or evening dress

In the hall of historical Villa Viviani

Dance program: Spanish Waltz, March 'Arciduca Carlo', Contraddanza Bonvivant,
French Quadrille (1, 2, 3), Waltz à la Paganini, March Avant-garde, Quadrille Bonvivant (1, 2, 3),
Waltz Tanzlust, The Gadie Reel, Mazurka 'Il fiore Meraviglioso', Quadrille Militare (1, 2, 3),
Waltz Carlton, The New Caledonia Jig, Waltz Dynamiden, Galop, and cotillons

Some photos
Information - firenze@societadidanza.it - 360.233650


Course of 19th century dance - Firenze
Course of Società di Danza di 19th century dance
I course from October 2019, II course from February 2020
on Saturday afternoon
at Sala Florence Dance Academy, Via de' Vespucci 7, Firenze - Mappa

The four-months course:
I course - October-January
II course - February-May
Insegnante: S. Balsamo

Day and Time (new):
on Saturday: 14.30-19.00

III level: 14.30-15.30
I level (Beginners): 15.30-17.30
II level: 15.30-19.00
I course October 2019 - January 2020
On Saturday: 8 stage - 5, 12 e 26 October - 9 November - 7 e 14 December - 11 and 18 January
II course February-May 2020 (*)
On Saturday: 8 (*) stage - 8, 15 and 29 February - (*) 14 and 28 March - 4 and 18 April - 9 May
(*) Note: from March due to the health emergency the lessons have been postponed
Informationi: tel. 360.233650 - firenze@societadidanza.it
Moreover, reserved to course members, additional classes with teacher G. Bartoli
information: 360.233650 - 348 6955431, firenze@societadidanza.it

In Firenze on 2-3 November 2019 the 7th National Meeting della Società di Danza

7th National Meeting
of Società di Danza

2-3 November 2019
Intensive seminar
Historical dance and 19th century dance

Palazzina Ex-Fabbri, Scuderie Granducali
Piazza delle Cascine 4, Firenze
National event
of Federation Società di Danza edition 2019
Seminari teorico pratici
Quadrille, couple dances, Scottish and English country dance and more
Further information
Informationi: 339. 8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Year 2018-2019
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza in the year 2018-2019 held regular courses of 19th Century dance and Scottish country dance
from October 2018 to May 2019 in Firenze, with teacher S. Balsamo.
and, reserved to the course members, additional classes were held with teacher G. Bartoli.
Calendar classes 2018: 6-20/10, 10-24/11, 1-8/12 e 2019: 12-26/1, 9-23/2, 9-23/3, 6-27/4, 4-25/5

logo.gif   Società di Danza Firenze

Grand Ball 'delle Ninfee'
1 June 2019, h. 15.30
Sala Regina
Terme Tettuccio, Piazza Domenico Giusti
Montecatini (Pt)

Società di Danza Firenze in collaboration with
Società di Danza Pistoia e Pescia

Dance program
Spanish Waltz, March Fatinitza, Charivari Quadrille, Waltz Blue Night, Contraddanza I Martiri, Mazurka 'La Flora', March Arlesienne, Csikos Quadrille, Waltz Simpaty, Pas de Trois, Quadrille 'Lo Zingaro Barone', Waltz Flammen, Galop Guglielmo Tell

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650 - 328 843518

logo.gif   Società di Danza - Firenze

Grand Ball 'dell'Iris'
19th Century Grand Ball
Sunday 24 March 2019, ore 16
Villa Viviani
Via Gabriele D'Annunzio 230, Firenze

Entrance by invitation
Reconstruction of a 19th Century Grand Ball.
Quadrilles, waltz, mazurka, polka, country dances with the best music
from European 19th Century repertoire.
The dancers with 19th Century ball dress of the romantic period.
The Grand Ball is held at the 'Salone delle feste' of the historic Villa Viviani,
with a lovely garden and panoramic view of the city.

