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Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza aps
19th century dance school
Cultural association directed by S. Balsamo

Società di Danza > Circolo Pisano

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About | Current activities | Contact | News | National Federation Società di Danza
Past Activities: 1994-2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2019-2021, 2022, 2023, 2024


Circolo Pisano della Società is a cultural association affiliated to Società di Danza
and since 2007 is affilated to National Federation Società di Danza, agrees with the aims and the Manifesto
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza is a cultural society founded in Pisa in 1994, promotes historical research and practice on Nineteenth Century and Historical dances, according to the aims of the Società di Danza,cultural association and now Federation, founded in 1991 by Fabio Mòllica, to whom the Circolo Pisano is affiliated since 1994. Since 2007 Circolo Pisano is associated to the National Federation Società di Danza, that is formed by branches, groups and individuals
that agree with the Manifesto, the System of dance and the Educational Material.
The society aims at reconstructing a dance system belonging to the European tradition. The XIX Century dances are: quadrilles, country dances, waltzes, polkas and mazurkas, and Scottish dances.
We aim at researching the artistic technique that in the Nineteenth Century made these dances especially important for the dancing masters and not only mass enjoyment.
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza since 1997 is affiliated to Royal Scottish Country Dance Society and promotes Scottish country dance in the dance system.
logo.gif The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza is directed by S. Balsamo.
S. Balsamo is teacher ofSocietà di Danza from 1995 and is a fully certificated teacher of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society from 2000.
The association is in the list of Comune di Pisa and Regione Toscana of the APS (associazione di promozione sociale) - Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza aps - and in the list of RUNTS (Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore) from 2022.

Contact: tel. 360 233650 - pisa@societadidanza.it

Current activities of the Circolo Pisano, connected to the Società di Danza include:
Weekly classes -
Seminars - Balls and Tea Dances - Special Events - Contact

Activities of the year 2023 - 2024

Circolo Pisano
della Società di Danza

Pisa - Courses of 19th Century Dance and Scottish Dance
Courses are active from October to May     
Next course: on Friday from 4 October 2024
Courses every Friday from h. 20.00
at Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A (map)

20.00-21.30 Beginners
21.30-22.15 Intermediate - 22.15-23.00 Advanced

Teacher: S. Balsamo
Courses active from - October to May

Contact us to participate!

It is possible to try a class
Course calendar - I course: from October to January - II course: from February to May

Contact us for information: 360.233650 - pisa@societadidanza.it    

Scottish Party

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza has been practicing Scottish dances since its foundation and, like the Società di Danza, adopts the Scottish country dance system of the
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, of which it has been an affiliated group since 1997, and of which it has a certified teacher (RSCDS fully certified teacher since 2000).
It periodically organizes Scottish dance parties, including live music, and demonstration and animation events.

St Andrew's Night has been our annual Scottish Dance Party event with live music, on the occasion of the celebrations of the patron saint of Scotland.

We invite you to participate!

Saint Andrew's Night
Scottish country Dance
24 November 2024, h. 15

Music by
Ceilitaly Scottish Ceilidh Band
Sala Teatro Proscaenium, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, V. Boboli 19
logo.gif logo.gif
Il Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
is affiliated to National Federation Società di Danza
and since 1997affiliated group of the
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Scottish Party
(Appropriate Scottish dress is welcome)
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it
Program: to be defined Dances will be recapped
and if it is necessary walk though for the first couple
More dances

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Grand Ball

The 19th-century Grand Balls are reconstructions of social dance events. of 19th-century tradition in significant historical places, carefully organized to recreate the atmosphere and style of a 19th-century festive event.
The dancers participate wearing a ball dress from the Romantic period. The dances are reconstructed based on the study of the dance manuals of the best European masters.
The music is selected from the repertoire of music for dance and dance, and from opera arias in vogue in the period.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza has been organizing 19th-century Grand Balls in historic villas, palaces and theaters since 1995.

Società di Danza - Circolo Pisano

Grand Ball 'della Seta'
VIII edition - 19th century Grand Ball

Sunday 13 April 2025, h. 15.00
Villa di Corliano

S.S. Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa
   Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca
Partecipation by invitation - - - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650


Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza organizes periodic seminars for in-depth study and study of historical dance, with reference to different periods and particular attention to social dances.
Since its foundation it has organized series of seminars on Renaissance dance, social dance and of the 18th century,
society dance of the early 19th century (first empire style in France or regency style in Great Britain), historical Scottish dances.
We study of the sources, the practice of steps and figures, the style and the repertoire. We organize events in collaboration with musical and choral institutions and associations.

The Società di Danza has organized cycles of historical dance seminars since its foundation, from the Renaissance to the Baroque, from the early 18th century to the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
It has organized specific stages in baroque dance and early 19th-century dance (regency dance), summer schools, "Danzare Mozart" seminar cycles, several Seminars
and various editions of the National Meetings, from 2013 onwards, in-depth thematic analysis of different periods: from the late 18th century, to the early 19th century, to the Romantic period,
to the Risorgimento, to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the 19th century ball dress, the etiquette and much more. Here more on the National Meetings
Il Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza ha organizzato seminari di danza storica dalla sua fondazione nel 1994.

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Historical dance Seminars

Historical dances from late XVIII and XIX century
Lab of historical dance - Pisa
calendar of cycles of seminars
to be soon defined
(periodic updates)

It is possible to participate to single stages

Informazioni: pisa@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
- from its foundation (1994) is affiliated to the National Federation Società di Danza,
- since 1997 is an affiliated group of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society,
- is included in the list of associations for the social promotion of Regione Toscana, Provincia di Pisa, Comune di Pisa
- since 2007 is a member of the Comitato degli Amici del Teatro di Pisa,
- since 1999 is one of the founding associations and is associated to the Casa della Città Leopolda
- is hosted by the Rete Civica di Pisa, Comune of Pisa.
Further information on the Circolo Pisano and the Società di Danza and         

Cycles of classes of 19th century social dance and Scottish country dances. The associated to the Società di Danza can participate to several local, national and international events, that include:
- Grand balls and tea dances in Pisa, in Tuscany, in Italy and in Europe.
- Scottish Parties and balls.
- Easter School 2025
- Summer School 2025
- Special seminars of historical dance.
- Many other events and activities.

Tea dances and Balls in Pisa - 2024-2025

periodic update

  • Scottish Party, 24.11.2024, St Andrew's Night
    with live music!: Ceilitaly Ceilidh Band
    Sala Teatro Proscenium S. Giuliano, Via Boboli 19, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h. 15

  • Dancing evening 'in Red',, December 2024
    Sala Proscenium, Via Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa, h. 20.00
  • Carnival Party, February 2025

  • Grand Ball 'della Seta', 19th century Grand Ball, 13 April 2025
    Villa di Corliano, Via Statale Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h. 15.30

  • Summer Dancing Evenings - June 2025
    Luoghi vari, Pisa
  • Summer Party, June 2025

Year 2023 - 2024

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2023-2024 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa from October 2023 to May 2024 at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels.
Open dancing evening has been organized in June and September 2023 in Terraza Leopolda in Pisa and June 2024 in various places.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, and tea dances, Scottish party, presentation of 19th century dance and Scottish dance, semnars of historical dance and related events.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national events organized by Società di Danza,
joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars also including:

Some recent activities

Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano

Comune di Pisa.

Grand Ball 'della Seta'
VII edition - Grand Ball

Sunday 21 April 2024, h. 15.30
Villa di Corliano

S.S. Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa
   Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca

Participation by invitation
Reconstruction of a 19th Century Grand Ball with social dance of European tradition. Dances are are rebuilt on the basis of the study of the 19th Century dance manuals of the best European dancing masters.
Quadrille, controdance, Waltz, Mazurka, French Polka, March, Galop.
Dress code for the dancers: 19th century ball dress, romantic period.
Dance Program: Spanish Waltz, March Fatinitza, Contraddanza Bonvivant, Altz La Gazza Ladra, Quadrille I Corsari, Mazurka Rosa della Foresta, Waltz Blue Night, Quadrille Barbablù, March Arlecchino, Waltz Don Chisciotte, Contraddanza Orfeus, Quadrille Annika, Waltz Tanzlust, Mazurka "dell'Opera", Waltz Principe Rodolfo, Galop Guglielmo Tell
and more: Flowers' Waltz, waltzes, polka and cotillon

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650

Information about Villa di Corliano.
Villa di Corliano is recognized as one of the most prestigious Renaissance villas in Tuscany. Villa di Corliano is of the 15th Century, the exterior is decorated with graffiti dating back 1500 and which are typical of Florentine Mannerist Art. Inside the salons of the Villa frescoes by Andrea Boscolo (1592) and Nicola Matraini (1750) can be admired. Villa di Corliano belongs to Agostini Venerosi della Seta family since 1536. Villa Agostini is part of a larger monumental complex composed of a Chapel, a Farmhouse (designed by Ignazio Pellegrini in 1755), an oil Mill, a Kaffeehaus.
The Villa has a huge charming Park of about three hectares with some secular plants and which is enclosed within the Villa's walls.

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Open Summer dancing evenings
Open dancing evening with social dances, Scottish Country Dances and animation dance

one evenings: Friday 7 h. 20.30
Friday 14 (h. 21.30, Circolo La Scepre)
Friday 21 (h 20.30, Circolo La Pagoda) free entrance
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

'Un Ballo per Elisa'

Social dances from 18th to 19th century società
Open class and Ball

Sunday 23 June 2024, h. 16

Sala del Capitolo, Real Collegio
Piazza del Collegio 13, Lucca

Social dances at the time of Elisa Baciocchi. From minuet to contredanse, from cotillon to valse.

