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Società di Danza - Viareggio e Versilia

National Federation Società di Danza
Home > Viareggio

Società di Danza Viareggio e Versilia
is a cultural association

affiliated to the National Federation Società di Danza
since its foundation and agrees with the aims and Manifesto of Società di Danza
is affiliated since 2016 to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
and it is directed by M. Luisa Fava


Year 2024 - 2025

Course of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance from October to May.
Planned events of Party and Grand Balls, calendar to be defined.

Course of 19th century dance and Scottish dance in Viareggio

Waltz, Quadrille, Contraddanze, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish country dance
Course of four months on Tuesday
Palestra Scuola Primaria 'G.Puccini Viale G. Puccini 49
Torre del Lago - Viareggio
Course every week from October to May
class on
h. 20.00-21.15 - beginners
h. 21.00-22.30 - intermediate-advances
Course starts on
Tuesday 8 October 2024 orh.e 20
I term: October - January
II term: February - May
Teacher: M. Luisa Fava
Info - tel. 339.2259850 - mail: viareggio@societadidanza.it

Year 2023- 2024

Course of 19th centtury dance every week by Società di Danza a Viareggio from October 2023.
Events of parties and Grand Balls.

Course of 19th Century dance and Scottish country dance

Waltz, Quadrille, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish country dance

Course of four months on Tuesday , from h. 20
Scuola di Danza Let's Dance
Via Aurelia Sud 276
Torre del Lago - Viareggio
Weekly course from October to May
classes every
h. 20.00-21.15 - beginners
h. 21.00-22.30 - intermediate-advanzed
II Term
Tuesday 6 February 2024, h. 20
Classes: courses from
3 October 2023 and 6 February 2024 h. 20 - Locandina
I Term: October - January
II Term: Febraury - May
M. Luisa Fava
Information - tel. 339.2259850 - mail: viareggio@societadidanza.it

Course of Regency Dance

English Country Dances, Valzer
Contredanses, Cotillons, Quadrilles

Monthly classes on
Wednesday h. 20.00-22.00
Calendar 2024: 17/1 - 7/2 - 6/3
Monthly classes on
Saturday h. 15.00-17.30
Calendar 2024: 27/1 - 24/2 - 23/3

Poster 1 Poster 2
Scuola di Danza Let's Dance
Via Aurelia Sud 276
Torre del Lago (Lu)
Teacher: M. Luisa Fava

tel. 339.225985
mail: viareggio@societadidanza.it

Regency Ball

Sunday 26 May 2024
h. 14

Villa Dosi Delfini
Via dei Chiosi 5
Potremoli (Ms)

Early 19th century dance
Poster 1
Poster 2

mail: viareggio@societadidanza.it

Some activities 2023-2024
* Thursday 12 October 2023 - Un Té con Jane Austen
   Presentation of the course of dances of Earlu 19th century (date to be defined)

* Sunday 12 November 2023 - Aria di Scozia al Museo
   presentation of Scottish dance with the piaper band The Royal Highland Company,
   Museo della Marineria di Viareggio

* Sunday 25 February 2024: Carnival Party

* Sunday 26 May 2024: Ball Regency
   Villa Dosi Delfini, Potremoli (Ms), h. 16

Carnival Party

25 February 2024, h. 16
'La Pentolaccia'

Festa in maschera di fine Carnevale

Sala Let's Dance
Via Aurelia Sud 276,
Torre del Lago Puccini (Lu)

About: 'Games from popular tradition'

19th century dance, Scottish dance, animation
'Gioco della Pentolaccia'

tel. 339.2259850

"Un Té con Jane Austen"

Thursday 12 October 2023, h. 17

Caffè Così Com'è
Via Macchiavelli 97
Viareggio (Lu)

Presentation of the course of social dances of Early 19th century

Info: 339.2259850 - mail: viareggio@societadidanza.it

"Aria di Scozia"
Presentation of Scottish dances di Danze Scozzesi

Sunday 12 November 2023
h. 15.30
Museo della Marineria 'Alberto Gianni'
Via Pescheria 9

presentation of traditional Scottush dances
at Museo della Marineria

with the band
The Royal Highland Company
Pipes and Drums

Free entrance

Info: 339.2259850 Poster

Year 2022- 2023

Course of 19th centtury dance every week by Società di Danza a Viareggio from October 2022.
Events of parties, Grand Balls planned, calendar to be defined.