Program: Spanish Waltz, March Fatinitza, Contraddanza Le Beau Monde, Waltz Divertimenti Carnevaleschi, Charivari Quadrille 1-2-3,
Mazurka L'Orientale, Contraddanza I Martiri, Csikos Quadrille 1-2-3, Waltz Simpaty, March della Vedova Allegra, Quadrille 'Lo Zingaro barone' 1-2-5,
Waltz 'del M.o Luigini', Contraddanza Rivoluzioni del '48, Quadrille 'del M.o Bortolotti' 1-2-3, Waltz Flammen, Galop Guglielmo Tell

Information and reservation - firenze@societadidanza.it - 360.233650

Course of Nineteenth Century Dance - Firenze
Course of Società di Danza di 19th Century dance,
First course from Ocotber 2018, second course from February, 2019 on Saturday afternoon
at Sala Florence Dance Academy, Via de' Vespucci 7, Firenze - Map

Two courses of four months:
I course: - October-January
II course: - February-May
Teacher: S. Balsamo

Day and time (new):
Saturday: 14.30-18.30

Third level: 14.30-15.30
First level: 15.30-17.30
Second level: 15.30-18.30
First course - October 2018 - January 2019
On Saturday: 6 and 20 October - 10 and 24 November - 1 and 8 December - 12 and 26 January
Second course February - May 2019
On Saturday: 9 and 23 February - 9 and 23 March - 6 and 27 April - 4 and 25 May

Information: tel. 360.233650 - firenze@societadidanza.it
Moreover, reserved to course members, additional classes available with teacher G. Bartoli
information: 360.233650 - 348 6955431, firenze@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Firenze logo.gif

                      Scottish Dance
                Invitation to the dance

Wednesday 17 July 2019, h. 21,15
Parco di Villa Vogel, Firenze
Free entrance
Società di Danza Firenze invites you to join the evening of
Scottish Country Dance:
demonstration and animation
reel, jig, strathspey...

in the Summer events organized by Quartiere 4 Comune di Firenze

In Firenze on November 3-4, 2018 the 6th National Meeting of Società di Danza

6th National Meeting
of Società di Danza

3-4 November 2018
Seminar on
19th Century dance and historical dance

Palazzina Ex-Fabbri, Scuderie Granducali
Piazza delle Cascine 4, Firenze
National event
of Federation Società di Danza edition 2018

Theoretical practical seminar
Quadrille, couple dances, ancient reel and jig, cotillon
Further information
Information: 339. 8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Year 2017-2018
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza in the year 2017-2018 held regular courses of 19th Century dance and Scottish country dance
from October 2017 to May 2018 in Firenze, with teacher S. Balsamo.
Moreover, reserved to course members, additional classes were held with teacher G. Bartoli.
Calendar 2017: 7-21/10, 4-18/11, 2-16/12 and 2018: 13-27/1, 10-24/2, 10-24/3, 7-21/4, 5-18/5

logo.gif   Società di Danza - Firenze

Gran Ballo dell'Iris
19th Century Grand Ball
Saturday 17 March 2018, h. 16
Villa Viviani
Via Gabriele D'Annunzio 230, Firenze

Entrance by invitation

Reconstruction of a 19th Century Grand Ball.
Quadrilles, waltz, mazurka, polka, country dances with the best music
from European 19th Century repertoire.
The dancers with 19th Century ball dress of the romantic period.
The Grand Ball is held at the 'Salone delle feste' of the historic Villa Viviani,
with a lovely garden and panoramic view over the city.
Information: 360.233650, firenze@societadidanza.it

Dance Program: Spanish Waltz, Caroussel March, The Lancers (I-III), Mazurka Edelweiss, Contraddanza 'La Favorita',
Waltz 'La Gazza Ladra', Quadrille Duca d'Aosta (I-III), Russian March, Waltz Country Dance, The Society Piper, Waltz 'della Repubblica Ligure',
Sophien Quadrille (I-III), Pas de Trois, Cindarella, Flowers' Waltz, Galop Cinese - extra: Waltz Waves of the Danube, Mazurka Aus der Ferne