As a final event of the cycle of seminars of historical dance from late 18th to early 19th century held in Pisa in the year 2023-2024

Circolo Pisano della Socieà di Danza in collaboration with Circolo di Lucca della Società di Danza
in the event 'Lucca Historiae Fest'


Info: pisa@societadidanza.it - lucca@societadidanza.it

tel. 360233650 - 328 7082435

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Seminars of historical dance

Early 19th century dance
Lab of historical dance
calendar ( periodic updates)
I cycle - (October-December 2023)
Sunday: 22/10 - 29/10 - 12/11 - h. 15-18
19/11 - 10/12 - h. 10-13
II cycle - (January-May 2024)
Seminar on 17/3/2024 - h. 10
and calendar: 21/1 - 18/2 - 17/3 - 28/4 - 19/5/2024
23/6/2024 (Lucca) seminar and Ball

Sala Prove Leopolda, Piazza Gurerrazzi 1, Pisa
It is possible to participate to single stage
Dance in Europe in the early 19th century
Elegance and romance in dance at the time of Jane Austen and not only
The forms of dance of society widespread in the early decades of the 19th century
From the study of the European manuals of the period we reconstruct style and forms of dance of the period according to the best dance masters
Contredance, English Country Dance, Contradance, Ecossaise, Quadrille, the first waltz

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650

Saint Andrew's Night
Scottish country Dance
26 November 2023, h. 15

Music by Ceilitaly Scottish Ceilidh Band
Sala Teatro Proscaenium, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, V. Boboli 19
logo.gif logo.gif
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
is affiliated to National Federation Società di Danza
logo.gifand since 1997 is an affiliated group to
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Scottish country dance party
(Appropriate Scottish dress is welcome)
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it
Program - Diagrams - Cribs
Wee Willie's Jig J, The Scotch Tangle R
The Galloping Carousel J, Mr Watson's Favourite R
The Aviatori J, Knit the Pockey R
The Braes of Breadalbane S, Pudsey Bear J
Scott Meikle R, Ciamar a Tha (How are You)? J
Flowers of Edinburgh R, Hope Little's Strathspey S
The De'il Amang the Taylors R
The Diamond Jubilee J, La Tempête R
Festival Interceltique R
     (e altro...)
Dances will be recapped
and if it is necessary walk though for the first couple
More dances
...by surprise

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Carnival Party
9 February 2024, h. 20.00

Sala Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa
Suggested themes: Characters from the Puccini Operas, Pisa History, Folklore and tradition
Social Dance - Scottish country dance - 19th century dance - cotillon and more

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it
Program: Spanish Waltz, March Camelie, Pudsey Bear, Quadrille Stradella, Mazurka 'Rosa della Foresta', Waltz Amélie, We Willie's Jig, Quadrille Orpheus, Waltz Simpatia, Ciamar a Tha, Pas de Trois, Waltz Les Papillonm, The De'il Among the Tailors, Waltz country Dance, Galop Guglielmo Tell, Extra by surprise

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Summer Party
26 June 2024, h. 19
La Carraia, Via Livornese 766

Social dance from 19th century, Scottish country dance, to celebrate the dancing year of Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Contatact us - info: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Invitation to the dance!
Open dancing evening with 19th Century dance and Scottish Country Dances

Friday 22 and 29 September 2023, h. 21.00
Terrazza Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1, Pisa

We invite you to come and join the dance
the romantic 19th Century dances
ant the lively Scottish Country Dances
presentation of the activities
Free Entrance - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Tea Dance, Party, Grand Ball in Pisa - 2023-2024

  • Scottish Party, 26.11.2023, St Andrew's Night
    with live music!: Ceilitaly Ceilidh Band
    Sala Teatro Proscenium S. Giuliano, Via Boboli 19, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h. 15

  • Dancing evening 'in Red', December 2023
    Sala Proscenium, Via Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa, h. 20.00

  • Carnival Party, 9.2.2024
    Sala Proscenium, Via Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa, h. 20.00

  • Grand Ball 'della Seta', Grand Ball, 21 April 2024
    Villa di Corliano, Via Statale Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h. 15.30

  • Open summer dancing evenings - June 2024
    various places, Pisa

  • Summer Party, 26.6.2024
    La Carraia, Via Livornese 766, Pisa, h. 19.00

Year 2022 - 2023

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2022-2023 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa from October 2022 to May 2023 at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels.
Open dancing evening has been organized in June and September 2022and June 2023 in Terraza Leopolda in Pisa.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, and tea dances.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by Società di Danza,
joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars also including:

Some recent activities

Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano

Comune di Pisa.

Grand Ball 'della Seta'
VI edition - Grand Ball

Sunday 30 April 2023, h. 15.30
Villa di Corliano

S.S. Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa
   Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca

Participation by invitation
Reconstruction of a 19th Century Grand Ball with social dance of European tradition. Dances are are rebuilt on the basis of the study of the 19th Century dance manuals of the best European dancing masters.Quadrille, controdance, Waltz, Mazurka, French Polka, March, Galop. Dress code for the dancers: 19th century ball dress, romantic period.
Patronage of Comune di Pisa
Information about Villa di Corliano.
Villa di Corliano is recognized as one of the most prestigious Renaissance villas in Tuscany. Villa di Corliano is of the 15th Century, the exterior is decorated with graffiti dating back 1500 and which are typical of Florentine Mannerist Art. Inside the salons of the Villa frescoes by Andrea Boscolo (1592) and Nicola Matraini (1750) can be admired. Villa di Corliano belongs to Agostini Venerosi della Seta family since 1536. Villa Agostini is part of a larger monumental complex composed of a Chapel, a Farmhouse (designed by Ignazio Pellegrini in 1755), an oil Mill, a Kaffeehaus.
The Villa has a huge charming Park of about three hectares with some secular plants and which is enclosed within the Villa's walls.
Program: Spanish Waltz, Hungarian March, Quadrille Etruria, Valzer n. 2, Contraddanza Guglielmo Tell, Mazurka Don Chisciotte, Waltz Artist's Life, Quadrille Le Beau Monde, Pas de Trois, Waltz la Rinka, Quadrille Araldi, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Titania Waltz, The Triumph, Waltz 'Acquarelli', Galop and more, waltz, cotillon and ... surprise

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Carnival Party
10 February 2023, h. 20.30
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A
Suggested Theme: Titles and characters from 19th literature
Social dance - Scottish country dance
19th century dance - cotillon and game dance

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Saint Andrew's Scottish Dance
Scottish country Dance
Scottish Party with live music!
Sunday 27 November 2022, h. 15
Sala Teatro Proscaenium S. Giuliano
Via Boboli 19, San Giuliano Terme (Pisa)
Music by Ceilitaly Scottish Ceilidh Band
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
is affiliated to National Federation Società di Danza
and it has been an affiliated group since 1997 to
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society logo.gif
Appropriate Scottish dress is welcome
Further information soon available
Info: pisa@societadidanza.it
Program - Hospitality Circle, Long Live the Queen, New Caledonia Jig, More-a-bees Dancing *,
A Scottish Jaunt, The Australian Ladies o, Muse Cottage *, Lady C. Bruce's Reel , EH3 7AF *,
St Andrew's of Brampton o, Border Meeting, Flowers of Edinburgh, Festival Interceltique
(For all except for: *intermediate, oadvanced) and more extraa
DAnces will be recapped and walk through for the first couple if needed

logo.gif Christmas dance
Dancing evening in red!

16 December 2022, h. 20
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Open Summer Dancing Evenings
Open dancing evenings with 19th century social dance,
Scottish Country Dances and animation dances for all

on Friday, June 2023
from 20.30

Come and join us!
Leopolda, Sala Prove - Terrazza Piazza Guerrazzi 1, Pisa
Free entrance - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it


Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Seminars of historical dance

Early 19th century dance

Lab of historical dance
First cycle
Sunday 20 November 2022
Saturday 10 December 2022
h. 15.00-18.00
Sala Prove Leopolda
Piazza Gurerrazzi 1, Pisa
Dance in Europe in the early nineteenth century
Elegance and romance in dance at the time of Jane Austen and not only
The forms of dance of society widespread in the early decades of the 19th century
From the study of the European manuals of the period we reconstruct style and forms of dance of the period according to the best dance masters
Contredance, English Country Dance, Contradance, Ecossaise, Quadrille, the first waltz

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650

Parties, tea dance and Balls in Pisa - 2022-2023

Parties, tea dance, Scottish Parties, Grand Balls
further information soon available, periodic update

  • Festa Scozzese, St Andrew's Night
    Scottish Ball, 27.11.2022, h. 15.00
  • with live music!: Ceilitaly Ceilidh Band
    Sala Tetro Proscenium, Via Boboli 19, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa
  • Dancing evening 'in Red', 16.12.2022

  • Carnival Party, 10 February 2023
    Sala Proscenium, Via Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa, h.20.30

  • Grand Ball 'della Seta', 30 April 2023
    Villa di Corliano, Via Statale Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h. 15.30

  • Summer Dancing Evenings, giugno 2023

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Invitation to the dance!
Open dancing evening with 19th Century dance and Scottish Country Dances
Friday 30 September 2020, h. 20.30
Scuola Proscaenium, VIa Fiorentina 216/a, Pisa

We invite you to come and join the dance
the romantic 19th Century dances
ant the lively Scottish Country Dances
presentation of the activities
Free entrance - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Year 2021 - 2022

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2021-2022 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa from October 2021 to May 2022 at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels.
Two cycles of classes of four months. 1st course: 1.10.2021-31.1.2022, 2nd course: 1.2-31.5.2022
Open dancing evening has been organized in June and September 2021 and June 2022 in Terraza Leopolda in Pisa.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, and tea dances.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by Società di Danza,
joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars including:

Some recent activities

Comune di Pisa.
Societ&agrav; di Danza
Circolo Pisano
Accademia Nazionale dell'Ussero

Grand Ball Risorgimentale
to commemorate the Risorgimento
and Curtatone and Montanara on 29 May 1848

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
29 May 2022

Villa di Corliano

S.S. Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa
   Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca

Grand Ball Risorgimentale of Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza in the historical Villa della Seta of Corliano, a unique and fascinating environment to live a 19th Century Grand Ball with dances of societies of European tradition.
For the annyversary of the battle Curtatone e Montanara on 29 May 1848, a tribute to Risorgimento and the e ai founding values of the modern society through 19th Century social dance. Dances are reconstructed on the basis of the study of Società di Danza of the 19th Century dance manuals of the best European dancing masters. Quadrille, controdance, Waltz, Mazurka, French Polka, March, Galop.
Dress code for the dancers: 19th century ball dress, romantic period.
Patronage Comune di Pisa
Information sulla Villa di Corliano
Program: Spanish Waltz, MarchKossuth, Contraddanza Romantica, Waltz della Repubblica Ligure, Quadrille Flora, Mazurka 'In patria',
Waltz La gazza ladra, Blue Bonnets, Quadrille Colosseo, Imperial Waltz, Mazurka Colombina,
Contraddanza Questa o quella, Flowers' Waltz, Quadrille 'all'Improvviso', Waltz Tanzlust, March Roma
and more

Participation by invitation- Information: pisa@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650

Parties, tea dance and Balls in Pisa - 2021-2022

Parties, tea dance, Scottish Parties, Grand Balls - further information soon available, periodic update
  • Scottish Party, St Andrew's Night
    Scottish dance, 28.11.2021, h. 15.30
    Sala Proscenium, Via Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa

  • Dancing evening 'in Red', 17.12.2021

  • Carnival Party, 25 February 2022
    Sala Proscenium, Via Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa

  • Grand Ball Risorgimentale, 29.5.2022
    19th Century Grand Ball, Villa di Corliano, Via Statale Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, ore 16

  • Summer Open dancing evenings, 10 and 23 June 2022
    Terrazza Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1 , Pisa, ore 20.30

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Summer Opening Dance Party
Open dancing evenngs with 19th century social dance,
Scottish Country Dances and dances for all

1st dancing evening - Dance together!
Friday 10 June 2022, h. 20.30

2nd dancing evening - Opening Summer Party
Thursday 23 June 2022, h. 20.30
Come and join us!