Course of 19th Century and Scottish country dance in Viareggio
Waltz, Quadrille, Country dance, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country dance

Four months course on Tuesday, from h. 20
Scuola di Danza Let's Dance, Via Aurelia Sud 276, Torre del Lago - Viareggio
Weekly classes
from October to May
classes every
II term
starts on Tuesday
7 February 2023

h. 20.00-21.15 - beginners
h. 21.15-22.15 - int.-adv.
I term
Tuesday 27.9.2022, h. 20.15
presentation evening
Classes: course starts from
4 October 2022 h. 20
I term: October - January
II term: February - May

M. Luisa Fava
Information - tel. 339.2259850 - mail: viareggio@societadidanza.it

Some activities 2022-2023

Grand Ball

on the 150th anniversary of
Carnival of Viareggio

Saturday 4 February 2023, h. 12
Piazza Mazzini

Dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the
Carnival of Viareggio

A show to rediscover
the 19th-century traditions
and relive the romantic atmosphere
and elegance of the times when the Carnival of Viareggio was born


tel. 339.2259850 - mail: viareggio@societadidanza.it

Course of vintage dances - First 19th century
English Country Dances, Cotillons,
Quadrilles, Valse, Contrdanse

Cycle of 5 classes
Wednesday h. 20.30-22.00
October 19-26, November 2-9-16
at Scuola di Danza Let's Dance
Via Aurelia Sud 276
Torre del Lago (Lu)
Teacher: M. Luisa Fava

Poster - Information: tel. 339.225985 - mail: viareggio@societadidanza.it

Presentation of
19th Century Dance

in 'A proposito di Vittoria'

Saturday 29 October 2022, h. 21
Teatro Vittoria Manzoni
Via Vittoria Manzoni 99, Massarosa (Lu)

presentation of dances fro the
early 19th Century in period ball dress
in the event for the two hundreds years of the birth of Vittoria Manzoni: life, anecdotes and curiosities of the son of Alessandro Manzoni with participation of prof. S. Casini, E. Calissi and M. A. Casaroli

In collaboration with 'Istituto Storico Lucchese,
Sez. Massarosa, association Ville Borbone e Dimore Storiche della Versilia, and Comune di Massarosa

Free entrance

Year 2021- 2022

Course of 19th centtury dance every week by Società di Danza a Viareggio from October 2021.
Events of parties, Grand Balls planned, calendar to be defined.

Course of 19th Century Social Dance
Waltz, Quadrille, Country dance, Mazurka, Polka and Scottish Country dance
Course starts on 20th October
Weekly course from October to May

every Wednesday
ay Scuola di Danza Let's Dance
Via Aurelia Sud 276
Torre del Lago
h. 20.30-21.45 - I level
ore 21.45-22.30 - II level
I term: 20 October - 22 December
II term: 12 January - 16 March
III term: 23 March - 25 May

Teacher: M. Luisa Fava

Information: tel. 339.2259850 - mail: viareggio@societadidanza.it

Years 2019-2020 e 2020-2021

From October 2019 to February 2020 and in October 2020 courses of 19th Century dance and Scottish country dance were held every week with teacher and direction M. L. Fava.
Course were then suspended as well as osome other activities for the sanitary constraints,

Some planned activities

  • Grand Ball 'del Bicentenario di Viareggio Città', Viareggio
  • - rinviato

  • Debut Party, Carrara
    - rinviato
  • Grand Ball 'Librario', Pontremoli
    - rinviato

Information: 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Realized events 2019-2020

Cutty Sark, 150 anni di leggenda
Presentation of Scottish Dances

Sunday 10 November 2019, h. 16
Museo della Marineria 'Alberto Gianni'
Lungo Canale Est 23, Viareggio

presentation of traditional Scottish dance
at Museo della Marineria
a tribute ot 150th anniversary of the launch of the Cutty Sark sailing ship
text and history and adventures
read by Iacopo Vettori and Valeria Cappelli

In the event
2nd Sunday of the month - Museo a Porte Aperte

In collaboration with the Museo della Marineria 'A. Gianni',
Gold Medals of Long Navigation and City of Viareggio

Free entrance

Year 2018 - 2019

From October 2018 to May 2019 courses of 19th century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher and direction M. L. Fava.

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'Gran Ballo degli Antichi Cedri' 19th Century Grand Ball

Sunday 15 September 2019
Villa Dosi Delfini
Via dei Chiosi 5
Pontremoli (Ms)
h. 16


Spanish Waltz, March Fatinitza, Contraddanza I Martiri, Charivari Quadrille,
Flowers' Waltz, The Easiest Dance, Csikos Quadrille,
Contraddanza Rivoluzioni del '48, Waltz Don Carlo, The Ambassadors' Reel, Mazurka 'Lo Sberleffo', Quadrille 'Lo Zingaro Barone',
Waltz Flammen, St.John's Rant, Galop