Course of Nineteenth Century Dance - Firenze
Course of Società di Danza of
19th century dance
second course from Febraury 2018 on Saturday afternoon from 15
at Tango Club Firenze, Via Gemignani 1/a, Firenze - Map

Two courses of four months:
I course - October-January
II course - February-March
Teacher: S. Balsamo

Day and time:
Saturday: 15.00-19.00
First level: 15.00-17.00
Second level: 15.00-18.00
Third level: 17.00-19.00
I course October 2017 - January 2018
On Saturday - 2017: October: 7-21, November: 4-18, December 2-16, 2018: January 13-27

II course febbraio-maggio 2018
On Saturday -2018: February 10-24, March 10-24, April 7-21, May 5-19

Information: tel. 360.233650 - firenze@societadidanza.it
Moreover, reserved to course members, additiona classes available with teacher G. Bartoli.
information: 360.233650, firenze@societadidanza.it

Some recent activities year 2017-2018

Scottish Dance Evening
Invitation to the dance

Friday 6 July 2018, h. 21,15
Parco di Villa Vogel, Firenze
Free entrance
Invitation to Scottish Country Dance:
demonstration and animation
reel, jig, strathspey...

in the Summer events organized by Quartiere 4 del Comune di Firenze

Società di Danza - Firenze

'Danza in Limonaia con Società di Danza'
(Dances in Limonaia with Società di Danza)

Presentation of 19th Century dance
Demonstration and animation of Scottish dance

Sunday 10 June 2018, h. 16.30 and h.17.45
Limonaia di Villa Strozzi, Firenze

Program: h. 16 - 19th Century promenade in the Park of Villa Strozzi
ore 16.30 - presentation of 19th Century dance in Limonaia of Villa Strozzi
dancers in period dress (romantic period of 19th Century) present waltz, quadrille, contraddanza, polka and mazurka
h. 17.45 - demonstration and animation of Scottish Coutnry dances
on reel, jig, march and strathspey music, traditional Scottish dances, with animation of the public
in '2 Giorni con gli Artisti' (2 days with the artists) organized by Quartiere 4, Comune di Firenze - Free entrance

In Firenze on 28-29 October 2017 the V National Meeting of Società di Danza

V National Meeting
of Società di Danza

28-29 October 2017
Seminar on
19th Century dance and historical dance

Istituto Salesiani, Via del Ghirlandaio 40, Firenze
National event of
Federation Società di Danza edition 2017
Theoretical practical seminar
Quadrille, couple dances, ancient reel and jig, cotillon
Further information
Information: 339. 8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Firenze
19th Century Dance
Friday 15 December 2017, h. 20
Deutche Insitute, Firenze
in the evening 'Weihnachten in Wien'
Waltzes from Wien and more...

Biblioteca Marucelliana Società di Danza logo.gif
'Grand Ball'
Sunday 8 October 2017, h. 17
Biblioteca Marucelliana, Firenze
Presentation of 19th Century dances, with romantic ball dress
by Società di Danza Firenze
'Salone di lettura' of Biblioteca Marucelliana in the event
'Domenica di Carta, Suggestioni romantiche in Marucelliana'
Further information and program - Poster
12.30-14.30: Guided tour to the Library
15.00: Concert - Orchestra of 'Centro Musicale Suzuki' Firenze
17.00: 19th Century Grand Ball - Società di Danza Firenze
18.30-19.30: Guided tour to the Library
Extraordinary Opening of Libraries and State Archives:
'Domenica di Carta' promoted by
Mibact (Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo), DGBIC (Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali)

On the occasion of the 2017 edition, the beautiful evening dresses from the mid-nineteenth century will come to life coming out of the pages of the most fashionable magazines in the Europe of the time. The fashion plates that the Count Gamba donated to the Marucelliana in 1956, they will look out from the showcase next to the distribution desk. And at the same time the ladies and gentlemen of the Florentine Società of Dance will present 19th century dances by evoking the atmospheres of a romantic gala evening." [trad. by Communicate Mibact]

Società di Danza - Firenze logo.gif

Dance with us!
Wednesday 13 September 2017, h. 21
at Fratelli Cuore, Stazione SMN, Firenze
Open dancing evening
We invite you to see and dance with us
19th Century dance and Scottish Country Dance!
Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