Leopolda, Terrazza Piazza Guerrazzi 1, Pisa
Free entrance - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Carnival Party
25 February 2022, h. 20.30

Sala Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A

Suggested mask: 'The Olympic Games'
Social dance
Scottish country dance
19th century dance
cotillon and game dance
e altro...

Contact us to participate

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif Christmas dance
Dancing evening in red!

17 December 2021, h. 20.15
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa

logo.gif Saint Andrew's Scottish Dance
Scottish country Dance
Scottish Party
28 November 2021, h. 15.30
Sala Proscenium, Via Fiorentina 216/A
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
is an affiliated group of National Federation Società di Danza
and an affiliated group since 1997 to
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society logo.gif

Appropriate Scottish dress is welcome
Scottish Country Dance and not only...

Info: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Invitation to the dance
Opening Party - Open dancing evening

19th Century dance
and Scottish Country Dances

Friday 24 September 2021, h. 21
Terrazza Leopolda
Piazza Guerrazzi 1, Pisa

We invite you to come and join the dance the romantic 19th Century dances and the lively Scottish Country Dances
open dancing eventing and presentation of the activities
Free entrance - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Years 2019 - 2020 and 2020 - 2021

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2019-2020 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa from October 2019 to February 2020 at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) and M. L. Fava (Leopolda, for beginners).
Two cycles of classes of four months. 1st course: 1.10.2019-31.1.2020, 2nd course: 1.2-28.2.2020 suspended beacuse of the emergency health situation.
In the year 2020-2021 course has been reactivated in October 2020 at Scuola Proscaenium, with teacher S. Balsamo, then suspended for the sanitary constraints.
Open dancing evening has been organized in June and September 2021 in Terraza Leopolda in Pisa.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, stages and seminars, specific seminars of renaissance dance and eary 19th century dance, grand balls and tea dances.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by Società di Danza,
joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars including:

Year 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 : Courses in the Pisa area: PISA - Pontedera

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Invitation to the dance!
Open dancing evening with 19th Century dance and Scottish Country Dances
Friday 25 September 2020, h. 21
Leopolda, Terrazza, Piazza Guerrazzi 1, Pisa

We invite you to come and join the dance
the romantic 19th Century dances
ant the lively Scottish Country Dances
presentation of the activities
Free entrance - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it
Società di Danza - Circolo Pisano

Scottish Country Dance

of Scottish dances

Friday 18 September 2020, h. 18
in Pisa in Fiore
Leopolda, Pisa

Year 2019 - 2020

Year 2019-2020 - Courses in Pisa from October to May

Società di Danza

19th century dance and Scottish Country Dance

Courses start in: October - February
it is possible to join us during the year
contat us for information

For information
tel. 360 233650

Note: lessons temporarily suspended
in accordance with government regulations

course are held from October 2019 to May 2020 in Pisa
I course: from October 2019 to January 2020
II course: from February to May 2020

Come and try for an open class
Course start planned from October 2020

Circolo Pisano della
Società di Danza

affiliated to
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society


Course held in 2019-2020 - I course: from October 2019 to January 2020 - II course: form February to May 2020
Course on Friday, h. 20.15, Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A - (map)
20.15-21.30 Beginners and Intermediate - 21.30-22.20 Intermediate and Advanced - 22.20-23.15 Advanced - Teacher: S. Balsamo
e (*) il Wednesday, ore 21.15 Leopolda, P.za Guerrazzi 1, h. 21.15-22.45 - Beginners - Teacher: M.L. Fava
(*) note: second class for beginners, activated in case of suficient number of beginners

Contatct: tel. 360 233650 -pisa@societadidanza.it

Tea Dances and Balls in Pisa - 2019-2020

  • Scottish Party, St Andrew's Night, 30.11.2019
    Teatro Parrocchia di Ghezzano, V. Berchet 16, h. 17.30
  • Carnival Party, 22.2.2020
  • Grand Ball della Seta, 26.4.2020
    Gran Ball 'della Seta', 19th Century Grand Ball, Villa di Corliano, Via Statale Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h. 16 postponed, date to be defined
  • Summer Party - Open dancing evening, 24.6.2020
    Terrazza Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1 , Pisa, ore 21

Some recent activities

Società di Danza - Circolo Pisano
logo.gif Estate Off - Serate Aperte di Danza

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
invites you to
open evenings di
social dance and Scottish country dance
In safety and according to the rules

Come and dance with us!

3 - 10 - 17 - 24 July 2020, h. 21

Pisa, Leopolda, Terrazza Coperta, Piazza Guerrazzi 1
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif    Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Carnival Party

22 February 2020, h. 16

Sala Oratorio, Piazza S. Ranieri 1
Theme suggested: Musical
Election of the best masks

Information - pisa@societadidanza.it

Spanish Waltz, March Harlequine, The Scotch Tangle, Waltz Tanzlust, Quadrille Elvira 1-2, Zar March, Waltz Don Sebastiano, Quadrille Arlecchino 1-2, Alice's Request, Petitionen Waltz, Mazurka 'Fiori di Maggio', The Barmkin, Quadrille 'all'Improviso' 1-2, March Roma
and more ...

logo.gif Christmas Dancing Evening!
Special Christmas dancing evening in red!

20 December 2019, h. 20.15
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa

logo.gif Saint Andrew's Scottish Dance
Scottish country Dance
Scottish Party
30 November2019, h. 17.30
Teatro Parrocchia Ss. Trinità, Ghezzano, V. G. Berchet16
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
is affiliated to
National Federation Società di Danza
and it has been an affiliated group since 1997 to
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society logo.gif

Appropriate Scottish dress is welcome
Scottish Country Dance and not only...

Info: pisa@societadidanza.it
Program - 1. Hospitality Circle, 2. The Kingston Jig, 3. The Highland Rambler*, 4. The Wandering Piper,
5. St Andrew's Platinum Reel**, 6. The Brudenell Jig, 7. Prince Rupert's Fancy**, 8. The Forth Bridge Reel*,
9. The Pipe Opener, 10. The Scotch Circle, 11. The Aviator**, 12. Saint Martin's Strathspey*,
13. New Caledonia Jig, 14. Peggy Dewar**, 15. Pint O'Ale is Fine*, 16. Catch as catch can, 17. Farewell to Balfour Road**,
18. Festival Interceltique - (dances for all except: *for intermediate, **for advanced)
Extra: 1314 and more on demand or surprise
Dances will be recapped

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Invitation to the dance: Dance with us!
Open dancing evening with 19th Century dance
and Scottish Country dance

Wednesday 2 October 2018, h. 21.15
Leopolda, Sala Prove, Piazza Guerrazzi 1, Pisa
We invite you to come and join the dance
the romantic 19th Century dances
ant the lively Scottish Country Dances
for the starting of the activities
Free entrance - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Year 2018 - 2019

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2018-2019 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa from October 2018 to June 2019 at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) and M. L. Fava (Leopolda, for beginners).
Two cycles of classes of four months. 1st course: 1.10.2018-31.1.2019, 2nd course: 1.2-8.6.2019.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, stages and seminars, specific seminars of renaissance dance and eary 19th century dance, grand balls and tea dances.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by Società di Danza,
joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars including:
Some activities 2018 - 2019

Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano


Comune di Pisa

Grand Ball 'della Seta'
V Edition
25th year of Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Sunday 28 April 2019, h. 16
Villa della Seta di Corliano

S.S. Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa
   Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca
For the 25th anniversary of its foundation, Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza invites you to
the reconstruction of a 19th Century Grand Ball with social dance of European tradition
Dances are are rebuilt on the basis of the study of the 19th Century dance manuals of the best European dancing masters.
Dress code for the dancers: 19th century ball dress, romantic period. Quadrille, controdance, Waltz, Mazurka, French Polka, March, Galop. Patronage of Comune di Pisa
Information on Villa di Corliano.
Villa of Corliano is recognized as one of the most prestigious Renaissance villas in Tuscany. Villa di Corliano is of the 15th Century,
the exterior is decorated with graffiti dating back 1500 and which are typical of Florentine Mannerist Art.
Inside the salons of the Villa frescoes by Andrea Boscolo (1592) and Nicola Matraini (1750) can be admired.
Villa di Corliano belongs to Agostini Venerosi della Seta family since 1536.
Villa Agostini is part of a larger monumental complex composed of a Chapel, a Farmhouse
(designed by Ignazio Pellegrini in 1755), an oil Mill, a Kaffeehaus.
The Villa has a huge charming Park of about three hectares with some secular plants and which is enclosed within the Villa's walls.

Dance program: Spanish Waltz, Fatinitza March, Contraddanza I martiri, Watlz Blue Night, Quadrille Charivari, Mazurka La Flora,
March 'dei Piccoli Mori', Waltz Dutsche Grüsse, , Contraddanza Rivoluzioni del '48, Csikos Quadrille,
Simpathy Waltz, Contraddanza Le Beau Monde, Mazurca 'Lo Sberleffo', Zingaro barone Quadrille, Waltz Don Carlo, Galop Guglielmo Tell
and further waltzes and cotillon

Participation by invitation
For information: pisa@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650

Società di Danza - Circolo Pisano

Scottish Country Dance

Presentation of Scottish Country Dance
Saturday 6 July 2019,
in Barbaricina in Festa

Società di Danza - Circolo Pisano

Scottish Country Dance

Presentation of Scottish Country Dance
and animation

Wednesday 11 July 2019,
in Festa Sarda, Uliveto, Pisa

logo.gif logo.gif logo.gif
Comune di Pisa
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
invites you to

Spring Scottish Dance
Spring traditional social dances
Saturday 13 April 2019, from h. 17.30
Ponte di Mezzo
Scottish country dances
Demonstration and animation

by Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Affiliated group logo.gif

In 'Fior di Città', Pisa in Fiore, IXedizione

Società di Danza - Circolo Pisano
logo.gif June in Dance - Open dancing evenings
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza invites you to open dancing evenings of
19th century social dance and Scottish country dance

Come and dance with us!