Information: tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it
The Villa 'dei Chiosi' was built at the end of the 18th century by will of the brothers Carlo and Francesco Dosi, wealthy businessmen of the Pontremoli Granducale. The idea and the project of the Villa are linked precisely to the figure of Carlo Dosi, a man of vast culture passionate about art, architecture and gardening, who chose some of the greatest artists for the decoration of his 'home'; in view of the weather. The history of Villa Dosi is also the story of a family that from its construction until today remained always linked to this place, going through periods of splendor and periods of abandonment, up to the long and demanding restoration that allows us today to admire it in all its splendor. Completely abandoned during the years of the French revolution and the Napoleonic period, it was gradually recovered starting from 1814 and still today is restoration object. Imagined as a place of worldly delights and events according to the taste of the Baroque era, the villa best represents the spirit of its time, through a surprising intertwining of nature, architecture, artistic decoration, refined furnishings. At the entrance of the Villa the two monumental cedars of Lebanon, planted way back in 1863, which give the name to the Grand Ball, await visitors welcoming them with an imposing shady embrace.

Parties 2018-2019
  • Scottish Party - Saturday 20th October 2018, h. 18.30, Circolo 'Il Fienile', Via del Pastore 1, Viareggio
  • Carnival Party - 2 March 2019, h. 19.30, Circolo 'Il Fienile', Via del Pastore 1, Viareggio
  • Grand Ball - 15 September 2019 h. 16, Villa Dosi Delfini, Via dei Chiosi 5, Pontremoli (Ms)

Information: tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Realizes parties 2018-2019

'Veglione di Carnevale'
2 March 2019, h. 19.30
Theme: 'The 4 Seasons'
Circolo Ricreativo Culturale 'Il Fienile'
Via Aurelia Sud angolo Via del Pastore

Fist Part: 19th Century Dance
March Fatinitza, Quadrille Charivari 1-3,
Waltz 'Divertimento Carnevalesco', Contraddanza Le Beau Monde,
March Risorgimentale, Quadrille Zingaro Barone 1-3,
Spanish Waltz, Mazurka 'Cuore di Donna', Galop
Intermezzo with parade masks, small shows of various art,
self-organized buffet
Second Part: Scottish Dance
Festival Interceltique (T), A Summer Meeting (T), The Edinburgh Toy Shop (I), The Easiest Dance(T), Saint John's Rant (T),
Bohemian Reflections (I), The Flying Scotsman (T),
Hello Goodbye Strathspey (I), Viareggio Ten Jig (T),
(A) Danze per Avanzati a richiesta.
Final with prizes and carnival buffet
Info: tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it


Scottish Party 'del Decennale'
Scottish Party, live music with
Ceilitaly Scottish Band
Società di Danza Viareggio e Versilia
celebrates ten years of activity
Saturday 20 October 2018, h. 18.30
Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"
Via del Pastore 1,Viareggio - Poster
18.30: Buffet                       19.30: Scottish Dances
22.00: Toast                         22.30: Scottish Dances

Program: For all (T): Pudsey Bear, Abbotsford Lassies, Jig to the Music, A Ring of Frienship, Postie's Jig, And for the Young Ones, Knit the Pocky, Gibson's Galop
For intermediate (I): A Trip to Glasgow, Round Reel of Eight, Inchmickery, Holyrood Strathspey
For Advanced (A): The Bees of Maggieknockater, J.B. Milne, City Lights, Aging Gracefully Strath.
Extra for advance on demand and Ceilidh dances for all
Information: tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Realizes events 2018-2019

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'Maria Luisa e il Mare'
19th Century dances

from a novel by Mario Tobino, a dance tribute to Maria Luisa di Borbone

Friday 26 july 2019, h. 21.00
Viareggio (Lu)
Teatro Estate
Pineta di Ponente
Ball scenes at hte time of Maria Luisa.
Early 19th century dances in period dress

with the participation of Iacopo Vettori and Valeria Cappelli for the readings of Mario Tobino
Historical-biographical interventions by Avv. Franco Pocci
in collaboration with the association 'Per un Futuro Possibile'

Information: tel. 339.2259850

Società di Danza Viareggio logo.gif

'Un Ballo con Elisa'
19th Century Dances

Ball scenes
at the timeof Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi,
Principessa di Carrara

Saturday 22 June 2019,
Palazzo Cybo-Malaspina
Accademia di Belle Arti, Aula Magna
Via Roma 1, Carrara

Historical dances of Napoleonic timewith period dress, by Società di Danza Viareggio e Versilia in collaboration with the association
'Amici dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara'


Informationi: tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

'Maria Luisa e il Mare'

a dance tribute to Maria Luisa di Borbone
inspired by a story by Mario Tobino

Sunday 11 November 2018, 4.30 pm
Museo della Marineria 'A. Gianni'
Lungo Canale Est 23

The cultural association 'Società di Danza Viareggio e Versilia' proposes 'Maria Luisa e il Mare'
a tribute to the historical figure
of Maria Luisa di Borbone,
Duchess of Lucca and Queen of Etruria.
The dances of his time and a story by Mario Tobino reveal his love for the sea and for Viareggio,
and she conferred the rank of city.
Under the patronage of the Comune di Viareggio.