The dancers of Società di Danza Firenze during the year 2017-2018 besides the events in Florence, participated to several other events of the Società di Danza, including:
  • Gran Ballo delle Cinque Giornate, Milano, Palazzo Cusani, Circolo Ufficiali, March 2018.
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Livorno, Terrazza Mascagni, May 2018.
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Modena, Accademia Militare, Cortile d'Onore, May 2018.
  • Grand Ball 'della Seta', Pisa, Villa di Corliano della Seta, June 2018.
  • Roses' Grand Ball, Circolo Ufficiali, Palazzo Grassi, Bologna, May 2018.
  • Grand Ball, Palazzo d'Aronco, Loggia del Lionello, Udine, May 2018.
  • Grand Ball a Villa Schiarino, Porto Mantovano (Mn), January 2018.
  • Grand Ball, Palazzo Colleoni, Cortenuova (Bg), July 2015.
  • 5th National Meeting della Società di Danza, Firenze, 28-29 November 2017.
  • 26-th Easter School of Società di Danza, Tabiano (Pr), 30/3-2/4/2018.

Year 2016-2017
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza in 2016-2017 held regular courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance
from October 2016 to May 2017 in Firenze, with teacher S. Balsamo.
Moreover, reserved to course members, additional classes were held with teacher G. Bartoli.
Calendar classes 2016: 1-15/10, 5-19/11, 3/12 and 2016: 14-28/1, 11-25/2, 11-25/3, 8-22/4, 6-20/5

Course of 19th Century Dance - Firenze
Course with periodic stages of Società di Danza di 19th Century dance,
from February 2017 on Saturday afternoon

Two courses of four months:
I course - October-January
II course - February-May

Teacher: S. Balsamo
Day and Time:
Saturday: 14.30-19.00

I level: 14.30-16.30
II level: 16.30-18.00
III level: 18.00-19.00

I course October 2016 - January 2017
on Saturday: 1/10 - 15/10 - 5/11 - 19/11 - 3/12 - 14-28/1

II course February - May 2017
on Saturday: 11/2 - 25/2 - 11/3 - 25/3 - 8/4 - 22/4 - 6/5 - 20/5


Information: tel. 360.233650 - firenze@societadidanza.it
For additional weekly classes, reserved to course members, with teacehr G. Bartoli
information: 360.233650 firenze@societadidanza.it

Some recent activities

Società di Danza - Firenze

19th Century Grand Ball
Grand Ball Risorgimentale

2 June 2017, h. 16
Villa Viviani
Via Gabriele D'Annunzio 230, Firenze

Entrance by invitation

Information: 360.233650, firenze@societadidanza.it
Reconstruction of a 19th Century Grand Ball and, for the recurrence of the Firenze Capitale (1865-1871), Grand Ball Risorgimentale to present a tribute to our history and founding values of the Risorgimento
through an event with social dances of 19th Century tradition.
Quadrilles, waltz, mazurka, polka, country dances with the best music from the Italian and European 19th Century repertoire.
The dancers with 19th Century ball dress of the romantic period.
The Grand Ball is held at the 'Salone delle feste' of the historic Villa Viviani, with a lovely garden and panoramic view over the city.
Dance Program: Spanish Waltz, Contraddanza I Vespri Siciliani, March Lilliput, Quadrille 'La Fille de Madame Angot', Waltz Artist's Life, Tantalus Jig, Mazurka 'In patria', Waltz 'La Figlia del Reggimento', Les Variétés Parisiennes, March Risorgimentale, Mazurka May's Flower,
Waltz Simpatia, Quadrille San Pietroburgo, Waltz, It's all right, Flowers' Waltz, Galop

Link so some photos

History of Villa Viviani. Villa Viviani is an historical florentine villa, the most ancient part of the building dates back to the 13th century, when the Tanagli family built a luxurious house, giving the possibility to admire the city of Florence and its surroundings from a highpoint.
The Villa, once named 'Belvedere' for its panoramic position, passed to the Cerretani family in 1600 who further contributed to enriching the character of the Villa. At the end of 19th century the Villa was inherited by the Viviani della Robbia family. In 1892 the Villa was inhabited by Mark Twain and his family and it was in this inspirational location that he wrote 'Puddn'head Wilson'. Mark Twain himself described the Villa exalting its views, the flowered terrace and its 'friendly and warm' atmosphere. The splendid Italian style garden of the Villa enjoys a breathtaking sight of Florence and the surrounding countryside.