7 - 13 - 21 June 2019, from 21

Pisa, Sala Prove or Terrazza Coperta
Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Summer Party
in the last open dancing eventing
Friday 21 June 2019
h. 21
Leopolda, Terrazza
Piazza Guerrazzi 1, Pisa

To concludere the year
of activities
Self prganized buffet

logo.gif    Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Carnival Party

22 February 2019, Pisa
h. 20.30
Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A
Suggested theme: 'Stars and Constellations'
Election of the best masks

Spanish Waltz, March Fatinitza, St John's Rant, Quadrille Charivari 1-2, The Ambassador's Reel,
Waltz Simpaty, Contraddanza I Martiri, Quadrille 'Lo Zingaro Barone' 1-2, Waltz Morning Star,
It Should be fun, Waltz 'Divertimenti Carnevaleschi', Festival Interceltique,
and more on demand and surprise!

Information - pisa@societadidanza.it

Christmas dance
Dancing evening in red!

21 December 2018, h. 20.15
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa

logo.gif Saint Andrew's Night
Scottish country Dance
Scottish Party
30 November 2018, h. 20.30
Sala Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A,

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
is affiliated to National Federation Società di Danza
and it has been an affiliated group since 1997 to
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society logo.gif

Appropriate Scottish dress is welcome
Scottish Country Dance evening and not only...
Gibson's Gallopp, Pudsey's Bear, Pluto's Head, The Pele Tower*, A Scottish Jaunt, The Whistling Wind**,
And for the Young Ones, Bridge of Nairn*, A Ring of Friendship, Prince Edwards*, The Flight of the Falcon**,
Off to Speyside, The Music Makers*, The Blue loch, City lights**, Festival Interceltique
* Intermediate, ** Advanced - Extra on demand - Diagrams
Info: pisa@societadidanza.it

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Invitation to the dance: Dance with us!

Open dancing evening with 19th Century dance
and Scottish Country dance

Wednesday 26 September 2018, h. 20.30
Leopolda, Sala Prove, Piazza Guerrazzi 1, Pisa
We invite you to come and join the dance
the romantic 19th Century dances
ant the lively Scottish Country Dances
for the starting of the activities
Free entrance - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Tea Dances, Parties and Grand Ball in Pisa - 2018-2019

  • Scottish Party, 30.11.2018, St Andrew's Night,
    Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 213/A, Pisa, h. 20.30
  • Carnival Party, 22.2.2019,
    Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 213/A, Pisa, h. 20.30
  • Grand Ball 'della Seta', 28.4.2019, 19th Century Grand Ball
    Villa di Corliano, Via Statale Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h. 16
  • Summer Party, 21.6.2019,
    Terrazza Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1 , Pisa, h. 21

Activities year 2017 - 2018

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2017-2018 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa from October 2017 to June 2018 at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) and M. L. Fava (Leopolda, for beginners).
Two cycles of classes of four months. 1st course: 1.10.2017-31.1.2018, 2nd course: 1.2-8.6.2018.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, stages and seminars, specific seminars of renaissance dance and eary 19th century dance, grand balls and tea dances.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by Società di Danza,
joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars including:
Some activities 2017 - 2018

Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano


Comune di San Giuliano Terme

Comune di Pisa

Grand Ball 'della Seta'
IV Edition

Sunday 3 June 2018, h. 16
Villa della Seta di Corliano

S.S. Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa
   Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca
Reconstruction of a 19th Century Grand Ball with social dance of European tradition
Dances are are rebuilt on the basis of the study of the 19th Century dance manuals of the best European dancing masters.
Dress code for the dancers: 19th century ball dress, romantic period. Quadrille, controdance, Waltz, Mazurka, French Polka, March, Galop.
Patronage of Comune di S. Giuliano Terme and Comune di Pisa

Information on Villa di Corliano.
Villa of Corliano is recognized as one of the most prestigious Renaissance villas in Tuscany. Villa di Corliano is of the 15th Century,
the exterior is decorated with graffiti dating back 1500 and which are typical of Florentine Mannerist Art.
Inside the salons of the Villa frescoes by Andrea Boscolo (1592) and Nicola Matraini (1750) can be admired.
Villa di Corliano belongs to Agostini Venerosi della Seta family since 1536.
Villa Agostini is part of a larger monumental complex composed of a Chapel, a Farmhouse
(designed by Ignazio Pellegrini in 1755), an oil Mill, a Kaffeehaus.
The Villa has a huge charming Park of about three hectares with some secular plants and which is enclosed within the Villa's walls.

Dance program: Spanish Waltz, Kossuth March, Quadrille The Lancers, Waltz 'della Repubblica Ligure',
Contraddanza 'Guglielmo Tell', Waltz Country Dance, Quadrille 'Duca d'Aosta',
Tanzlust Waltz, The Auld Grey Cat, Caroussel March, Sophien Quadrille,
Mazurka Greetings from Austria, Contraddanza 'La Favorita', Flowers' Waltz, Galop
and further waltzes and cotillon
Participation by invitation

For information: pisa@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650

Società di Danza - Circolo Pisano
logo.gif June in Dance - Open dancing evenings
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza invites you to open dancing evenings of
19th century social dance and Scottish country dance

Come and dance with us!

19 - 22 - 27 June 2018, from 21
Pisa, Terrazza Coperta
Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it


'Scene di danza dell'Ottocento'
(Dance scenes from a 19th Century ball)

by Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Friday 25 may 2018
Gipsoteca di Arte Antica
Piazza S. Paolo all'Orto, Pisa
On the occasion of the presentation of the book
'La tragica storia della contessa Lara' - Amori e delitto dall'Ottocento, by Renzo Castelli,
organized by association Dannunziana,
from 16.30 at the Gipsoteca di Arte Antica a Pisa,
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza presents some 'Scenes of a 19th Cnetury ball'.
Dancers in period ball dress recreate the dance atmosphere of society like in a 19th Century ball.
The book deals with chronicles of life from the 19th Century, and a biography of Eva Cattermole, a famous writer, poet, 19th Century journalist, known by the pseudonym of 'Contessa Lara'
contessa lara

logo.gif logo.gif logo.gif
Comune di Pisa
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
invites you to

Spring Scottish Dance
Spring traditional social dances
Saturday 14 April 2018, h. 16 and h. 17
Ponte di Mezzo
Scottish country dances
Demonstration and animation

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Affilited group logo.gif

In 'Fior di Città', Pisa in Fiore, 9th edition

19th Century Dance
in 'Notte in Blu' (Blue Night)
19th Century dance by
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
16 December 2017
Largo Ciro Menotti, h. 19
pisa in blu
evening of music, entertainment, dance, culture, art in the Christmas atmosphere, organized by Confesercenti Toscana Nord, Pisa Viva Consortium, with the Comune of Pisa and others and with the collaboration of the Fondazione Teatro Verdi of Pisa

'Dancing Verdi'
Preview of 19th Century Dances
on Verdi's music
by Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
12 November 2017
Teatro Verdi, Teatro di Pisa
A tribute to G. Verdi for 150 years of Teatro Verdi
before the opera 'Il Trovatore'
with Società di Danza dancers from Pisa, Livorno, Firenze e Lucca

logo.gif   > Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
"A dance with Jane Austen"
Early 19th Century Dance

Saturday 30 September 2017
h. 11.30
Royal Victoria Hotel
Società di Danza presents some dances of early 19th Century, as in J. Austen's time, in the event 'Jane Austen Grand Tour'
Jane Austen a Pisa - 'Pride and Prejudice'
organized by JASIT, Jane Austen Society of Italy
for the bicentenary of the death of J. Austen

Entrance upon reservation - Information: JASIT

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Carnival Party
9 February 2018, h. 20.30
Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A
Suggested theme: 'Goood and bad heroes in literature'
Elcction of the best gentlemen, lady and absolute mask

Some photos
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif Christmas dance
Special dancing evening in red!

22 December 2017, h. 20.15
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa

logo.gif Saint Andrew's Night
Scottish country Dance
24 November 2017, h. 20.30
Sala Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa (mappa)
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
is affiliated to National Federation Società di Danza
and it has been an affiliated group to Royal Scottish Country Dance Society for twenty years this year
Special evening of Scottish dances
(Appropriate Scottish dress is welcome)
The Loch Ness Monster Reel R
Cumberland Reel J
Alice's Request R
Findlay's Jig J
The Scotch Tangle R
Seann Truibhas Willichan S
The Ayr Promenade R
                  (and more...

St Bernard's Waltz W
Highland Fair J
The Spring Fling Reel R
A Scottish Jig J
The Dancing Bees R
Shadow J
Gibson's Gallop R
       ... surprise!)
Dances will be recapped
Extra and more dances

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Dance with us!

Open dancing evening with 19th Century dance of society
and Scottish Country dance

Wednesday 27 September 2017, h. 21.15
Leopolda, Sala Prove, Piazza Guerrazzi 1, Pisa

We invite you to come and join the dance
with the atmosphere of the romantic dances of the 19th Century
with joy of the Scottish contredanses
Free entrance - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Activities year 2016 - 2017

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2016-2017 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa from October 2016 to June 2017
at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) and M. L. Fava (Leopolda, for beginners).
Three cycles of classes of ten weeks. 1st course: 1.10 - 13.12.2016, 2nd course: 16.12.2016 -1 7.3.2017 and 3rd course: 18.3 - 30.5.2017.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, stages and seminars, specific seminars of renaissance dance and eary 19th century dance, grand balls and tea dances.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by Società di Danza,
joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars including:
Some activities 2016-2017

Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano


Comune di San Giuliano Terme

Comune di Pisa

Grand Ball 'della Seta'

Sunday 30 April 2017, h. 16
Villa della Seta di Corliano
S.S. Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa
   Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca

Some photos
Reconstruction of a 19th Century Grand Ball with social dance of European tradition
Dances are are rebuilt on the basis of the study of the 19th Century dance manuals of the best European dancing masters.
Dress code for the dancers: 19th century ball dress, romantic period. Quadrille, controdance, Waltz, Mazurka, French Polka, March, Galop.
Patronage of Comune di S. Giuliano Terme and Comune di Pisa

Information on Villa di Corliano.
Villa of Corliano is recognized as one of the most prestigious Renaissance villas in Tuscany. Villa di Corliano is of the 15th Century, the exterior is decorated with graffiti dating back 1500 and which are typical of Florentine Mannerist Art. Inside the salons of the Villa frescoes by Andrea Boscolo (1592) and Nicola Matraini (1750) can be admired.
Villa di Corliano belongs to Agostini Venerosi della Seta family since 1536.
Villa Agostini is part of a larger monumental complex composed of a Chapel, a Farmhouse (designed by Ignazio Pellegrini in 1755), an oil Mill, a Kaffeehaus.
The Villa has a huge charming Park of about three hectares with some secular plants and which is enclosed within the Villa's walls.