Free admission
Information: tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball at Villa Dosi Delfini

Saturday 13 October 2018, h. 17
Villa Dosi Delfini
Pontremoli (Ms)

Presentation of 19th Century Dance

The splendid Villa Dosi Delfini,
jewel of the Pontremolese Baroque,
opens its doors to the 19th Century dance.
The charm and romance of the 19th Century
will live again in the saloon
with a dance presentaion
which will take place at the end of
guided visit to the main floor of the Villa.

Reservations required at
Coop. Guide Turistiche Sigeric
3318866241 - info@sigeric.it

Realized activities 2017-2018

From October 2017 to May 2018 courses of 19th century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher and direction M. L. Fava.

Realized Parties 2017-2018

Carnival Party
25 February 2018, h. 16
'La Pentolaccia'
Masked party of late Carnival
Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"
Via Aurelia Sud angolo Via del Pastore
Tema: 'Mestieri di altri tempi'
19th Century dances, Scottish dances animation dances for all the levels Various small shows - 'Pentolaccia' game
Carnival self buffet
I Part - 19th Century dance: Spanish Waltz, Victory March, The Lancers 1-2-3, Contraddanza Mosé, Walts F&uulm;ssen Bon Bons, March Arciduca Guglielmo, Chinese Galop
II Part - Scottish dance: (T) Festival Interceltique, Mountain Stream, The Abbotsford Lassies, Blue Bonnets - (I) Summer on the Beach,The Starry Eyed Lassie, The Pipe Opener, Lovers' Knot - (A) Cranberry Tart, J.B. Milne, Mairi's Wedding

Information and reservation: tel. 339.2259850

Scottish Christmas Party
Sunday 17 December 2017, h. 16
Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"
Via Aurelia Sud angolo Via del Pastore
Scottish dances around the Christmas tree
Party with tradional Scottish dances and ceilidh dances for all
Reservation required. Welcome clothing theme.
h. 16.15-17.30 First part - Dances
h. 17.30-18.00 Interval
h. 18.00-19.30 Second part - Dances

A Scottish Jig, A Trip to Glasgow, Alice's Request,
Long live the Queen, The Ayr Promenade, The Highland Fair, The Loch Ness Monster, Scotch Tangle, Aileen's Reel, Seann Truibhas Willichan, Summer on the Beach, The Dancing Bees, The Cumbrae Reel, Tomalena, Mathilde is a Delight
Extra: Danze per Avanzati a richiesta - Danze Ceilidh per tutti

Information: tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Realized events 2017-2018

Ottocento Viennese
19th Century Dance
Sunday 22 July 2018, h. 21.15
Viareggio (Lu)
Teatro Estate, Pineta di Ponente

in collaboration with Charity 'Per un Futuro Possibile'
Information: tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

19th Century Dance
'Il Fascino dell'Ottocento'

Sunday 24 June 2018, h. 18
Forte dei Marmi (Lu)
Piazza Dante

...Dancing in frac and crinoline
Between a Waltz and a Quadrille, the opportunity to appreciate the 19th century dance fashion of the Romantic period

Presentation of 19th Century dance
in the event 'Forte dei Marmi, come nelle cartoline d'epoca'

Information: tel. 339.2259850

19th Century Dance

Saturday 26 May 2018, h. 22.15
Palazzo del Principe Malaspina
Accademia di Belle Arti, Aula Magna
Via Roma 1, Carrara
In the guided night tour to Accademia di Belle Arti. Visit starts at 20.45, Nineteenth Century dance h. 22.15
Entrance with reservation. For the visit with limited number, and reservations contact the association 'Amici dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara' via mail or facebook
Presentation of 19th Century dances of the Società di Danza Viareggio e Versilia in Carrara, in the splendid Palazzo del Principe Malaspina, home of the Academy of Fine Arts. A fascinating place, rich in art and history described to the participants during the guided night tour organized by the 'Amici dell'Accademia di Belle Arts'.
The 19th Century dance with Dame and Cavalieri in period costume takes place at the end of the visit to the Hall of Honor, proposing a repertoire of social dances on music by the Strauss family.