Scottish Dance!
Scottish dance evening
Invitation to Scottish Country Dance:
demonstration and animation
reel, jig, strathspey...

Friday 7 July 2017, h. 21,15
Parco di Villa Vogel, Firenze
Free entrance

in the Summer events organized by
Quartiere 4 Comune di Firenze

Poster - (pdf)

Società di Danza - Firenze logo.gif

Come and dance with us!
Thursday 15 June 2017, h. 21
at Fratelli Cuore
Stazione SMN, Firenze

Open dancing evening of 19th century dance and Scottish dance
We invite you to come and join us to try various social dances of European 19th century: country dances, marches, waltz and more...

Società di Danza - Firenze
"Danziamo insieme nel Parco"

Social dance
demonstration and animation
Scottish country dances, waltzes,
march, quadrille, ...

Saturday 20 May 2017, h. 17.10
Parco dell'Argingrosso, Firenze - Free entrance

in 'Argingrosso' organized by Quartiere 4, Comune di Firenze
Poster - depliant - 2

Società di Danza - Firenze logo.gif
Nineteenth Century Early Dances
Saturday 18 March 2017, h. 18
Villa Voghel, Firenze
In 'La ragazza che inventava parole
Compleanno di Jane Austen a Villa Voghel"
proposed by the association
S. Bartolo and Gruppo 'La rosa e il Violino'
Text and music by Elisa Belli
Quartiere Q4 of Comune di Firenze

In Firenze on 29-30 October 2016 the IV National Meeting of Società di Danza

IV National Meeting of Società di Danza

29-30 October 2016
Limonaia di Villa Strozzi, Firenze
The national event
of Federation Società di Danza edition 2016
in Firenze in the historical Limonaia di Villa Strozzi
Further information
Information: 339. 8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Organized with Quartiere 4 Comune di Firenze - Società di Danza

Year 2015-2016
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza in 2015-2016 held regular courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance
from October 2015 to May 2016 in Firenze, with teacher S. Balsamo.
Calendari 2015: 3-17/10, 14-28/11, 12/12, e 2016: 9-16-30/1, 13-27/2, 12/3, 2-16-30/4, 21/5

Course of 19th century dance - Firenze
Course with periodic stages of Società di Danza of
19th century dance,
from October 2015 On Saturday afeternoon

Two courses of four months:
I course - October-January
II course - February-May
Teacher: S. Balsamo

Day and Time :
Saturday: 15.00-19.00

I level: 15.00-17.00
II level: 15.00-18.00
III level: 17.00-19.00

I course October 2015 - January 2016
On Saturday 3/10 - 17/10 - 14/11 - 28/11 - 12/12 - 9-16-30/1

II course February-May 2016
On Saturday: 13/2 - 27/2 - 12/3 - 2/4 - 16/4 - 30/4 - 21/5*
* h. 14
Information: tel. 360.233650 - firenze@societadidanza.it

Some activities 2015-2016

Società di Danza

Grand Ball Risorgimentale for 'Firenze Capitale'

1 November 2015, h. 16, Firenze
Sala Bianca, Villa di Poggio Imperiale

Patronage Comune di Firenze

logo.gif in the program of Firenze Capitale 1865-2015
A tribute to the Italian Risorgimento and
to Firenze Capitale in the anniversary 1865-2015
in the Società di Danza III National Meeting, 30/10-1/11/2015, Firenze
Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

In Firenze on 31 October - 1 November 2015 the III Società di Danza National Meeting

Società di Danza
III National Meeting of
Società di Danza

31 October - 1 November 2015
Villa del Poggio Imperiale, Firenze
The national event of Società di Danza edition 2015
will bin in Florence in the historical Villa di Poggio Imperiale
Further information
Informazioni: 339. 8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Firenze

Scottish Country Dance

We invite you to join the dance
demonstration and dances for everyone
reel, jig, strathspey...