Dance program
Spanish Waltz, Contraddanza 'I Vespri Siciliani', March Hinterbrul, Quadrille 'La Figlia di Madame Angot', Mazurka 'Il Fiore Meraviglioso', Waltz Louis XV, March Vienna, Les Variétés Parisiennes, Waltz Simpaty, March Risorgimentale, Quadrille San Pietroburgo, Waltz Artist's Life, Mazurka Flowers of May, Contraddanza 'Questa o Quella', Flowers' Waltz, Galop

Participation by invitation

For information: pisa@societadidanza.it - tel. 360 233650

logo.gif logo.gif logo.gif
Comune di Pisa
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
invites you to

Spring Scottish Dance
Spring traditional social dances
Saturday 8 April 2017
Ponte di Mezzo and Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Scottish country dances
Demonstration and animation

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Affilited group logo.gif

In 'Fior di Città', Pisa in Fiore, VIII edition - 'Green Night'

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

The Dance in the history of Pisa
(La Danza nella storia di Pisa)
Open lab of historical dance

Friday 24 March 2017, h. 17
Atrio di Palazzo Gambacorti, Piazza XX Settembre, Pisa

Capodanno Pisano
organized by Comune di Pisa
A short trip in the history of Pisa through the historical dance. An invitation to try historical social dance in a practical open workshop.
Free entrance - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza - Circolo Pisano
logo.gif June in Dance - Open dancing evenings
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza invites you to open dancing evenings of
19th century social dance and Scottish country dance
Come and dance with us!

14 - 21 - 22 June 2017, from 21
Pisa, Terrazza Coperta
Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

"Historical dances"
19th Century Dance

Wednesday 21 September 2016, h. 19
Villa di Corliano
Residenza d'Epoca
Free entrance
g.c. Agostini Venerosi della Seta Family
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif Come to dance!

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza organizes
An open dancing evening of 19th century dance,
Scottish country dance and ceilidh

Come and dance with us, try the social dances
and Scottish country dances

Thursday 22 September 2016, h. 21
Pisa, Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1
Information: tel. 360 233650 - pisa@societadidanza.it

Carnival Party
24 February 2017, Pisa
h. 20.30
Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A
Suggested theme: 'Balli nel Mondo' (Dances in the World)


Christmas dance
Special dancing evening in red!

16 December 2016, h. 20.15
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa

Saint Andrew's Night
Scottish country Dance
25 November 2016, h. 20.30
Sala Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa (
logo.gif logo.gif
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
is alffiliated to National Federation Società di Danza
and since 1997 is an affiliated group of della Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Special Scottish country dance evening
(Appropriate Scottish dress is welcome)
The Loch Ness Monster Reel R,
Watson's Reel J, Jenny Dang the Weavers R,
Cutty Sark J, The Bob of Fettercairn R,
The Greenmantle S, St Bernard's Waltz W,
The Fairbridge Reel R, A Jig for Mrs Dunn J,
Beeswing R, A Highland Welcome J,
Orpington Caledonians R, The Three Sheepskins J,
Festival Interceltique R
     (e altro...)
Dances will be recapped
Extra and more dances

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Feste e Balli 2016-2017

  • Scottish Party 25.11.2016, St Andrew's Night,
    Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 213/A, Pisa, h. 20.30

  • Carnival Party, 24.2.2017,
    Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 213/A, Pisa, h. 20.30

  • Grand Ball, 30.4.2017,
    Villa di Corliano, Via Statale Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h. 16

Activities year 2015 - 2016

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2015-2016 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa from October 2015 to June 2016
at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) and M. L. Fava (Leopolda, for beginners).
Three cycles of classes of ten weeks. 1st course: 1.10 - 13.12.2015, 2nd course: 18.12.2015 -1 6.3.2016 and 3rd course: 18.3 - 30.5.2016.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, stages and seminars, specific seminars of renaissance dance and eary 19th century dance, grand balls and tea dances.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by Società di Danza,
joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars including:
Some realized activities 2015-2016

Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano


Comune di Pisa

Grand Ball 'della Seta'

Sunday 1 May 2016, h. 16
Villa della Seta di Corliano
S.S. Abetone 50, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa
   Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca
19th century Grand Ball in the historical
Villa della Seta di Corliano
Quadrilles, contredances, waltzes, figured mazurkas
19th Century ball dress of the romantic period
Dance program
Spanish Waltz, Knit the pockey, March Varsavia, Quadrille Coulon, Mazurka Waldine, Waltz La Repubblica Ligure, Reel On, March 'dell'Unione', Waltz Tanzlust, Quadrille Le Polo, Pas de Trois, Mazurka Annina, Waltz La Gazza Ladra, Quadrille Barbablù, Waltz à la Paganini, Galop

Participation by invitation -Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif Danzando tra le righe
readings and dances
of the 19th Century

Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano
Pisa , Saturday 21 November 2014, h. 18.30
Teatro Rossi
Via Collegio Ricci, 1, corner Piazza Carrara, Pisa

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza and the Association Amici SMS Biblio Pisa
propose 19th century dances alternated with 19th century novels' readings

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza continues the project of social dance and 19th-century literature through an afternoon that leads us with some famous 19th-century novels and literary passages with references and citations to the art of social dance atmosfere, and the ball as an elected meeting place through the social art
Poster (pdf)
A collaboration with the association 'Amici SMS Biblio Pisa'
and T. R. A. of Pisa
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Dance of Risorgimento
Presentation of 19th century dance
Friday 25 September 2015, h. 18.30
Leopolda Storica, Sala Convegni, Piazza Guerrazzi 1, Pisa
A tribute to the history and the founding values of
the unitary spirit of the Italians,
through the art of social dance

by Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
in the event organized by association Esperia
11th edition of 'Festa della della Cultura Calabrese'
Program of 25.9.2015:
   ○   h. 17 - presentation of the book
       'Fuga e ritorno di un popolo' by F. Filareto
   ○   h. 18.30 - Dances of Risorgimento - Leopolda Storica
Waltz, quadrille, country dance, polka and marsch.
As metionend by the Filareto's book, the Calabria was also a land of Risorgimento. 19th century social dances bring the atmosphere of a Grand Ball,a special place, during the Risorgimento period, for the diffusion of the democratic and unitary ideas.
Free entrance
Furher info (in Italian) - Information:pisa@societadidanza.it
Poster: Dances of Risorgimento - 11a Festa della Cultura Calabrese

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Società di Danza
Comune di Pisa
Nella manifestazione Fior di Città - Pisa in Fiore, VII edition
il Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza vi invita a

Flowers of Edinburgh

Saturday 9 April 2016, h. 18
Largo Ciro Menotti
Presentation and animation of Scottish dcountry dances
Società di Danza presents some traditional Scottish Dances and they invites the public to try some simple Scottish country dances.
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza -is affiliated to Royal Scottish Country Dance Society di Edinburgh

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

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Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano
Comune di Pisa
Giugno Pisano
June in Dance - Open dancing evenings

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza invites you to
open dancing evenings of Scottish country dance
19th century social dance and animation dance
the best dances of the year courses
and dances for everyone!

Come and dance with us!

Friday 3 - 10 June 2016, from h. 21
Pisa, Terrace
Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1

in Giugno Pisano 2016 - Comune di Pisa
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

We are sorry to communicate that

Società di Danza
Cricolo Pisano
Comune di Pisa
Giugno Pisano
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza invites to

"Veleggiando in Valzer nell'Ottocento"
19th century dance

Wednesday 29 June 2016, h. 19
Villa di Corliano
Residenza d'Epoca
'Le Vele di S. Pietro'
On the occasion of the Feast for SS. Pietro and Paul
(patron of Corliano)

in "Giugno Pisano 2016" - Comune di Pisa
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

19th century dances
Waltz and more
Società di Danza dancers take part
with 19th century dances to the concert
'Casciana in Valzer'
Wednesday 20 July 2016, h. 21.15
Piazza Garibaldi, Casciana Terme
organized by Accademia G. Verdi di Casciana Terme
choreography and dancers of Società di Danza Circoli of Pisa and Lucca

Some dancers of Società di Danza di Lucca and Pisa
take part to 'La Vedova Allegra" by F. Lehár organized by
Accademia G. Verdi di Casciana Terme
Sunday 17 July 2016, h. 21.15
Piazza Garibaldi, Casciana Terme

Società di Danza - Circolo Pisano

Scottish Country Dance

Join us to dance
with the participation of all
reel, jig, strathspey...

Saturday 16 July 2016, h. 21,15

Free entrance - in the 'white night' organized by Pro Loco Migliarino

Carnival Party

5 February 2016, Pisa
h. 20.30
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A

'The dance names of 19th century and Scottish country dances
(from the Società di Danza repertoire)
See a name partial list and a complete list

Spanish Waltz, A ring of Friendship, Marcia dell'Arciduca Carlo, Quadrille I Corsari, Knit the Pockey, Waltz 'La Figlia del Reggimento', Mazurka Waldine, Quadrille Cagliostro, Waltz-Cotillon, Nice to See you, Waltz Coletta, March Fatinitza, Whiteadder Jig, French Quadrille (I-II), La Gazza Ladra, Galop
Extra: surprise!
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Christmas dance
Special dancing evening in red!