'Danze Scozzesi al Museo'
Scottish dances

Sunday 12 November 2017, h. 16.30
Museo della Marineria "A. Gianni"
Lungo Canale Est 23, Viareggio

The association 'Società di Danza Viareggio e Versilia' presents 'Danze Scozzesi al Museo' (Scottish dances), with traditional dances form Scotland inspired to the sea theme, chosen by Comandante Zeffiro Rossi just before his premature death. A project by the Director of Museo 'A.Gianni' to tell the sea and the sea people through traditional dances and music that the Società di Danza realizes in his memory.
The event is in
'2nd Sunday of the Month-Open Doors to Museum'
in collaboration with the Comune di Viareggio and Unione Medaglie d'Oro di Lunga Navigazione.

Free entrance

Realized activities 2016-2017

From October 2016 to May 2017 courses of 19th century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher and direction M. L. Fava.

Realized Parties 2016-2017

Carnival Party
12 February 2017, h. 16
Carnival Party with Mask
Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"
Via Aurelia Sud angolo Via del Pastore
Poster (pdf)
Theme: 'Cinecittà'
(characters and film of the Italian cinema)
19th cnetury dances, Scottish dances
animation dances for all the levels
Various small shows - Carnival self buffet
1st Part: Marsch Roma, Waltz Wine Women and Song, Parisienne Quadrille, Fenice's Marsch, Waltz La Figlia del Reggimento, Coliseum Quadrille, Marsch 'del Principe Lilliput', Galop
2nd Part: Jenny Dang the Weaver, Back to the Fireside, Opringotn Caledonians, Craigleith, Perth 800, Miss eleanor, The Isle of Slye, Domnino Five, J.B. Milne, Festival Interceltique

Information: tel. 339.2259850

Fall Time Scottish Party

Sunday 6 November 2016, h. 16

Scottish party with traditional ceilidh for all
Break with the traditional tea. Reservation required. Welcome clothing theme
Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"
Via Aurelia Sud angolo Via del Pastore
1a Part: The Lochness Monster, The Jubilee Jig, The Saltire Society Reel, The Bob of Fettercairn, Lady Charlotte Bruce,
The Cranberry Tart, A Jig for Mrs Dunn
Break with Buffet
2a Part: A Highland Welcome, Flora's Fancy,
The Byron's Strathspey, The Three Sheepskins, Cutty Sark,
The Hazel Tree, Festival Interceltique
Extra: Ceilidh dances for all

Information: tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Realized events 2016-2017

19th Century dances

26 August 2017
Piazza Shelley, Viareggio

for the evening of the
literary prize 'Viareggio-Repaci'
organized by Comune di Viareggio

19th Century dance
14 August 2017
Villa Borbone, Viareggio

participation to the song event 'Opera Omnia' organized by association Promo-Terr
19th Century dance
4 August 2017, Viareggio
Teatrino del Convento di S.Antonio

participation to 'Il Pretesto del Bargio'
with dances of early 19th Century organized by association 'Terra di Viareggio'

Società di Danza Viareggio logo.gif

Grand Ball

Sunday 25 June, h. 18.30
Piazza Garibaldi
(Piazza del Fortino di Leopoldo)
Forte dei Marmi (Lu)

March, Pas de Trois, Spanish Waltz,
Quadrille Parisienne fig.1-2-5, Mazurka Fiori di Maggio,
Nice to see you, Flowers' Waltz, Mazurka In Patria,
March Risorgimentale, Ladies' Fancy,
Quadriglia la Figlia di Madame Angot fig.1-3-5,
Waltz Artist's Life, March Roma

Poster (pdf)

Information: 339-2259850

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'Ball in Piazza S. Antonio'
19th Century Social Dance

Saturday 10 June 2017, h. 21.30
Piazza S. Antonio

in 'S. Antonio, Città in Festa'
charity event promoted by
Comune di Viareggio with the participation of
cultural associations of the city,
two eventing that reconstruct
the historical S. Antonio Fair

Poster (pdf)

Information: tel. 339.2259850

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'La danza al tempo di Shelley'
19th Century Dance

Saturday 6 May 2017, h. 10
Piazza P. B. Shelley"

Social dance of early 19th Century
with music and period dress
in 'Shelley Ripristino Monumento'
organized by Comune di Viareggio,
Lions Club Viareggio Riviera,
Circolo Filatelico G. Puccini,
Association 'Terra di Viareggio'

Brochure (pdf) - Poster (pdf) (in Italian)

Information: tel. 339.2259850

'La Cornamusa e il Pinguino'
Scottish Dances

Sunday 13 November 2016, h. 16
Museo della Marineria "Alberto Gianni"
Lungo Canale Est 23, Viareggio

Museo della Marineria of Viareggio, in the '2a Domenica del Mese-Museo a Porte Aperte',
hosts the proposal of 'Società di Danza Viareggio e Versilia' inspired to the sea theme:
"La Cornamusa e il Pinguino"
('The Piper and the Penguin')
A demonstration of traditional scottish dances,
with reading, music and images,
tells the adventurous expeditions in Antarctica
of the famous Scotia and Endurance ships.
In collaboration with Comune di Viareggio
and Museo della Marineria "A.Gianni"


Realized activities 2015-2016

From October 2015 to May 2016 courses of 19th century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher and direction M. L. Fava.