Friday 1 July 2016, h. 21
Parco di Villa Vogel, Firenze
Free entrance

organized by Quartiere 4 Comune di Firenze

Società di Danza - Firenze
Dances of Risorgimento
Saturday 7 November 2015
Antico Spedale del Bigallo, Bagno a Ripoli, Firenze
in the event and book presentation about Ubaldino and Emilia Peruzzi
in the anniversary of 150 years of Firenze Capitale
with the patronage Regione Toscana and Comune di Bagno a Ripoli

Società di Danza - Firenze

Grand Ball of 'Unità d'Italia'

Saturday 24 October 2015, h. 17.30
Limonaia di Villa Strozzi, Firenze
19th century dances by Società di Danza - Introduction: Prof. Mario Pagni
in '2015 - Il ricordo di tre grandi eventi nel Quartiere 4'
(2015 - Memories of three big events in Quartiere 4), Quartiere 4 of Comune di Firenze and in the program 'Firenze Capitale 1865-2015', Comune di Firenze
Poster (pdf, in italian)

Società di Danza - Firenze
Dances of Risorgimento
Sunday 25 October 2015
Fortezza da Basso, Firenze
in 'X Biennale Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea di Firenze'
patronage MIBACT, Regione Toscana, Comune di Firenze, Expo and Comitato dei 150 anni di Firenze Capitale

Società di Danza - Firenze

"Danziamo insieme nel Parco"

Social dances
demonstration and animation
country dances, waltzes,
march, quadrille, ...

Saturday 21 May 2016, h. 17.30
Parco dell'Argingrosso, Firenze
Free entrance
in the Event organized by Quartiere 4, Comune di Firenze
Map - Poster - Depliant: 21/5 and 22/5

Year 2014-2015
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza in the year 2014-2015 held regular courses of 19th century dance and Scottish dance
from October 2014 to May 2015 in Firenze, with teacher S. Balsamo.
Calendar 2014: 4-11-25/10, 15-29/11, 6/12, and 2015: 10-24/1, 7-21-28/2, 21/3, 11-18/4, 9/5

Società di Danza

Course of 19th century dance in Firenze

Periodic classes from October 2014 to May 2015
on Saturday afternoon from h. 15.30

Cycles of stages

I term:

4-11-25 October, 15-29 November, 6 December 2014, 10-24 January 2015

II term:
7-21-28 February, 21 March, 11-18 April, 9 May 2015

h. 15.30-17.30 - beginners and intermediate
h. 17.30-19.30 - intermediate

Teacher: S. Balsamo
Information: 360.233650- firenze@societadidanza.it

Some recent activities

Società di Danza

Spring Grand Ball
26 April 2015, h. 16
Villa Viviani
Via G. D'Annunzio 230
Spanish Waltz, Loon Mountain Reel, Quadrille A Night in Venice, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Schubert Military March, Waltz Principe Rodolfo,
Quadrille delle Dame, Waltz Louis XV, Hungarian March, Waltz á la Paganini, Quadrille The Duellists, Lady C. Bruce's Reel,
Waltz La Gazza Ladra, Mazurka Simpatia, Flowers Waltz, Galop

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Firenze

19th century dance
28 March 2015, h. 18
Villa del Poggio Imperiale, Firenze
The students of Istituto SS. Annunziata, prepared by
Società di Danza, presented the reconstruction of
a 19th century Grand Ball in the event
'150 anni anni al Poggio Imperiale'
(150 years in Poggio Imperiale) organized by
Educandato Statale SS. Annunziata,
Villa del Poggio Imperiale, Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO
in 'Firenze Capitale', Comune di Firenze

Società di Danza - Firenze

Scottish Country Dance

A trip to Scoltland with
the best Scottish dances
reel, jig, strathspey...