18 December 2015, h. 20.15
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa

Saint Andrew's Night
Scottish country Dance
27 November 2015, h.20.30
Sala Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa (mappa)
logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
is alffiliated to National Federation Società di Danza
and since 1997 is an affiliated group of Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Special Scottish country dance evening
(Appropriate Scottish dress is welcome)
Program: Dunnet Head, Antarctica Bound, Tap the Barrel, Waltz Country Dance, Tickle my Fancy, Davy's Locker, The Paisley Weavers, Come Under my Plaidie, Nice to see you, The Waratah Weaver, Bratach Bana, St Bernard's Waltz, Autumn in Appin, The Rutland Reel, It should be fun, Gibson's Gallop
(and more...)
Dances will be recapped - Extra and more dances

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Ball and Tea dances 2015-2016

  • Scottish Party 27.11.2015, St Andrew's Night,
    Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 213/A, Pisa, h. 20.30

  • Carnival Party, 5.2.2016,
    Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 213/A, Pisa, h. 20.30

  • Grand Ball 'della Seta', 1.5.2016
    Villa di Corliano, S. S. Abetone 40, S Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h.s 16

Activities year 2014 - 2015

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2014-2015 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa
from October 2014 to June 2015 at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced)
and M. L. Fava (Leopolda, for beginners). Three cycles of classes of ten weeks. 1st course: 1.10 - 20.12.2014, 2nd course: 7.1 - 14.3.2015 and 3rd course: 18.3 - 31.5.2015.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, stages and seminars, specific seminars of renaissance dance and eary 19th century dance, grand balls and tea dances.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by
Società di Danza, joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with
many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars including:

Some activities of year 2014-2015

Grand Balls and tea dance 2014-2015

Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano


Comune di San Giuliano Terme

Comune di Pisa
In Giugno Pisano
organized by Comune di Pisa

Gran Ballo della Seta

2 June 2015, h. 16

19th Century Grand Ball
Villa della Seta di Corliano
S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa

Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca

Program: Spanish Waltz, A Scottish Jig, Quadrille a night in Venice, Mazurka Simpatia, March Bacco, Waltz Principe Rodolfo, The Cranberry Tart, Hungarian March, Waltz Louis XV, Quadrille Dame, Mazurka Fata Morgana, La Gazza Ladra, High Road to Wigton, Quadrille I Duellanti, Flowers' Waltz , Galop

Participation by invitation - Information: pisa@societadidanza.it


Carnival Party

6 February 2015
h. 20.30
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A
'The Monuments'
Poster (pdf)

Spanish Waltz, A Reel for Jeannie, March Avant-garde, Quadrille Indra, Cumberland Reel, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Waltz-Cotillon, Quadrille Araldi, A Scottish Jig, Waltz Simpatia, March Giubileo, Mason's Apron, Waltz M.o Luigini, Galop - extra: Quadrille Lieder, on request ... or surprise!

Christmas dance
Dancing evening in red!

19 December 2014, h. 20.15
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa

Saint Andrew's Night
Scottish country Dance
Friday 28 November 2014, h. 20.30,
Sala Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A,
Pisa (map)
logo.gif The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza since 1997 is an
affiliated group of Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Special evening of Scottish dance
(Appropriate Scottish dress is welcome!)
Program: A Highland Welcome, The Loon Mountain Reel, Bill Clement MBE, Kelso Races, Friendship, The Whistling Wynd, A Scottish Jig, Long live the Queen, La Flora, Linnea's Strathspey, Miss Falconer's Fancy, The Duke of Perth, The Loch ness monster Reel
(and more...)
Dances will be recapped
Extra and more dances
Information: tel. 360 233650 - pisa@societadidanza.it

Birthday Ball

Sunday 9 November 2014, h. 15
Villa del Lupo, Via S. Giovanni 59, Arena Metato, Pisa
To celebrate
20 years
of Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Informationi pisa@societadidanza.it

Presentation evening - Pisa

Open dancing evening
Come to try 19th century dance and Scottish country dance!

Wednesday1 October 2014, h. 21.15
Leopolda, Sala Prove, Piazza Guerrazzi 1

Information: tel. 360 233650 - pisa@societadidanza.it

Ball and Tea dances 2014-2015

  • Birthday Ball 9.11.2014, Villa del Lupo,
    Arena Metato (Pi), h.15
  • Scottish Party - 28.11.2014, St Andrew's Night,
    Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 213/A, Pisa, h.20.30
  • Carnival Party - 6.2.2015,
    Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 213/A, Pisa, h.20.30
  • Grand Ball, Villa di Corliano, 2.6.2015
  • , h. 16

Seminars, workshops and events 2014-2015

logo.gif June in Dance - Open dancing evenings

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza invites you to
open dancing evenings of Scottish country dance
19th century social dance
and animation dance
the best dances of the year for who attended the courses and
dances for everyone! Come and dance with us!

Friday 5 - 12 - 19 June 2015, from h. 21
Pisa, Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1

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Comune di Pisa
In 'Fior di Città', Pisa in Fiore, VI Edition
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza invites you to

Social Dances and Scottish Country Dance

Saturday 11 April 2015, h. 18
Largo Ciro Menotti
Social dance of 19th century tradition and Scottish country dances
Lab, demonstration and animation

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

In Festival 450
organized by 'The English Theater Company' an Mixart

The Dance at the Shakespeare time
Saturday 18 October 2014, h. 17
Mixart, Via Bovio 11, Pisa

Workshop of the English dance at the Shalespeare time
English country dance and more.

Information and registration: The English Theater Company and Mixart
mail: theenglishtheatrecompany@gmail.com, info@mix-art.it

Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano
'Danzando tra le righe' - 19th century Ball
, 26 September 2014, h. 21
Leopolda Storica Piazza Guerrazzi 1

Nineteenth century readings,
and scenes from a 19th-century ball
in collaboration with the association
'Amici SMS Biblio Pisa'

Three national events of Federation Società di Danza
Federation Società di Danza
Special seminar
Sunday stage on 19th century dance, technique, history
Firenze, 7 December 2014
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica
in the cycle of national seminars and for the training teacher's course of Società di Danza
Information: info@societadidanza.it
23th Easter School

Activities year 2013 - 2014

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2013-2014 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa from October 2013 to June 2014
at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) and M. L. Fava (Leopolda, for beginners).
Three cycles of classes of ten weeks. 1st course: 1.10 - 20.12.2013, 2nd course: 8.1 - 14.3.2014 and 3rd course: 19.3 - 31.5.2014.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, stages and seminars, grand balls and tea dance.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by
Società di Danza, joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with
many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars including:

Events, seminars and activities year 2013-2014

Napoleonic Dances
Dances of early '800
by Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
July-August 2014
Isola d'Elba
in historical reconstruction events
10 July 2014 - Rio Marina
20 July 2014 - Porto Azzurro
7 August 2014 - Rio nell'Elba

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In Giugno Pisano organized by dal Comune di Pisa
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
in collaboration with Associazione Dimore Storiche - Delegazione Ville Pisane
Comune di Pisa
La Danza al tempo di Galileo
(The dance at the Galileo time)

Saturday 7 June 2014, h. 21
Villa Medicea dell'Ammiraglio, Arena Metato (Pi)
Friday 20 June 2014, from h. 17.30
Vila di Corliano, Giardino Segreto, g.c. Agostini Venerosi della Seta

An invitation to the Renaissance Italian and European dance: history, and practice
Presentation and practical lab to dance some simple renaissance dance of 16th-17th century.

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Quadri da un Ballo Ottocentesco
(Dance scenes of 19th century)

Monday 30 June 2014, h. 19
Villa di Corliano

On the occasion of the Feast
SS. Pietro and Paul (the patron of Corliano)

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19th century Waltz
27 June 2014
in the dance recital by Proscaenium
Teatro Verdi, Pisa

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

19th Century dance
Saturday 21 June 2014, h. 21.30
Teatro Comunale, Fauglia (Pisa)
in the event 'Lo Scudo'
organized by Comune di Fauglia

logo.gif Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Quadri da un Ballo dell'Ottocento in Villa
(19th century dance scenes in Villa)
Sunday 25 May 2014, h. 17
Villa Medicea dell'Ammiraglio
Arena Metato (Pi)
Dance scenes from a 19th century ball, in collaboration with ADSI
Associazione Dimore Storiche Toscana
in National Day of A.D.S.I.
"Cortili e giardini aperti" - XIX Edition (Open Gardens)

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Comune di Pisa
in 'Fior di Città', Pisa in Fiore
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza invites to

Social dance of 19th century and Scottish country dance
Flowers of Edinburg

Saturday 12 April 2014, h. 18
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
19th century tradition social dance and Scottish country dance
Lab and animation

Federation Società di Danza
Special seminar in Tuscany
Stage on Sunday to study practice and theory
of 19th century dances, their technique and their history
Firenze, 16 February 2014
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica
in the series of national special seminars of the
Società di Danza, organized in collaboration with Società di Danza groups in Tuscany

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif Come to dance!

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza organizes
Open dancing evenings of 19th century dance,
Scottish country dance and ceilidh

Come and dance with us, try the social dances
and Scottish country dances

Friday 20 September 2013, h. 21
Friday 27 September 2013, h. 21
Pisa, Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1
Information: tel. 360 233650 - pisa@societadidanza.it

Grand ball, Tea Dances and Parties year 2013-2014

Balls and Tea Dances 2013-2014
  • Scottish Party - 29 November 2013,
    St Andrew's Night, Sala Proscenium, Via Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa, h. 20.30
  • Christmas Grand Ball - 15 December 2013,
    Villa di Corliano, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h. 15.30
  • Carnival Tea dance - 21 February 2014
    Sala Proscenium, Via Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa, h. 20.30
  • Summer Party - 13 June 2014
    Garden of Circolo Ricreativo Arci S. Sisto, V. S. Sisto, Pisa, h. 20.30

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Christmas Grand Ball
VI Edition
Pisa, 15 December 2013
, h. 15.30
Reconstruction of a 19th century ball in the historical
Villa della Seta di Corliano

San Giuliano, Pisa
Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca
Participation by invitation

Summer Party
Friday 13 June 2014, from 20.30
Garden of Circolo Ricreativo Arci S. Sisto, Via S. Sisto, Pisa - Map
Open air party with social dance of European tradition,
and Scottish country dance

Contact to participate and information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Carnival Party

21 February 2014
h. 20.30
Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A

Suggested theme: "Idioms and proverbs"