Realized parties 2015-2017

Carnival Party

14 February 2015
h. 16

Circolo Ricreativo Culturale 'Il Fienile'
Via Aurelia Sud angolo Via del Pastore

Theme: A song in the heart
(song titles of any kind)

The program includes:
marches Fatinitza, 'Postiglione' and Roma, Quadrilles I Corsari and French (I-III), waltz Ganglovienne, Morning Star, Mazurka Cuore di Donna, and Ring of Friendship, Easy Peasy, Knit the Pocky, Festival Interceltique.
Extra animation dances and for intermediate-advanced

Poster (pdf)

Information and reservation: tel. 339.2259850

November's Ceilidh
Scottish Party

Sunday 22 November 2015
h. 16

Scottish party with traditional cilidh dances for all
Break with the traditional tea
Reservation required.
Welcome clothing theme

Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"
Via Aurelia Sud corner Via del Pastore


Events 2015-2016

19th Century Ball in Villa Borbone

2 July 2016, h. 18.30
Garden of Villa Borbone

in 'Meraviglia Arts'
Presention of watz, quadrille, mazurka, contredance
evoking the romantic 19th centuryatmospheres
in the beautiful setting of Villa Bourbon garden.

'Weel Done, Cutty Sark!'
Scottish Dances

Sunday 8 November 2015, h. 16
Museo della Marineria "Alberto Gianni"
Lungo Canale Est 23, Viareggio

Scottish dances at the Museo della Marineria, one of the one of the symbols of the city of Viareggio.
The extraordinary story of the legendary Cutty Sark, told through music, images and
traditional Scottish dnaces
In collaboration with Comune di Viareggio
and Museo della Marineria "A.Gianni"

Free Entrance

Realized activities 2014-2015

From October 2014 to May 2015 courses of 19th century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher and direction M. L. Fava.

Realized parties 2014-2015

Carnival Party

15 February 2015
h. 16

Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"
Via Aurelia Sud angolo Via del Pastore

Tema: Poesie e poeti

Poster (pdf)

tel. 339.2259850

October's Scottish Party
26 October 2014, h. 16.30
Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"
Via Aurelia Sud - Via del Pastore 1
Information: tel.339.2259850

Events 2014-2015

19th century Ball
'Nella Dolce Carezza della Danza'

14 June 2015, h. 19
Piazza Ss. Annunziata

in 'Buon Compleanno Viareggio'
in 195th anniversary of the statement of town
patronage of Comune di Viareggio and in collaboration with association 'Sorriso Viareggino'

Scottish Flowers
traditional Scottish dances in the garden of Villa Borbone
demonstration and animation

Sunday 17 May 2015, h. 18
Viale dei Tigli, Viareggio

in "Magico Vintage"
in collaboration with
Ufficio Promozione di Villa Borbone
del Comune di Viareggio

19th Century Ball
''Nella Dolce Carezza della Danza''

9 May 2015, h. 17.30
Foyer of Gran Teatro G. Puccini
Torre del Lago (Lu)

in 'European Opera Days' 2015
19th century ball with 19th century dress
with the music from operas by
Rossini, Donizetti, Bellini, Verdi and Puccini
A romantic trip through the century:
from 1817 with "La Gazza Ladra"
to 1917 with "La Rondine"


Scottish Spring
Scottish Dances
25 March 2015, h. 16
Viareggio, Piazzetta della Chiesa
We celebrate SS.Annunziata patroness of Viareggio and
the arrival of spring with the merry dances of Scottish tradition
in 'Festa della SS.Annunziata', Patrona di Viareggio
in collaboration with
Associazione Culturale "Terra di Viareggio"

'Quadri di un ballo a Villa Paolina'
Dances of fort '800 of Napoleonic time

Sunday 1 March 2015, h. 18
Palazzo Paolina Bonaparte

in 'Appuntamento con Paolina'
1st Sunday open museum


19th century ball
'Romantico '800'

Quadri da un Ballo dell'800

Friday 27 February 2015, h. 21
Villa Paolina di Compignano

with music by Strauss and Verdi
in 'Gran Ballo in Maschera di Carnevale'
organized by Ass.
Ville Borbone e Dimore Storiche della Versilia