Thursday 9 July 2015, h. 21
Parco di Villa Vogel, Firenze
Free entrance
in the Summer events organized by Quartiere 4, Comune di Firenze
Poster (jpg, pdf) - Depliant: front and back

Società di Danza - Firenze
Christmas Party
Festa danzante informale di fine anno
Saturday 20 December 2014, h. 15.30
Program: Spanish Waltz, The Loon Mountain Reel, Marsh Risorgimentale, Quadrille Indra, Waltz Acquerelli, Time to meet, Mazurka Fata Morgana, March Giubileo, Quadrille Araldi, A Scottish Jig, La Rinka, Mazuka in Patria, Miss Falconer's Fancy, Galop... and more
Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

In Firenze was held in November 2014 the II National Meeting of Società di Danza

Società di Danza
II National Meeting of
Società di Danza

1-2 November 2014
Villa del Poggio Imperiale, Firenze
The national event of Società di Danza edition 2014 was held in Florence in the marvellous historical Villa di Poggio Imperiale
Further information
Information: 339. 8316008 - info@societadidanza.it

The dancers of Società di Danza Firenze during the year 2014-2015 besides the events in Florence, participated to several other events of the Società di Danza, including:
  • Christmas Grand Ball, Villa Vuonvisi al Giardino, Lucca, 13.12.2014
  • Verdi's Grand Ball, Villa Pallavicino, Museo Nazionale G. Verdi, Busseto (Pr), 25.1.2015.
  • Grand Bal Masquè, Palazzo Tassoni Estense, Ferrara, 7.3.2015.
  • Gran Ballo delle Cinque Giornate a Milano, Palazzo Cusani, Circolo Ufficiali, marzo 22.3.2015.
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Livorno, Terrazza Mascagni, 16.5.2015.
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Modena, Accademia Militare, Cortile d'Onore, 24.5.2015.
  • Gran Ballo della Seta, Pisa, Villa di Corliano della Seta, 2.6.2015.
  • Grand Ball a Trieste, Castello di Miramare, 6.6.2015.
  • Grand Ball, Palazzo Colleoni, Cortenuova (Bg), 5.7.2015.
  • II Società di Danza National Meeting, Villa di Poggio Imperiale, 1-2.11.2014.
  • 23-th Easter School of Società di Danza, Tabiano (Pr), 3-6.4.2015.

Year 2013-2014
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza in the year 2013-2014 held regular courses of 19th century dance and Scottish dance
from October 2013 to May 2014 in Firenze, with teacher S. Balsamo.
Calendar 2013: 19-26/10, 9-16-30/11, 7/12, and 2014: 18/1, 1-8-22/2, 8-22/3, 5-26/4, 10-31/5

Società di Danza - Firenze

19th century Grand Ball

Sunday 1 June 2014, h. 16
Villa Viviani
Via Gabriele D'Annunzio 230, Firenze

Entrance by invitation

Program: Spanish Waltz, Jig to the Music, Amazonen Quadrille, Mazurka Miblumchen,
Pas de Trois, Waltz Studen's Dream, Quadrille Annika, Waltz Repubblica Ligure, March Varsavia,
Waltz à la Paganini, Quadrille Orfeo, Nice to see you, Waltz, Union March, Tanzlust Waltz, Galop

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it
tel. 360.233650
Link to some photos

Seminars, Events, Party and tea dances

Federation Società di Danza
Special seminar in Tuscany
Stage on Sunday to study practice and theory
of 19th century dances, their technique and their history

Firenze, 16 February 2014
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica
in the series of national special seminars of the
Società di Danza, organized in collaboration with Società di Danza groups in Tuscany

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Firenze
19th century dance
10 May 2014, h. 11
Villa del Poggio Imperiale, Firenze
The sudents of Istituto SS. Annunziata,
prepared by Società di Danza, presented
social dance of 19th century in the cerimony
for the 'Ville Medicee Unesco World Heritage'