Poster (pdf)
Spanish Waltz, It should be fun, March Parisienne, Quadrille Allegra,
Waltz Divertimento Carnevalesco, Highland Fair, March Washington Post,
Quadrille Annika (1-2-3), The Wandering Piper , Waltz Gaudente,
Mazurka Fata Morgana, Quadrille Orfeo (1-2),
Waltz Studen's Dream, Waltz Arlecchino, Galop

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Saint Andrew's Night
Scottish country Dance
Friday 29 November 2013, h. 20.30,
Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A,
logo.gif The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza since 1997 is
an affiliated group of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Special evening of Scottish dance
(appropriate dress is welcome)

Program: The Loch Ness Monster Reel, Jig to the Music, Sandy O'er the Lea, Cumberland Reel, Gloria's Wee Jig, The Abbotsford Lassies, Glagow Country Dance Medley, It should be fun, Les Plaisirs, John McAlpin, Dina Rogers, Peterhead lassies, The Scotch Circle, Andrew and Gordon's Jig, The Sandal, Riverside Jig
Dances will be recapped - Extra and more

Dancing afternoon
Sunday 27 October 2013, h. 15.30
Complesso S. Micheletto
Salone dell'Affresco, Via S. Micheletto 3, Lucca
An open dancing afternoon, informal tea dance:
we dance 19th century and Scottish dances
meeting the dancers of the other cities
a collaboration of Società di Danza Lucca, Pisa, Livorno e Viareggio

Information: 0583 953621 - lucca@societadidanza.it - map

Thanks to Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca for the collaboration

Activities year 2012 - 2013

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2012-2013 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa
from October 2012 to June 2013 at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo for three levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) and M. L. Fava (Leopolda, for beginners).
Three cycles of classes of ten weeks. 1st course: 1.10 - 16.12.2012, 2nd course: 9.1 - 19.3.2013 and 3rd course: 20.3 - 31.5.2013.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, stages and seminars, grand balls and tea dance.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by
Società di Danza, joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with
many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls, stage and seminars including:

Some recently realized events

Associazione Dimore Storiche
Delegazione Ville Pisane
Comune di San Giuliano Terme
Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano
Quadri di ballo nelle Ville del Lungomonte Pisano
(Dance scenes at the Ville of Lungomonte Pisano)

historical dance and guided tour to the historical villa
dance starts at 21, guided tour starts at 21.45
free entrance
in Settembre Sangiulianese
under the patronage of

The Delegazione Ville Pisane dell'Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane (ADSI)
in collaboration with the Cultural Association Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza,
proposes an events that joins the knowledge of the historical villas of Sangiuliano area
to the reconstruction of historical balls in the Villas of Lungomonte Pisano.
Poster 1, 2

7 September 2012 - Villa Medicea L'Ammiraglio
First 19th Century Ball
via Cavour 35, Arena Metato, tel.050.810505, www.villamediceaammiraglio.it

14 September 2012 - Villa Del Lupo
Scottish Ball
Villa Del Lupo via S.Giovanni, Arena Metato, tel. 050.811550, www.villadellupo.it

21 September 2012 - Villa di Corliano
18th Century social Dance
via statale Abetone 50, Rigoli, tel 050.818193, www.villacorliano.it

28 September 2012 - Villa Alta
Second 19th Century Ball
via statale Abetone 110, Rigoli, tel. 050.562327, www.villaalta.it

Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane - Delegazione Ville Pisane: adsi.toscana@virgilio.it
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza: pisa@societadidanza.it

19th century dance
by Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Sunday 16 June 2013, h. 20.30
Giardino dei Principi Scotto Corsini in Pisa
in Charity Grand Gala
in favor of humanitarian work in Namibia at the Luminara di San Ranieri
organized by the Embassy of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order
of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes to Malta at the Namibia Republic
under the patronage of the Delegation of the Order of Pisa

In the event:

152th Anniversary of Unification of Italy
Gran Ballo dell'Unità d'Italia

Foyer, Teatro Verdi, Sundat 17 March 2013, h. 11

In the celebration of the 152th anniversary of unification of Itlau the 'Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza' presents the 'Gran Ballo dell'Unità d'Italia', a reconstruction od a grand ball risorgimentale, like the patriots organized in the years from 1848 to 1860 to celebrate the victories of the Risorgimento. A tribute to the history and the values of the Italian unification, through a reconstruction af a grand ball of the Risorgimento.

Comune di Pisa
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The Museo della Grafica presents:

Quando a Pisa si ballava in vernacolo
(When Pisa danced in dialect)
Dances, sonnets and caricatures in Pisa in the 19th century

Museo della Grafica, Saturday 2 March 2013, h. 21

An evening of dance in the Pisa of 19th century,
with traditional social dance by Società di Danza and dialect "incursions" by Crocchio Goliardi Spensierati.
Dances, sonnets, cotillons e delicious caricatures animate the evening una serata suspended between the swirling
elegance of 19th-century salons and frank irony of unpredictable Pisa language.
Participation of:
Società di Danza
Circolo Pisano

The dancers of the Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
The actors of the Crocchio Goliardi Spensierati
Fondazione Cerratelli with the marvellous cotumes
Alessandro Panajia is Giuseppe Giusti

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the evening concludes with a taste of the chocolate factory De Bondt
it is possible to visit the exhibitions.
Poster (pdf), (jpg)

Participation by invitation, limited seats. Contact Museo della Grafica within 1/3.

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Comune di Pisa
In 'Fior di Città', Pisa in Fiore
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza presents

Social dance of 19th century and Scottish country dance

Saturday 23 March 2013, h. 16.30, Largo Ciro Menotti
Social dance of European 19th century tradition and Scottish Country Dance. Animation of social dance

logo.gif In the event Capodanno Pisano
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Comune di Pisa
Renaissance Dance

Saturday 23 March 2013, h. 21.30, Piazza della Berlina
Renaissance Italian and European dance

Napolenonic Dance
Dance of Early '800
by Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Sunday 4 May 2013, h. 18
Centro Culturale De Laugier
Portoferraio, Isola d'Elba
in the event organized by Soroptimist

19th Century Dance
Sunday 21 July 2013
Golf Club, Tirrenia
Scenes of 19th century social dance of European tradition

in collaboration with Golf Club di Tirrenia

Dance on Verdi's music
Saturday 27 July 2013
Bagno Perla, Tirrenia, h.21.30
Dance on the Music by G. Verdi
in the evening '200 anni Verdi', presentation of the book 'Teresa Stoltz' by F. Donatini. Music by Artificium.
in "Poltrone a sdraio narranti... 2013"
organized by Comune di Pisa and Felici Editore - "Marenia 2013"

Seminars 2012-2013

Etruria - IV edition
Stage on Sunday to study practice and theory
of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Pisa, 24 February 2013
h. 11-17
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica
in collaboration with the Circoli and groups of the Società di Danza
of center Italy

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Seminars of renaissance dance
Cycle of seminars Renaissance dance
Balli, bassadanze, branle, English country dance

Leopolda, Pisa
February-March 2013

Parties and balls 2012-2013

Tea dances and Balls 2012-2013

Balls and tea dances 2012-2013
  • Scottish Ball - 30 November 2012,
    St Andrew's Night, Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa, h. 20.30
  • Christmas Grand Ball - 16 December 2012
    Villa di Corliano, S. Giuliano Terme, Pisa, h. 16
  • Carnival Tea Dance - 8 February 2013,
    Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A, Pisa, h. 20.30
  • Summer Tea Dance - 28 June 2013,
    Circolo Ricreativo Arci S. Sisto, V. S. Sisto, Pisa, h. 19.30

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Christmas Grand Ball
V Edition
Pisa, 16 December 2012
, h. 16
Reconstruction of a 19th century ball in the historical
Villa della Seta di Corliano

San Giuliano, Pisa
Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca
Participation by invitation
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Saint Andrew's Night
Scottish country Dance

Friday 30 November 2012
h. 20.30

Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A,

logo.gif The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza since 1997 is
an affiliated group of the
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Special evening of Scottish dance

Program: Charlestown Chaser, The RAMC Rant, Balmoral Strathspey, Another Woodland Wander, Domino Five, The Brudenell Jig, The Missing Turn, Waratah Weaver, A reel for Jeannie, Miss Milligan Strathspey, Blue Bonnetes, Easy Peasy, Grenville Market, Festival Interceltique

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Carnival Tea Dance

8 February 2013
h. 20.30
Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza

Summer Tea Dance

Friday 28 June 2013, from 19.30
Circolo Ricreativo Arci S. Sisto, Via S. Sisto, Pisa - Map

Open air party with social dance of European tradition,
and Scottish country dance

Contact to participate and information: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif June in Dance

The Circolo Pisano dell Società di Danza organizes
Open dancing evenings of 19th century dance,
Scottish country dance and ceilidh

Friday 14 June 2013
Thursday 20 June 2013
h. 21
Pisa, Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1

Activities year 2011 - 2012

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, in the year 2011-2012 held courses of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa
from October 2011 to June 2012 at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo
for three levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) and M. L. Fava (Leopolda, for beginners). Three cycles of classes of ten weeks.
The Circolo Pisano realized events, reconstruction of 19th century balls, stages and seminars, grand balls and tea dance.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by
Società di Danza, joined the national project of the Società di Danza that has been realized with
many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls including:

Grand balls, seminars, events 2011-2012

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Società di Danza
Quadri di un ballo dell'Ottocento a Palazzo Blu
(Dance scenes from the Nineteenth-century at Palazzo Blu)

Pisa, Palazzo Blu
Saturday 23 June 2012, h. 21-23
in 'Giugno Pisano' organized by Comune di Pisa

Scenes from a Nineteenth-Century ball in the historic Palazzo Blu
Social dance of European tradition of the romantic period
Waltz, quadrille, March, contredanse and mazurka
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Piano: Daniela Freschi
Some photos
Further information -
For information: Palazzo Blu : www.palazzoblu.it - Società di Danza: pisa@societadidanza.it

Etruria - III edition
Stage on Sunday to study practice and theory
of 19th century dances, their technique and their history.
Pisa, 26 February 2012
h. 11-17
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A (map)
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica
in collaboration with the Circoli and groups of the Società di Danza
di Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Roma and Viareggio

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

19th century dance
8 August 2012
Bagno Perla, Tirrenia, h. 21.00
Dances fro the Risorgimento
in the evening of presentation of the book
"Profili femminili, pisane illustri tra sette e ottocento" by A. Panajia
in"Poltrone a sdraio narranti"
Meeting, music, events in the Litorale Pisano

organized by Comune di Pisa and Felici Edition - "Marenia 2012"