'Coriandoli Scozzesi'
Scottish dance demonstration
Saturday 21 February 2015, h. 17
Piazza Campioni, Viareggio
in 'Carnevalbacco'

Side event to Carnevale di Viareggio

'Mare di Scozia'
Scottish dance

Sunday 11 January 2015, orh.e 17
Museo della Marineria "Alberto Gianni"
Lungo Canale Est 23, Viareggio

Demonstration of traditional Scottish dances
on the sea theme

A journey to discover the links between the great sea tradition through the music and Scottish dance
inspired by the theme of the sea.
In "2nd Sunday of the month - Open Museum" by Ufficio Cultura Comune di Viareggio and Museo della Marineria

19th century ball
'Romantico '800'

"Puccini's Country"

15 November 2014
h. 17
Auditorium del Gran Teatro G. Puccini
Torre del Lago

Scottish Dances
Saturday 4 October 2014, h. 17
at Biblioteca Ragazzi Anna Malfatti, Piazza Buon Consiglio 1
in Festa d' Autunno
organized by Comune di Viareggio, Ass. alla Cultura, Biblioteca Anna Malfatti

Presentation Evening

Open dancing evening to present the activities of the Sociteà di Danza
Come and join us
19th century dance and Scottish dance

Tuesday 30 September 2014, h. 20
Palestra delle Scuole Jenco, Via Menini

Realized activities 2013-14

From October 2013 to May 2014 courses of 19th century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher and direction M. L. Fava.

Realized parties 2013-2014

Festa di Carnevale

2 March 2014
h. 17.30

Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"
Via Aurelia Sud corner Via del Pastore

Subject: 'The Sea'

Poster (pdf)

tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Summertime Scottish Party
14 September 2013
Dinner and Scottish country dance
at Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"
Via Aurelia Sud corner Via del Pastore
from 7 pm (for preparation) / 7.30 pm dinner / 8.30 pm dances start
Program: A Summer Gathering, Summer Wooing, Summer's End,
Welcome to the Dance, It's All Right, Nice to See You,
The Three Bonnie Maidens, A Strathspey for Shelley and more...
..and Ceilidh Dances

Events 2013-2014

19th century dance
'Bouquet di Danze'

Music and dance referred to flowers
in "Giardini in Fiore a Villa Borbone"

8 June 2014, h. 18
Garden of Villa Borbone

19th century dance
'Fiori di Maggio' (Flowers of May)

in "'800 Suggestioni a Villa Borbone - Cultura, Arte e Danza"

24 May 2014
h. 17.30
Garden of Villa Borbone

19th century ball
in 19th century ball "Between commoners and gentlemen"
25 March, h. 16, Viareggio, Piazzetta della Chiesa
Reconstruction of a ball between tradition and vernacular
in Festa della SS.Annunziata, Patrona di Viareggio
in collaboration with cultural association "Terra di Viareggio"
Poster (pdf)

Federation Società di Danza

Special seminar in Tuscany
Stage on Sunday to study practice and theory
of 19th century dances, their technique and their history
Firenze, 16 February 2014
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica
in the series of national special seminars of the
Società di Danza, organized in collaboration with Società di Danza groups in Tuscany

Danzando con Verdi
Nineteenth century dance on the music by Verdi
21 December 2013
Via C. Battisti, h. 21, Viareggio
in "Magic Christmas"
Organized by Comune di Viareggio
and Coordinamento Viareggio Centro

Scottish country dance
Waiting for Christmas ... opening the dance

organized by Comune di Viareggio, Ass. alla Cultura, Biblioteca Anna Malfatti
Wednesday 18 December 2013, h. 17
at the Biblioteca Ragazzi Anna Malfatti, Piazza Buon Consiglio 1, Viareggio
Program: h. 17 Activity of Scottish dance and game with Società di Danza Viareggio
h. 17.40 Refreshment - h. 18.15 Arrival of Babbo Natale

Realized activities 2012-13

From October 2012 to May 2013 courses of 19th century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher and direction M. L. Fava.

Notte Bianca
Demonstration and animation of Scottish dances
9 August 2013

Danzando con Verdi
Nineteenth century dance on the music by Verdi
15 agosto 2013
Camaiore, piazza San Bernardino, h. 21,30
in " Follie d'Altri Tempi - Notti di Santa Maria"
Organizzed by: Consorzio di Promozione Turistica di Camaiore, parrocchia di Santa Maria Assunta, Commercianti di Camaiore e dal Centro Commerciale Naturale

Martedì grasso in Maschera
Evening open and free theme, dances for everyone,
buffet managed by the participants