Società di Danza - Firenze

Dancing Party

4 January 2014, h. 15
We invite you
to an open dancing afternoon:
an invitation to try the 19th century dances

Information: firenze@societadidanza.it

The dancers of Società di Danza Firenze participated to several events of the Società di Danza, including:
  • Christmas Grand Ball, Villa di Corliano, Pisa, 15.12.2013
  • Le Grand Bal Masqué, Palazzo Brancaccio, Roma, 9.2.2014
  • Grand Bal Masqué, Palazzo Tassoni Estense, Ferrara, 1.3.2014
  • Gran Ballo delle Cinque Giornate, Palazzo Cusani, Circolo Ufficiali, Milano, 23.3.2014
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Circolo Ufficiali dell'Esercito Italiano, Palazzo Grassi, Bologna, 4.5.2014
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno, 17.5.2014
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Palazzo Graneri della Roccia, Torino, 25.5.2014
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Palazzo Ducale, Cortile d'Onore, Accademia Militare, Modena, 15.6.2014
  • Grand Ball, Castello del Fremondo, Guardia Sanframondi (Bn), 21.6.2014

Year 2012-2013
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza in the year 2012-2013 held regular courses of 19th century dance and Scottish dance
from January to May 2013 in Firenze, with teacher S. Balsamo.
Calendar 2013: 5-19/1, 26/1, 16-23/2, 9-23/3, 13-20/4, 18-25/5

The dancers of Società di Danza Firenze participated to several events of the Società di Danza all over Italy, included the following ones:
  • Christmas Grand Ball, Villa di Corliano, Pisa, 19.12.2012
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Circolo Ufficiali, Palermo, 26.4.2013
  • Grand Ball Palazzo Ajutamicristo, Palermo, 27.4.2013
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno, 11.5.2013
  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Palazzo Ducale, Military Academy, Modena, 26.5.2013
  • Roses Grand Ball, Villa Bottini, Lucca, 9.6.2013
  • 21-th Easter School of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance, Società di Danza, Tabiano (Pr), 29/3-1/4/2013
  • Etruria, IV edition, Stage Theoretical-practical stage od 19th century dance, Pisa, 24.2.2013
  • Festa di Carnevale, Pisa, 8.2.2013
  • Spring Time Scottish Party, Livorno, 17.3.2013
  • The Film, Scocietà di Danza, Roma, 4-11.8.2013

Società di Danza in Firenze

Scottish Party
Firenze, Saturday 15 June 2013

Scottish country dance and dances of animation
Program (...and more)
Highland Welcome - Reel, The Haymakers - Jig, The Triumph - Reel, The Dhoon - Jig,
Davy's Locker Reel, Light and Airy - Jig, Highland Reel, Saint Bernard Waltz, Gibson's Gallop - Jig, The De'il Amang the Taylors - Reel, New Caledonia Jig,
Bob of Fettercairn - Reel, Postie's Jig, Festival Interceltique - Reel
Extra: Mairi's Wedding - Reel

Società di Danza is affiliated to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Poster - Info: firenze@societadidanza.it

Year 2011-2012
Direction: S. Balsamo

Società di Danza started the activities of 19th century dance in the area Siena-Firenze for the year 2011-2012
with periodic classes in Siena and Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (Firenze), with teacher S. Balsamo.

Società di Danza of Firenze-Siena partecipated to several events organized by Società di Danza in Italy and in Europe including:
- Grand Ball Risorgimentale in varipous italian cities also for the 150 years of United Italy
(also in: Bologna, Salone del Podestà - Milano, Palazzo Reale - Torino, Circolo Ufficiali e Caserma Cernaia - Napoli, Palazzo Reale -
Livorno, Naval Academy - Modena, Military Academy, Palazzo Ducale - Roma, Pisa, Siena, Lucca and several other cities)
- Grand Ball Risorgimentale Italy-Hungary, Budapest, National Hungarian Museum - Vicotiran Grand Ball, London, Fulham Town Hall -
Grand Ball Risorgimentale, Praga, Hlahol - 19th century Grand Ball, S. Petrsburgh and Mosca - New Year Grand Ball, Wien

Società di Danza