The flower of social dance

Giardino Scotto, Pisa
In Pisa in Fiore

Saturday 21 April 2012, h. 16.30

Social dance of 19th century tradition

The cultural association Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza organizes the
Christmas Gran Ball
4th Edition
, 18 December 2011
Reconstruction of a XIX century ball
with social dances of European tradition
in XIX century dress (romantic period).
In the historical Villa della Seta di Corliano

San Giuliano, Pisa
Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca, "All'Ussero di Corliano"
Participation by invitation.
Program: Spanish Waltz, New Caledonia Jig, Quadrille Indra, March Varsavia, Mazurka Annina,
Waltz Tanzlust, Quadrille Arlecchino, March Camelie Waltz Morning Star, Cindarella,
Waltz à la Paganini, Pas de Trois, Quadrille Wiener Carnival, La Tempête, Waltz Rinka, Galop,... and other
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Società di Danza
Ball Risorgimentale

Centro Espositivo Museale SMS
di San Michele degli Scalzi
29 October 2011
h. 18
in the exhibition
'Pisa unita nele arti. Un profilo di città
Amici dei Musei e Monumenti Pisani

Grand Ball Risorgimentale

in 'Corso Italia In Festa'

20 October 2011, h. 18.30
Logge dei Banchi

19th century dance with the music by Verdi and Strauss

in the event organized by
Comune di Pisa

for the visit of the
President of the Italian Republic
opening of Domus Mazziniana and Corso Italia

Fioriscono le idee

Stazione Leopolda- Festival delle associazioni III edition
We invite to

Danze dell'Ottocento
dances from a 19th century ball
and after the dance, everyone will be invited to try
social dance of 19th century European tradition

Saturday 24 September 2011, h. 17
Leopolda Storica, Piazza Guerrazzi

Information: tel. 360 233650 - pisa@societadidanza.it

A tempo di reel...
Scottish Dances

Saturday 1 October 2011, h. 17
Leopolda Storica, Stazione Leopolda
In Dolcemente 2011

Tea dance and Balls 2011-2012

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

logo.gif Summer Party

Open air tea dance with 19th century social dances
and Scottish dances
Friday 6 July 2012, from h. 17.30
S. Rossore, La Sterpaia
Further information
Circolo Pisano in collaboration with Circolo Livornese

Carnival Tea Dance

24 February 2012
h. 20.30
Scuola Proscaenium
V. Fiorentina 216/A

Waiting for.. Saint Andrew's Night
Saturday 26 November 2011
h. 21
Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi 1

Special evening of Scottish dance

Presentation evening
Wednesday 5 October 2011, h. 21.15-23
Leopolda, Sala Prove, Piazza Guerrazzi 1
Scottish dance and 19th century dance
Open dancing evening - open class for beginners

Activities of the year 2010 - 2011

The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza, directed by S. Balsamo, realized several events, grand balls, 19th century dance reconstruction,
dance of the Risorgimento for the celebration of the 150 years of unification of Italy,
tea dances, Scottish balls and parties, seminars of Scottish dance and of 19th century dance, dance demonstrations and animation.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza held courses
of 19th century dance and Scottish country dance in Pisa from October 2010 to June 2011
at the Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/a, teacher S. Balsamo
for three levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced). Some classes and seminars were held at the Leopolda.
Three cycles of classes of ten weeks with social dance of 19th century tradition and Scottish country dance.
1st course: 1.10-15.12.2010, 2nd course: 7.1-14.3.2011, 3rd courses: 15.3-31.5.2011.
The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participated to important national and international events organized by
Società di Danza, joined the national project of the Società di Danza on Grand Ball Risorgimentali that has been realized with
many events of grand ball reconstruction all over Italy and Europe.
It attended several grand balls including:

Events and Grand Balls 2010-2011

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Società di Danza

Grand Ball of Unità d'Italia

Friday 24 June 2011
Piazza dei Cavalieri, h. 18
in 'Giugno Pisano' organized by Comune di Pisa

for 150 years of the Unità d'Italia
Reconstrution of a 19th century ball
Quadrille, waltz, mazurka, March and contredance
in 19th century dress

The dancers of Società di Danza, in nineteenth-century ball gown, dancing according to the style of the masters of time quadrille, contredaces, waltzes, mazurkas, marches, and galop. The dances are reconstructed based on the study of the manuals of the nineteenth century European dance, and performed on music by Verdi and Strauss.
The Grand Ball of the Unification of Italy celebrates the anniversary of 150 years of the Unification of Italy, with a tribute to the history and founding valuesof the unifying spirit of the Italians. The ball reconstructs the atmosphere of nineteenth-century dance, as they were organized in Italy by the patriots and citizens in the celebrations of the successes and achievements of the Risorgimento fight.

Program: March, Spanish Waltz, Quadrille a night in Venice, Cumberland Reel,
Waltz à la Paganini, Mazurka Fata Morgana, Marach Caroussel, Waltz Acquerelli,
Quadrille by M.o Dun, Pas de Trois, Waltz Rinka, Galop

Gran Ballo Risorgimentale

Piazza del Duomo
2 June 2011
h. 18

The Flowers of 19th century dance

Giardino Scotto, Pisa
In Pisa in Fiore

2 April 2011, h. 16

Demonstration of 19th century social dance

Waltz of the Flowers, Mazurka Fiori Rosso, Flowers of Edinburgh, Waltz Roses of the South, Mazurka Flowers of May,
Waltz Rose di Petrin, Mazurka the Marvellous Flower, Bouquet Galop.

The choreography are reconstructed based on the study of dance manuals of the nineteenth century
according to the study of research and reconstruction of the Società di Danza

Historical Ball
Pisa, Logge dei Banchi
25 March 2011

Historical 19th century dance
for the 'Pisa New Year' (Capodanno Pisano)

organized by Comune di Pisa

Danze Risorgimentali

in 'Notte bianca, rossa e Verdi'
16 March 2011
Teatro Verdi - Pisa

promoted and organized by Prefettura di Pisa, Comune di Pisa and Fondazione Teatro di Pisa
for the 150-th anniversary of the united Italy

For the anniversary of the 150 years of the United Italy the
Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza participates in the 'Notte bianca, rossa e Verdi'
with the reconstruction of dances by a dance to celebrate the event
as took place in many Italian cities in 1861.
The dances of the nineteenth century, philological rebuilded,
will be accompanied by music drawn from the most famous works of G. Verdi.

19th Century Dances
S. Giuliano Terme (Pi)
5 March 2011
Dinner and historical dance
in the former residence of Granduca of Tuscany
to relive the splendor and elegance 19th century

organized by Fondazione Cerratelli, Bagni di Pisa, Comune di S. Giuliano Terme

The cultural association Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza organizes the
Christmas Gran Ball
Pisa, 19 December 2010
Reconstruction of a XIX century ball
with social dances of European tradition
in XIX century dress (romantic period).
In the historical Villa della Seta di Corliano

San Giuliano, Pisa
Relais dell'Ussero, Residenza d'Epoca, "All'Ussero di Corliano"
Participation by invitation.
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Seminars, stages and parties 2010-2011

Etruria - II edition
Stages on Sunday to study practice and theory of 19th century dances,
their technique and their history.
Pisa, 20 February 2011
h. 11-18
Teacher: Fabio Mòllica
in collaboration with the Circoli and groups of the Società di Danza
di Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Roma and Viareggio

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

The cultural association Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza organizes
Special class
of Scottish Dance

26 November 2010
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A

(in the course

of 19th century dance and Scottish dance
for the associates of Società di Danza)
20.15-21.45 beginners
21.45-22.30 inermediate
22.30-23.15 advanced
Stage on
Scottish dance

27 November 2010
Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A

15-16.45 Intermediate
16.45-17.15 tea break
17.15-19 Advanced
logo.gif Teacher: Helen Russell, RSCDS
(Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, Edinburgh, Scotland

logo.gif The Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza from 1997 is an affiliated group of the R.S.C.D.S.
and promotes the study, practice and diffusion of Scottish dance and music according to the style and techniques of the R.S.C.D.S.,
within the system of social dance of Nineteenth century European tradition promoted by the Società di Danza
Information: pisa@societadidanza.it
Scottish Party
(Waiting for) St. Andrew's Night

Saturday 27 November 2010
h. 20

Scuola Proscaenium, V. Fiorentina 216/A

Informazioni: pisa@societadidanza.it

Summer Party

Open air tea dance wth 19th century social dances
and Scottish dances

Thursday 30 June 2011, from h. 20
La Carraia, S.Pietro a Grado

Circolo Pisano in collaboration with Circolo Livornese

Balls and tea dances 2010-2011

  • Scottish Party - 27 November 2010, h.20
  • Christmas Grand Ball - 19 December 2010, Villa di Corliano, h. 16
  • Carnival Party - 26 February 2011, Lucca
  • Gran Ballo of the Unità d'Italia - 24 June 2011, Pisa, h.18
  • Summer Tea Dance - 30 June 2011, La Carraia, S. Pietro a Grado, h. 20

Information: pisa@societadidanza.it

Festa di Presentazione

Open dancing evening, presentation of the activities

Come and join us, come and try the
19th century dance and he Scottish country dance

Friday 24 September 2010, h. 21
Stazione Leopolda, Piazza Guerrazzi

Leopolda in festa - Fioriscono le idee

Stazione Leopolda
Festival delle associazioni
Saturday 18 September 2010
h. 18 - Come and join us to dance
Scottish Country Dance
Demonstration and animation of Scottish dances

Scottish Dances
Demonstration and animation of Scottish country dances

Saturday 2 October 2010, h. 17
Leopolda Storica, Stazione Leopolda, Pisa
In Dolcemente

Dances of society
nella 'Festa di Capodanno'

Friday 31 December 2010
Leopolda Storica, Stazione Leopolda, Pisa

Scottish dance

Friday 1/7 h. 21-23 - Friday 8/7 h. 20.30-23
Stazione Leopolda, Pisa

Activities of year 2009 - 2010
Past activities: 2009-2010 | 2008-2009 | 2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000 | 1994-1999
Contact the Circolo Pisano della Società di Danza
Weekly classes , Seminars , Balls and Tea Dances , Special Events

[ Società di Danza Home Page: about: - contact - classes - schools - balls - books - realized events - congresses - picture Gallery |local album |Circolo Livornese | Dance links ]
Last Updated: March 2024 - pisa@societadidanza.it