12 February 2013, h. 20
Palestra delle Scuole Jenco, Via Menini

tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Etruria - IV Edizione
Stage on Sunday to study practice and theory
of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Pisa, 24 February 2013 , h. 11-17
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A (map)
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

in collaboration with the Circoli and groups of Società di Danza di Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Roma and Viareggio
Information: viareggio@societadidanza.it

Scottish country dance
Waiting for Christmas ... opening the dance

organized by Comune di Viareggio, Ass. al Decentramento, Ass. Politiche Giovanili, Biblioteca Anna Malfatti, Circoscrizione di Viareggio
Monday 17 December 2012, h. 18.15
at the Biblioteca Ragazzi Anna Malfatti, Piazza Buon Consiglio 1, Viareggio
h. 16.45 Animated tale - with "Il Teatro della Tartaruga a Colori - Viareggio"
h. 17.40 Arrival of 'Babbo Natale' - Presents
h. 18.15
Scottish dance for adults and children - Società di Danza - Viareggio

Realized activities 2011-12

From October 2011 to May 2012 courses of 19th century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher and direction M. L. Fava.

Martedì grasso in Maschera
Evening open and free theme, dances for everyone,
buffet managed by the participants

21 February 2012, h. 19
Palestra delle Scuole Jenco, Via Menini

tel. 339.2259850 - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Etruria - III edition
Stage on Sunday to study practice and theory
of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Pisa, 26 February 2012
h. 11-17
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A (map)
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica
in collaboration with the Circoli and groups of the Società di Danza
di Livorno, Lucca, Pisa, Roma and Viareggio

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it - viareggio@societadidanza.it

Scottish country dance
Waiting for Christmas ... opening the dance
organized by Comune di Viareggio, Ass. al Decentramento, Ass. Politiche Giovanili, Biblioteca Anna Malfatti, Circoscrizione di Viareggio
Monday 19 December 2011, h. 18.30
at the Biblioteca Ragazzi Anna Malfatti, Piazza Buon Consiglio 1, Viareggio
h. 17.00 Christmas song in Spanish - school "Palabras" with C. Fernandez
h. 18,00 Arrival of 'Babbo Natale' - Presents
h. 18.30
Scottish dances for adults and children - Società di Danza - Viareggio

Presentation Evening

Open dancing evening to present the activities of the Sociteà di Danza
Come and join us
19th century dance and Scottish dance

Tuesday 5 October 2010, h. 20
Palestra delle Scuole Jenco, Via Menini

Realized activities 2010-2011

From October 2010 to May 2011 courses of 19th century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher M. L. Fava.

Etruria - II Edition
Sunday stage on theory and practice of 19th century social dance
technique and history.

Pisa, 20 Febrauary 2011
h. 11-18
Scuola di Danza Proscaenium - Via Fiorentina, 216/A
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica

in collaboration with Circoli and groups of the Società di Danza
in Viareggio, Livorno, Lucca, Pisa and Roma

Informazioni: viareggio@societadidanza.it - pisa@societadidanza.it

Martedì grasso in Maschera
An invitation to celebrate Carnival, with 19th century dances,
Scottish dance and animation
Evening open and free theme
Buffet managed by the participants

8 March 2011, h. 19-22
Palestra delle Scuole Jenco, Via Menini

Presentation Evening

Open dancing evening to present the activities of the Sociteà di Danza
Come and join us
19th century dance and Scottish dance

Tuesday 5 October 2010, h. 20
Palestra delle Scuole Jenco, Via Menini

Information: tel. 339.2259850
mail: viareggio@societadidanza.it

Realized activities 2009-2010

From October 2009 to May 2010 courses of 19th century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher and direction M. L. Fava.

Danze dell'Ottocento
Demonstration of XIX century dance

17 December 2009, h. 21.15
Viareggio, Circolo Ricreativo Culturale "Il Fienile"

Via Aurelia Sud angolo Via del Pastore
in the evening for Christmas "Biglietti d'Auguri"

Realized activities 2008-2009

From October 2008 to May 2009 courses of XIX century dances and Scottish country dance have been held with teacher M. L. Fava.

Danze dell'Ottocento
Demonstration of XIX century social dance

30 December 2008, h. 18.30
Pietrasanta, Piazza del Duomo
Società di Pisa, Livorno and Viareggio

Scottish Dancing Evening

Demonstration of Scottish Country dance
And dance animation. Everyone is welcome to join us.

Saturday, September, 6, 2008
h. 21.15
at the Circolo Ricreativo Culturale 'Il Fienile'
Via Aurelia Sud crossing Via del Pastore
exit Cotone from variante of Aurelia, turn right
direction Viareggio, find the red building on your right

The Società di Danza started the activities with classes on XIX Century Dances and
Scottish Country Dances with the teacher M. Luisa Fava from October 2008.

Società di Danza